Sequel: Trembling Hands
Status: working on the sequel lovers <3

Waiting for a Breaking Heart

Running From Lions

“Fuck!” I shot up before what felt like a blow to the head knocked me back down on the soft bed.

A soft whine sounded beside me and the bed began to move as they stirred awake.

I closed my eyes and my head began shaking. The last thing I remembered was something obscure, like being pulled up stairs and into a room. There was lots of giggling. I opened my eyes to see Jack sitting up. “No…oh no. Jack!”

The sleepy boy ruffled his hair and opened his big puppy dog brown eyes. “Shanabanana?”
I pushed myself out of the bed as quickly as I could. “Oh my…oh god…oh no…” I looked down at myself quickly. I wasn’t wearing any of my own clothing. I could recognize them as Alex’s shirt and shorts. The room was Alex’s as well.

“Jaaack…” I whined miserably turning towards him. I could see the realization that hit me dawn on him. Jack moved towards me with his arms out for a comforting hug. I couldn’t let him touch me though. I felt sick.

Tears slid down my face as I ran from the room looking for someone, anyone really. “Hey, hey, Shana. Shana!” I ran into someone’s chest their arms wrapped around me to stop me from falling down. “Shana what’s wrong?”

All I could do was whimper and sink into whoever was my savior right now. I was too hysterical to make out their face or voice.

“Come here, it’s alright.” They led me down the hall to another room and sat me down on the bed. “Now tell me what’s wrong.” They began to wipe the tears falling from my eyes. I could finally see that it was Zack saving me again.

“Oh my gosh Zack!” I flung my arms around him and let the tears roll down harder.
Footsteps came towards the door, “Hey bro, your mom called my house. Sounds like you’re in trouble…what’s wrong with Shana?”

Zack unwrapped me from him and looked down at me. “I’m sorry I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later; you better tell me what happened okay?” I sniffled and he stood up. “Alex, talk to her?”
“Yea man, of course.” I heard Zack leave and Alex come sit next to me and pull me onto his lap. “Nice outfit, it looks really good on you.” He teased lightly. “Tell me what happened Shana.”

I tried to laugh at his joke, but it just sounded like a strange, muffled sob. I lifted my head a little to see his face, but ended up burying my face in his chest again. “Jack…and I.” I mumbled softly pulling my mouth away from his chest.

“I’m sure whatever stupid drunk thing Jack said or did he didn’t mean. You know Jack; he loves you more than anything.” Alex cooed running a hand through my tangled hair.
I shook my head and took a deep breath. “Jack and I…” It might have been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say. “You’re an asshole to me sometimes, but please don’t make me say it!” I cried.

“Good to know I’m still talking to Shana.” He sighed before what probably felt like a pile of bricks hit him. “Wait! You and Jack had sex?!”

Looking into his eyes I didn’t know exactly what I saw running through them. I tried to shrink away from his gaze. I felt ashamed.

Alex sighed and unwrapped me from his hug. “Hold on, let me look at you. Stand up.” I did as I was told and stood up. “Alright well your hair is messy, but not sex hair level. You’re not wearing your own clothes, but you’re not wearing Jack’s; which would have been the easiest to get. You look absolutely dreadful, not a sex glow about you.”

I was pulled into another tight hug, “You’re safe, you didn’t have sex Shana.” I had that nagging sense that something was off when he said it. He looked down at me with a sweet smile. “You can still run around like the virgin bitch princess,” he joked flicking me in the nose.

“Don’t call me that you whore cunt slave…” I half-hearted shot back at him.

“Ouch Shana that one hurt.” He clung to his chest as he fell backwards and closed his eyes. I stared at him until his hand moved and patted the spot next to him.

I flopped down next to his skinny frame and turned my head to continue my gaze until his milky chocolate eyes opened again. “Alex,” I said to the quiet room softly.

“Shhh,” he stopped me and stayed quiet for a while longer. I’m sure a couple minutes passed before Alex seemed content to speak again. “What’d you want to say?” He asked keeping his eyes closed like he was trying desperately to hold onto a good dream.

