Words that hurt

the date

Words simple words that hurt. Misery, Emo, reject. So many words that hurt but there’s always one that hurts me the most…alone. I am alone but I don’t want to admit it. I’m alone at school and my mom isn’t around long enough to be happy at home. The same old story, No mom to spend time with, no love, no anything.

A girl walked slowly down the drenched pavement her long black hair stuck to her face. As other girls walked happily down the road with there sweethearts and friends.

“How come I can’t have that?” be happy because you wont get another chance at life. All of my counselors say that. But the only time it meant anything was when Gerard way said it to me. it was my 17th birthday. All I ever wanted was to meet them. And sure enough there I was screaming as loud as I could my mother smiling because it was the first time I had smiled sense I was 5. Ever sense my father died. I had a backstage pass and I was going to meet them! It was time to meet them and I was ready. As the 22-year-old Gerard walked up to me and said hello, my eyes fixed on him and nothing else. I lifted my hand up to shake his and he saw it…the only thing I have ever hidden, the cuts going down my arm halfway concealed by a torn sleeve.

“Are you depressed?”
He whispered in my ear as he started to hand me my autographed picture. A chill went up my back having him that close to me.

“Um…just a little.”
“I not going to tell you I understand but I will say that I’ve been down that road…” he said showing me a arm of long scars. “And when I saw the people falling out of that building on 9/11 I opened my eyes to the things around me instead of only paying attention to what’s inside.” he paused and looked deep into my auburn eyes. “Be happy with the time you have on this world. I looked into his eyes and saw how serious he was. Then it hit me like a two-ton slab of rock. I actually cared about him and what he said. I think I love him.

Seeing what I was thinking he leaned down and kissed my check and said
“I think I love you too.”
All I could think was how soft his lips were and how comforting his breathe so near to my neck was. Yet, stunned at what he said I looked up at him. He stood there waiting for a response then said something. The three words I heard him say was “date with me.”
“…. Of…. pick me up at 6:00?”
He smirked and nodded as his band mates yelled his name just barley getting through to him
“By the way my name is chastity.”
“beautiful name.”
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Ok tell me if you think I should go on!!!! and umm i really hope you like it!!!!