Sequel: Trembling Hands
Status: working on the sequel lovers <3

Waiting for a Breaking Heart

The Girls a Straight-Up Hustler

“Lorraine! Get up! It’s your last year!” I groaned as my mother’s voice ran shrilly through the house.

I was the youngest of four; you could say she’s had a lot of practice at making her voice the right pitch to get kids out of bed. I was also the last kid in the house so all her attention was focused on me.

As a senior in high school she suddenly expected me to know everything about my future. What I was going to do with my life? Who was going to be my year long boyfriend and end up as my husband? How many children will I have? How he was going to make enough money to support all of us?

It wasn’t so much that she wanted to know. She had all the answers picked out for me. I was to go onto college for photography, in Maryland. Then I’d be found and be a famous photographer for famous stars. This was all while my high school sweetheart was making it big in his band. Then he’d come home from tour, sweep me off my feet and propose. We’d have three kids and never have to worry about money because he’s so famous.

She was a little loony. Oops did I say a little? I meant completely off her rocker. I’m assuming this was her greatest fantasy. Too bad she only ended up with a record producer making bank. No, he wasn’t my actual father, that being the reason I say that with disdain.

Want to hear the craziest part? That famous band boy I’m supposed to fall in love with is Alex. Alex motherfucking Gaskarth. I couldn’t stand the guy. He picked at my every nerve. I only put up with him because the best person in either of our lives loved him. Platonic of course; like a brother. As much fun as we poked at them, they were not the cutest gay couple that the world would ever see.

Back to reality. “Lorraine! How many times do I have to tell you to get up?”

I growled at my mother as she took my blankets. “Well the count is at zero currently. You’ve only screamed at me so far,” I grumbled throwing my arms over my head.

I heard my mom storm out of my room and mutter something. Little did I know it was her talking to someone. That someone was fully prepared for my lack of willing to get out of bed.

Soon my bed started shaking violently and giggling filled the room. That someone was bouncing on my bed, skillfully not stepping on my curled up form.

“Fuck off Barakat!” I shouted grabbing a pillow and chucking it at where I assumed he was.

“Not a chance Burdett!” He shouted right back at me. I could feel him bounce down to his knees and get real close to my face. Soon his tongue slid across my cheek.

I jerked away and my eyes shot open. The sudden movement sent me off the bed. I prepared to hit the floor, but instead fell into a pair of arms like they were expecting this.

“Fuck both you assholes. Especially you Gaskank, lemme go!” I shouted flailing in his grip.

“Sorry Burden, no can do. I’m on strict orders.” His arms wrapped further around my waist and threw me over his shoulder. “Nice shorts; can you even fit underwear under those?” He asked obviously looking at my ass.

“You’re the biggest prick I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting,” I growled throwing my best punches at his back.

“And you’re the most mannered princess I’ve ever had the delight of being introduced to,” He responded with that cocky tone he always spoke in. “Jack you wanna help me with Ms. Good morning world?”

The familiar chuckle of my favorite person in the world came closer and lifted me from Alex’s shoulder. He carried me with my legs wrapped around his waist and his arms around my back. I snuggled into his chest taking in his smell. “What are you doing?” He asked laughing again.

“Smelling you,” I responded taking in another breath. “Trying to forget that awful moment,” I whined clinging onto my best friend.

We walked down the hall as I glared daggers at Alex. He simply tangled his hand in the back of his hair and gave me a smug smile.

“Alrighty the Jack train has come to a stop and it’s time for Shanabanana to take her shower and show the world her gorgeous face.” Jack pinched my cheek and exited the room.
I groaned and started my morning routine.

“Why does she act like that?”

“Man, hell if I know. Who honestly understands girls?”

Someone groaned and stood up from what sounded like my bed.

I waited around the corner for another second before entering my room. I was kind of upset I didn’t have any clue about that conversation between the boys. The voices were muffled so much I couldn’t make out who said what.

Letting another moment pass I entered my brightly painted and decorated room. Jack had sprawled out over my bed. Alex was standing, looking through my CD collection; though I was sure he knew everyone by now. The dark haired boy tucked his hands into his pockets and turned a little bit.

Shock filled his face when he saw me. “Shana why are you only in a towel?” He exclaimed fumbling over his words for once in his life

I put my hand on my towel clad him and gave the both of them stern looks. “Because you idiots threw me in the bathroom and didn’t give me any clothes. So I just did my hair and makeup and figured I’d get dressed after.” I started going through the clothes in my walk-in closet.

I shut the door so I could throw the towel to the ground. I slipped on a pair of red boy shorts and a bra with monsters painted on the cups. I was sort of a designer and I thought it would be funny. A pair of white skinny jeans caught my eye. I put them on along with a purple studded belt.

Knowing the shirt I wanted was sitting on my desk in my room; I sighed and moved towards the door. I walked out of the closet wearing my bra and jeans. Jack started laughing hysterically as I nodded and hastily grabbed the shirt.

Throwing on the clothing I turned so both of the boys could see it. Alex’s shocked faced turned to a smile. Jack began applauding with his goofy childish grin. I took a look down at myself and bowed.

I’d finished the shirt last night. One side was off the shoulder with a loose sleeve and the other had straps to hold it up. It was loose fitting in the front and bunchy against my back. The design on the shirt had ALL TIME LOW written out in purple letters. Under that it said ‘We’re the hometown heroes’ in a lighter purple. The shirt was black. I made it to go specifically with my jeans and belt.

“Banana, you’re the best!” Jack exclaimed attacking me with a bear hug.

I giggled and sat down on my bed. “Good! Then you won’t mind getting my socks and purple vans.” I said crossing my arms with a wide smile.

Jack ruffled my hair and went into my closet. He came out with a black sock and a blue one. I even got him to put the sock on my feet for me. Alex had found my Vans next to my desk and simply dropped them at my feet.

I looked up at him mildly shaken from the sudden noise against the wood floor. I turned away quickly and put my shoes on as Jack began to jump on the bed again. I never knew why, but I could get anyone to do anything for me. Anyone except Alex.

It’s probably because we’re both players. Both users and abusers. Alex a tad bit less than I. He never set out to hurt someone, along the way he just realized he would. I on the other hand would put planning into bending someone to my will and shut them down when it would hurt most. I was a terrible flawed person.

“Banana I really think you should eat something.” Jack tapped Alex’s shoulder as he was driving. “Dude pull into Macky D’s? We’re running early.”

“I’m not hungry. Don’t Alex,” I demanded from the back seat of his Audi.

Jack turned to glare at me from the passenger seat. “Leeeex!” He whined giving him a puppy dog look.

The older male looked at me in the mirror and back at Jack. Both of us determined to get what we want. An irritated sigh escaped his lips. “There’s an apple and muffin my mom packed for me this morning. If you can get her to eat it, it’s yours.” Alex shrugged and turned to look back at the road as we pulled into the school lot.
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It's a little short for the first chapter...but! The next one is longer I assure you.
And it'll be much better
- Andi :]]