I watched him for a moment longer. I tried to take in everything about him that I’d never noticed all those years we spent constantly at each other’s throats. “What are you doing?” I asked quietly, averting the subject again.

His chest rose slowly before depressing again. “Making sure I’m awake and if not: trying to remember every second. There may never be another moment like this between us.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You’re not a person that needs someone often.” He paused and finally opened his eyes to look at me. “I think that might be what pissed me off so bad when we met. You’re not dumb, or gullible or weak. I’d never run across a girl as resolute as you are.”

That made me want to smile even though I still felt like my world was falling apart. “That might be the first compliment you’ve ever given me.” I sighed and looked away from him for a moment. “I can’t believe we’re having a ‘moment’.”

I thought about what he said and why I had hated him so much, “I’m positive as to why you irritated me so badly. You thought you were hot shit and you could get whatever you wanted. I didn’t want to be put around one of those personalities again.”

“Again?” Alex raised his eyebrows in interest. “Who did you hang out with that was like that?”

I shook my head and sat up. I patted his flat stomach, “Story for another moment buddy, this one is over.”

The brown haired boy whined and sat up with a pout on his face. “Right when I think we’re getting somewhere you shut me out again.”

“We’re on much better standing now dear boy.” It might have just been the fact that I felt too awful to fight, or maybe Alex and I really were getting along. “Maybe we can go a couple days without verbally abusing each other.”

We both laid there laughing for a moment. I sat up and pecked Alex’s cheek quickly. A blush very obviously flushed his cheeks. I smiled, “Thank you and happy birthday.”

I was about to get off the bed and stand up when Alex grabbed my hand. “Please go talk to Jack. You mean the world to him. If you leave him thinking he hurt you like that I don’t think he’ll recover.” His eyes were pleading me with every fiber of his being.

I knew I had to talk to Jack. Alex said it didn’t happen, but was there really a way to be sure? “I don’t want to face him…”

“You’re best friends, it’ll all work out.” And I believed him.

With that I went off to find Jack. I was making my way to Alex’s room where I was betting Jack still was. He was probably curled up in the corner with a blanket over his head. And that was exactly how I found him.

Scooting across the bed, I wrapped my arm over his small frame. Naturally he buried his head into the crook of my neck. Neither of us said anything for the longest time. I don’t think either of us knew what to say. As best friends we never prepared to have this sort of conversation.

“Do you hate me?” Jack whimpered still tucked as close as possible next to me.

I rested my head on top of his. “I could never hate you. Who else would put up with all my shit?”

“Alex,” He responded quietly.

I laughed a little at this. “Alex would get sick of me again in a heartbeat.” I moved my hand from his shoulder to flatten some of his hair.

“What’d he have to say about this?” I could feel Jack’s breathing hitch a bit before falling back into rhythm thinking about how his best friend reacted.

“Alex doesn’t think it actually happened. He thinks we jumped to conclusions.” I paused for a moment to let the words I’d just spoken sink in. “I think I believe him. I don’t think it’s possible to have sex with how completely obliterated we were.”

Jack seemed to relax a bit as I spoke. “And what if he’s wrong? What if I actually did…?” He faded off sadly.

“Well then…I know it went to someone that actually cared he took it.” I finished well ready to end this conversation and get back to normal life already. I was never the best at letting people in.

The dark haired boy lifted his head and smiled finally. “Banana, I couldn’t ask for a better best friend!” He kissed my cheek and wrapped me up in a hug.

“Damn Jackery, we understand everything about each other. I can’t imagine what a real after sex talk is like. Must suck some serious bitch tits!”

The both of us laughed before Jack pulled me off the bed and we ran down stairs. It was time to draw on passed out kids and harass all the ones with hangovers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty! So the chapter after this is the one I'm iffy on.
Don't be surprised if it takes longer for it to be posted.
I'm still trying to figure out where I'm taking this story and how long its gonna be.
Remember, comments make me feel warm and fuzzy and write faster.
- Andi :]]