Sequel: Trembling Hands
Status: working on the sequel lovers <3

Waiting for a Breaking Heart


I walked into school alone today. My heeled boot clicked on the hard floors of the school. I was dressed in black skinny jeans and an off the shoulder grey shirt with a black flower blossoming from the lower corner. The necklace my papa gave me yesterday hung around my neck. I’d curled my dark hair this morning, not having such a rude awakening.

I pulled my bag further up my shoulder as I walked in my English class. Alex as always made some smart ass remark about my clothing and Kara shook her head as Rian laughed. Everything was back to normal. Just the way I liked it.

Well it was almost completely normal. Mark walked in, surprisingly looking worse than Alex. He had a legitimate black eye and had a bandage or two on his face. I had no idea Alex could do work like that. Then again, I’m fairly positive Rian was there with him.

Mark took a timid look towards Alex and me before turning around again quickly. A bit of guilt panged at my chest. I thought the worst of Alex yesterday when he was really just sticking up for me. I didn’t deserve it, yet he still did.

“Hey! Hey Lorraine!” The annoying voice of the girl that sat behind me in Physics sounded as she tapped my shoulder with her pencil. I could see Jack laughing across the room. We weren’t allowed to sit next to each other.

“Yes Ashley?” I asked turning around to see her. Her face lit up and she took the seat that was empty today next to me.

“I saw that fight yesterday! You’re so lucky to have Alex as your boyfriend!” She swooned obviously light headed at the sound of his name.

I raised my eyebrow at the blond. “Alex isn’t my boyfriend. We aren’t dating. We’re hardly friends.” I stated leaning back in my chair.

Her makeup covered face lit up even more when the words left my mouth. “Really? I just thought…so he’s single?” She asked with a hopeful voice.

I narrowed my eyes and a smirk formed on my glossed lips. “Yea…he’s single. We’ve actually been trying to find a girl for him. He seems like he has all the moves, but he’s actually pathetic with girls. Can’t keep ‘em around for the life of him.”

She giggled and twirled a piece of her long light colored hair. Oh this would be fun. “I’m sorry if this is a little off, but you and he would make a really cute couple.” I stated knowing exactly where I was going with this.

The skunk striped boy across the room caught my eye. He was giving me a look that said ‘whatever I was up to should be stopped’. I gave him an innocent look and went back to speaking with Ashley.

We spent the rest of the class period talking about Alex. While I subtly hinted that they would be great together and we should hang more.

Jack caught me out the door and wrapped an arm over my shoulder. “So…”

“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” I stated with a mischievous grin aimed at him.

“You look like you’re in trouble.” Alex lazily stated as he walked up to the both of us.

I blinked a couple times, fluttering my eyelashes. “Me? Nooo” Midsentence Ashley rushed up to us and grabbed the arm that wasn’t wrapped around Jack’s tiny waist. I turned to her as shocked as the boys.

“Lorraine! I agree we should totally hang out!” She squealed before not-so sneakily stealing a look at Alex.

Jack tightened his grip for a second. I shrugged him off and returned Ashley’s grip. “I know right? Come to lunch with me? We have so much to talk about!” I gave her a secretive wink, which I was surprised she got the meaning behind. “That’s okay with you guys right? I’ll only be leaving you for one day.”

Alex’s eyes were narrowed and confused. Jack looked highly suspicious but ruffled his duo toned hair. “Yea, whatevs Banana you’re a big girl. I trust you won’t get into trouble.” His voice was hinting at something different than what he was saying.

I rolled my eyes and ran off with Ashley towards my car.


“Hey guys where’s Shana?” Kara asked looking towards Jack and I.

I shook my head and ran a hand through the hair falling over my face. Jack on the other hand began to talk with his mouth full of whatever he was eating. “She’s taking Ashley Terry out to lunch.” He explained with a shrug.

Rian began to laugh in disbelief. “She fucking hates that girl! What’s got into her?”

“Who knows, maybe she’s planning on taking her out to the lake and drowning her for talking to her today.” Jack responded before bringing his burger up to his face. Like it was instinct I hit the back of it so that ketchup smeared on his face.

My best friend turned to glare at me while the rest of the table began to laugh. “Hey man! Keep that away from me!” I backed from the childish smirk Jack now held.

“Aww Lex, you look hungry!” He stated coming after me with his squished burger.

Trying to fend him off, “Nah Jacky I already ate, I’m really good.” In a split second he put down the burger and kissed my cheek leaving all the junk on his face on my. “Thanks bro…” I said laughing and trying to find a napkin to wipe it off.

“Aww did he mess up your makeup Lexi?”

I think I might have cringed a little at the sound of her voice. Shana didn’t scare me, she was just another girl. I turned after everyone else to see the girl standing there with that smug look she always wore.

Alright, maybe she was more than just another girl. She was more like the she-devil. Everyone knows that’s worse than the devil himself. Women.

I was about to retort and probably start a fight as we usually did, but I noticed that blond she’d taken hostage. I didn’t know what she was up to, but I figured I should take this game into my own hands. I moved over a bit on the bench and shot her my best smile. “Hey Ashley, here come sit next to me.”


I’m going to kill myself. Seriously! I didn’t know if it was all worth it if I had to put up with Ashley. We’d just gotten back to the school after eating some salads down the street at some place she suggested. I don’t think she breathes; she just keeps talking and talking and talking!

I sighed in relief as we entered the cafeteria and she finally shut up. I watched as Jack attacked Alex for whatever reason he probably deserved. “Thanks bro…” I heard Alex mutter as we walked up.

“Aww did he mess up your makeup Lexi?” I asked placing a hand on my stuck out hip. So I was a little arrogant. Sue me.

Alex looked from me towards Ashley; looking like she was going to faint. He finished wiping his face of whatever it was and put on his signature sideways smirk. If you were a smart girl, you did not want to get that look.

“Hey Ashley, here come sit next to me.” Perfect.

“Jacky! I missed you!” I gushed running over to him. He turned and opened up his arms so I could throw myself into his lap.

“No you didn’t Banana you’re just saying that.” He pouted turning his still messy face away from me.

I laughed and grabbed a napkin from the table to clean him up. “You’re exactly like a child, you know that right?” He pouted some more and fought the cloth on his cheek. “Don’t ever change,” I said and kissed a part of his cheek that was clean.

The skunk haired boy began to smile again and happily let me wipe the ketchup from his face. “I wuv you Shanabanana!” He said rocking me back and forth in a hug.

A laugh passed my lips, “I wuv you too Jack-Attack!”

The rest of lunch was spent with a casual conversation. Casual for us meaning something completely ridiculous and not casual at all. And us meaning everyone except Alex and Ashley. He was playing his game, making her fall even more for his pretty face.
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What can I say? I'm an impatient person.
but whatevs man! fuck expectations! hahaha
Enjoy the chapter <33
- Andi :]]