Sequel: Trembling Hands
Status: working on the sequel lovers <3

Waiting for a Breaking Heart

Sick Little Games

I walked quickly towards the welcoming coffee shop in my vision. My black gloved hands held up the faux fur hood to my jacket as snow blew around all of our bodies.

A smile grew on my face as Jack took another lap around me, stopped to scoop up some snow and chuck it at Rian. Kara protested next to me the attack of her boyfriend.

I in turn threw some snow at the shorter girl next to me. She laughed and tried to retaliate.

“Dooon’t attack my Banana!” Jack screeched and hoisted me up and ran in circles from everyone. Multitudes of snow balls came our way. Only causing Jack to make more sporadic noises before finally entering the café.

The both of us ended up laughing hysterically leaning on each other for support. Kara and Rian joined us quickly and pushed us to where Alex and Ashley were already sitting.

We all squished into a booth together. I was put between Alex and Jack as always. Across from me was Kara, Rian and Ashley. Really I might have preferred sitting next to Ashley.

All of us that had just come in from the snow began to pull off our gloves and large jackets. I handed mine to Jack so he could hand it up on the outside of the booth. I pulled my hair forward so it hung over my shoulders.

“What do you want Banana?” Jack asked laying his head on my shoulder. I pondered the same thing not looking over the menu I’d memorized years ago.

“Jeebus guys! Are you dating yet?”

I closed my eyes for a second to ensure I wouldn’t snap at the blond. “No Ashley, Jack and I aren’t together.” I could see Alex snicker quietly. Earning him an elbow to the side. “Dick,” I whispered out of the corner of my mouth.

“Baby that’s not what you said last night,” Jack ‘whispered’ seductively taking my face in his hands. “Didn’t any of it mean anything to you?” He whimpered like a heartbroken girl.

“You’re just eating up this attention aren’t you?” I giggled moving to kiss his forehead and lean back against the cushion. Jack once again snuggled into me knowing that Ashley would probably make more comments. “You’re such a whore,” I told him jokingly.

The waiter came to take our orders.

“Oh! I want the monster burger with a coke! And she wants a BTL without the T, light on the mayo, the bacon a little floppy and a strawberry lemonade! Pleeaaase!” Jack had obviously scared the waiter a little bit. If I was that tiny girl I’d be afraid of him as well.

The rest of the table ordered. Alex of course telling Ashley to get whatever she wanted. Ashley of course ordering the smallest salad possible anyways.

It’d been a couple of weeks since I’d brought her over to our table. It soon began a normal thing for her to eat with us and occasionally hang out. Thankfully she hadn’t yet intruded on band practice.

“Jackery, how’d you know I wanted a BLT today?” I asked turning to him.

“And how’s you know all those ridiculous things about the sandwich?!” Ashley added interrupting the conversation.

“It’s Saturday, you always have a bacon craving on Saturday.” The majority of us broke out in laughter at that. The rest of our lunch was spent in laughter as well.

Alex put down his glass of water and turned to all of us at the table. “Everyone; phones out please. My parents left town today to take care of some business until Monday.”

A smile spread around the table. That was code for; text everyone, killer party tonight.

“Lorraine you don’t have to pretend to be text someone. We all know the only people that talk to you are sitting right here.” Alex’s arrogant voice came through my ears.

My phone clattered to the table before I turned to stare at him. “Excuse me?” I asked astonished he’d actually said that. “Jack move,” I demanded while picking up my phone. The lanky boy stood up and I quickly grabbed my coat and rushed from the café without bothering to put it on.

I was honestly temped to kick Alex’s car as I ran past it. I wasn’t petty though. When I got pay back, I got pay back. You could count on it hurting too. It wasn’t something simple; it was carefully planned and executed. I didn’t aim for physical damage. The worst pain anyone could ever feel was all in their head.

I knew I ran about seven minutes a park before I finally flopped down in the snow covered grass. I set my jacket down next to me as I looked out at the little pond I used to come to a lot as a kid.

Ha, as a kid. Who am I fucking kidding? I was still the biggest kid alive. Still playing stupid mind games with everyone I know. At this point I’m not sure who actually wanted to be around me and who I’d manipulated into it.

I sighed shaking my dark locks from my face.

“Hey girlie,” My jacket slipped over my shoulders before I was wrapped in an embrace.

“Hey Ri-Bear…” I mumbled vaguely audible.

“Jack told me to come find you while he yelled at Alex for being an ass.” The both of us stayed silent for a little while. “Something you want to talk about?”

I thought about it for a minute. “You like me for me…right?”

Rian laughed and knocked into me a bit. “I love you Shana. The real you. Not the one that constantly picks at Alex and has her brilliant mind playing some sort of game with Ashley.”

I groaned and let my head droop into my lap. “How’d I know you’d say that?”

“What was that?” He asked tapping me with his elbow.

I sat up straight and shot him a playful glare. “You heard me bitch.” The both of us laughed for a minute.

Rian stood up and held out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. “You’re not going to stop are you?” He asked as we walked casually back to the café.

“I didn’t even start that! He deserves it!” I retorted knowing Rian was giving me a disapproving look right now. He was typically the one that kept me out of too much trouble. He was the only one that really acknowledged that I played games with people.

“Alex loves you too you know. Just like the rest of us.” He stopped me and poked me in the chest. “I know somewhere in there you care for him too.”

I crossed my arms and continued walking. “Do not. I hold nothing but burning rage and contempt for him.” I argued with a slight smile pulling at the corner of my lips.

“That’s not true. Alex told us that you brought him cookies and spent two hours at his house after he got in that fight with Mark.”

“My mom made me.”

“He said it was nice. Just sitting there with you.” Rian said with a shrug as he held open the door for me.

I didn’t get the chance to walk through the door because Ashley came dashing out. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back away from everyone as they all exited the little shop.
“I’m so sorry Lorraine! I can’t believe Alex would say something like that to you! What do you want me to do?” She prattled off probably not even knowing all of what she was saying.

What do you want me to do? I had all the control over this girl. She was simple minded. “What do you mean?” I asked acting as if I didn’t know what she was talking about.

“About Alex!” She pushed her hair away from her face for a second. “If he can’t even be nice to his friends how will he treat his girlfriend?”

I smirked to myself. “No, Alex and I just have been having a rough patch. My fault really.” I put my hand on her shoulder and looked into her plain grey eyes. “Here’s what you do. At the party tonight you tell him how much he means to you and that you’d like to take the next step. But make sure that step is going steady, not something like sex.”

Ashley bit her lip as I finished my sentence. I could smack her really.

“You’ve already had sex with him?”

“Well no! Pretty much everything, but actual sex.”

I sighed, “Okay, well make sure he doesn’t get it. Without a secure title Alex will hit it and quit it. It’s not because he’s a jerk. He’s just scared of being hurt. He's had this fear of loving someone forever.”

I wondered if she could see me lying through my teeth.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I figured I had a pretty good rate going.
Posting every three hours you know.
Since I'm going back to school tomorrow and won't have as much time to write.
I figured I should put one more chapter up.
Lemme know how you feel about the story so far!
- Andi :]]