‹ Prequel: Beautiful Disaster.
Sequel: Beautiful Disaster.

You Had Me At Hello

Chapter Six.

August 1st

“Thank you Matt” My voice soft as I stare into the hazel eyes in front of me, my heart warming and fluttering dramatically as he looks down to me; his dimpled grin, which I had already fallen in love with, spreads across his face as he runs his fingers softly down my cheek, his touch light, as if I would break.
“I had an amazing time” Matt tells me tenderly, his face coming closer to mine and I blush deeply, turning my face to the side, and Matt’s lips softly brush my left cheek.
He leans back, disappointment on his face and I grin at him reassuringly, “I don’t kiss on the first date Mr Sanders” I tell him softly, my voice holding a small sense of teasing in it, and his eyes find their sparkle as he looks down at me.
“Okay then” He comments to me, nodding his head in understanding with a smile on his face, “Will you go on another date with me then, Miss West?” Matt questions me, his hands resting softly on my hips, and I found comfort in the warmth coming from him.

“I would love too” I reply to him easily, looking into his shining hazel eyes and feeling my legs get weak, “But you’re going back to Huntington tomorrow and I’m going back to England in three days” I tell him softly, a small drop of disappointment filling my gut at the thought.
Matt grins at me, a small chuckle escaping his lips, “I’ll meet you after your show on September 14th” He tells me softly and I look into his eyes questionably, as he shakes his head before wrapping his arms around me, swaddling me to his chest.
“I’ll call you tomorrow” Matt tells me softly, his soft lips kissing my cheek briefly, as he reluctantly lets me go, his hands lingering on me briefly.
I smile at him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek back, “It was great to meet you Matt, and thank you” I tell him softly, before I pull the bus door open, feeling his eyes glued to me the entire time.
My eyes gaze back at him before I close the door, flashing him a shy smile as he grins at me, this man made me weak at the knees, so it was lucky I didn’t fall up the stairs.

Not even two seconds after I close the door, Hayley’s practically on top of me, a broad smile on her face.
“Oh my god, you’re blushing” She almost screams, wrapping her arms around me tightly and I giggle in reply, hugging my energetic friend back as I feel my cheeks glow in colour before releasing her.
“Let me get changed” I tell her tenderly, and her eyes widen before she squeals loudly, causing Damien to look over the side of the couch to the door way a grin on his face as he stares at me and a twinkle forming in his eye as I stroll past him, quickly heading for my bunk.
I pull the black curtain back, slipping my feet from my heels and kicking then under the bottom bunk as I remove my jewellery and place it on my mattress, I then grab my pyjama bottoms splayed across my pillow, and quickly slide them onto my legs before I lift the smooth material of my black dress over my head, dropping it to the floor and grabbing a random shirt from my pile of clothes. Unhooking my bra and chucking into the washing pile as I place my shirt over my head, pulling it softly over my breasts and down to my hips.

I grab my blanket and phone, before I walk back into the lounge area and crash beside Hayley and Damien, instantly cuddling into two of my best friends, while they both grin at me, and their eyes sparkling.
“How was it?” Damien questions me, and I blush brightly, biting my lip before I look over their curious faces.
“It was…” I start, pausing to try and find the correct word in my head, “Perfect” I tell them, not being able to describe it any other way, and they both squeal, clapping their hands together in happiness for me.
“Oh my god, explain! All details from the start to finish!” Hayley exclaims to me, her green eyes wide and bright as she grabs one of my hands.
A giggle escapes my lips as I blush brightly, “Okay so the first thing he did was call me beautiful.” I tell them, feeling like I was sixteen again, and they both coo loudly, “Which I of course blushed bright red about, and then we walked to this really cute little restaurant, all the time talking about random things. When we got inside there was this rude woman, and she stared at my leg. Matt told her off for me!” I gush to them both, and they grin at me as I giggle like a giddy school girl.

“How?” Hayley questions me and I smirk as I think back to it, no male I had gone on a date with had ever bothered to defend me from someone’s stare before.
“He was like ‘Don’t you just hate it when people stare Maria?’ while he glared at her and she immediately stopped staring and was completely embarrassed” I tell them and they both giggle along with me, nodding their heads in agreement to the perfectness of Matt.
“We were seated straight away after that, and our conversation drifted from random things again, we talked about our families for a bit and then after our meal was done; Matt paid after like five minutes of playful arguing between us, he won” I tell them and they both chuckle as I pout playfully for a second, “We walked through this really cute park and just talked, he was such a gentleman.
And then he took a picture of us together on my phone, and told me it was to remember him by before he started to walk me back to the bus” I gush, my voice semi loud for once and they both coo loudly, grins etched upon their faces.

“When we got back here, I thanked him and he commented that he had an amazing time. Then he tried to kiss me!” I squeal out, not being able to contain myself, a huge grin on my face.
“OH MY GOD!” Hayley squeals with me, pulling me up and jumping up and down, exactly how we had when she had gone on her first date with Chad.
“Wait!” Damien calls to us, pulling us by our hands, back down to the sofa, “he tried?” He questions me, his eyes wide and I blush bright red again.

I scratch the back of my neck, looking at their curious faces, “I didn’t let him kiss my lips” I tell them softly and Hayley’s eyes widen.
“YOU WHAT?” she exclaims to me, looking like she wanted to whack my head against a wall, her eyes wide.
“You aren’t serious, right?” Damien questions me, his eyes wide too, “You went on a date with M fucking Shadows and you DIDN’T kiss him?” He exclaims, looking at me as if I were dumb.
“No I let him kiss my cheek” I answer before I send a glare to Damien, “How the hell did you know who I went on a date with?” I question him, and his eyes go wide before an innocent look appears on his face.
“You said so” He states, his tone five octaves too high for his natural voice and I instantly roll my eyes at him, this was totally a Damien move.
“You’re such a shit liar” Hayley mutters to Damien, face palming herself as Damien grins at me sheepishly, biting his lip in an adorable childish way.
“Oh my god, you guys watched me from the window!” I accuse them and they both grin sheepishly, a small blush forming on their cheeks as they look in between themselves, giggling.

“We were fucking curious” Damien cries playfully to me, wrapping his arms around my waist as Hayley does the same, both pouting up to me, and I cringe at them, knowing I would brake instantly at their pouts.
“You guys suck” I tell them both, closing my eyes tightly in defeat and they laugh loudly, both pecking my cheeks.
I re-open my eyes, snuggling into them both as Damien uses one arm to spread my blanket over us while keeping his other wrapped around me.
“So you guys know what happened next?” I question them and they both giggle again sheepishly.

“Do you need help planning your next outfit?” Hayley questions me and I slap her thigh softly, scowling at her.
“You two suck” I mutter, before I roll my eyes and let a small chuckle pass my lips as Damien switches the TV on by the remote beside his arm.
“That we do!” Damien confirms, sending me a suggestive wink before he kisses my temple, as Cinderella flashes across the screen and my phone vibrates from the hem of my trousers.
I smile, instantly opening the text once I’d retrieved my phone.

Goodnight Miss West <3 – Captain Dimples.

“Can you grow to forgive us?” Hayley asks playfully, but my eyes stay glued to my phone, a glowing grin on my lips.
“I think I can” I reply to her quietly, not really paying much attention as my fingers fly over my mobile keyboard.

Goodnight Mr Sanders <3 – Sargent Sarcasm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Edited 18/02/2013
I'm writing my personal statement, who knew writing about yourself could be so hard?
Please comment as I have harsh writers block and I'd appreciate comments :3

~Maria xoxo