‹ Prequel: Beautiful Disaster.
Sequel: Beautiful Disaster.

You Had Me At Hello

Chapter Eight

September 1st

It had been one month later, and Matt had stuck to his promise of calling me, in-fact he had called me every day for the past four weeks.

I smile, my eyes running over the picture of Matt and I from our first date as I curl my body into Cooper, my overgrown puppy, and I bury my head in his warm fur.
Cooper hums happily from beside me, as I pull my fingers through his flowing fur and let I out a small giggle at him, rolling my eyes at my oversized puppy.

We’re both sprawled across my bed; my eyes watching the sun rise, while Cooper drifts in and out of sleep.
My phone starts vibrating from beside me, causing Cooper to bulk upright and me to move sideways, falling from his side.
“Down Cooper” I command quietly, watching as he immediately follows orders, closing his eyes as I pick my vibrating mobile up.
A grin instantly hits my lips upon seeing Matt’s names across the screen.

“Hello” I say softly as I place my slim iPhone to my ear, running my fingers through Cooper’s fur.
“Hey” Matt’s voice chimes softly into my ear, and I sigh, smiling at his voice, to me it was like a melody.
“I didn’t wake you did I?” Matt questions me, and I chuckle, my eyes focused on the rising sun.
“No” I tell him softly, smiling fondly, “My insomnia is playing up, so I’m watching the sun rise” I tell him, and he chuckles back at me softly.

“You could have called me” He states, his voice whispering through my ear and I blush at simply the thought of Matt.
“I thought you would be asleep by now” I tell him, closing my eyes as the warm rays of light drift through my window.
Matt chuckles bashfully, and I can almost imagine him rubbing the back of his neck, his own nerves on display, we were like teenagers.
“I wanted to call you” he replies, and I blush again, giggling softly at the thought someone like Matt could like me back.

“You’re cute” I tell him, the sentence slipping from my mouth, and I instantly blush, wanting to slap my hand over my mouth while he chuckles loudly.
“I think the lack of sleep has gone to your head” He teases me, making my blush deeper as I roll my eyes.
“Ha-Ha” I reply sarcastically, my voice soft, almost verging on a whisper in embarrassment.
“I miss you” Matt tells me softly and I smile widely, opening my eyes and looking up to my white ceiling.
“I miss you too” I reply to him, my voice strong as Cooper tilts his head towards me and nuzzles his face into my neck.
“Thirteen days” Matt tells me, his voice warm, and I chuckle, my heart tugging in happiness.

“Do I need to wear anything special?” I question him, and his throaty laugh meets my ears, making my heart flutter wildly.
“No, just be yourself” He tells me softly, and I smile, loving the fact he wanted me to be me, nerves and all.
“That’s easy enough” I comment and I listen to his throaty laugh float through my ears, a small smile on my face, just wanting to hear the sound again.

Within ten minutes of talking to each other, the conversation not becoming awkward even once, I hear footsteps across the hall, and Matt’s trying, but mostly failing to hide a yawn.
“Go to sleep Matt” I state to him softly, and he grunts at me, whining almost childlike.
“I dun’wana” He mutters to me softly, another whine leaving him, his gruff voice filled with sleep.
“I’ll call you when it hits 10 in America” I tell him softly and he groans while I giggle quietly, softly humming for him and waiting for his soft snores to enter the phone.
Within seconds his quiet snores reach my ears and I smile fondly, biting my lip.
“Night Matt” I tell him softly before I hang my phone up and place it on my bed as I rise to my feet, Cooper following behind me instantly and I pull my bedroom door open coming face to back with my father.

“Morning Daddy” I greet softly, making the older man jump in shock as place a hand on his chest as he turns towards me, his laundry falling into the washing basket.
“Good morning princess” He greets me, wrapping me in a warm hug before he kisses my forehead lovingly and releases me, going back to getting ready for work.
I smile skipping down to Zach’s room, slowly push the door open, seeing two bodies sprawled across the floor of his room.
A giggle escapes my lips as I step over the familiar body of Zach’s best friend, and walk towards window, pulling the curtains across and letting the light shine into the room, instantly hearing both boys groan, pulling their covers over their heads.
“Go away” Zach mutters, kicking the empty area around his feet and I let out another laugh, rolling my eyes at the two, “Rise and shine boys” I sing loudly, laughing as more groans come from them both.
Saul lowers the blankets from his face, his blue orbs staring at me, the exact same shade as his sisters, “I know you want me and shit, but can’t you wait until a sensible time?” He questions me and I fake gag, staring down to the boy that was basically my little brother.
“You’re disgusting. Get up, get ready, you have school in two hours and don’t make me send Damien in to wake you up, that boy shows no mercy” I state to them both knowingly, stepping over their curled up bodies and exiting Zach’s room.

“And that means now” I call to them, giggling to myself as I listen to them both as they swear loudly, complains shooting from their room.
“You better not have just said what I think you said” Our father’s voice drifts through the house, making me giggle again as they both instantly stop.
“Sorry” They both call at the same time as I bounce through the hallway, humming softly as I quickly bounce into my room, Cooper jumping up from the floor as I grab my song journal from my desk before I skip back out and down the stairs, Cooper hot on my heels.

“You’re cheery” Damien states as I stroll into the kitchen, a cup of coffee in his hands as he sits at the breakfast bar in the middle of the room, his eyes flicking to Cooper quickly as the dog takes a seat in his leather bed.
I smile over at Damien, chucking my song book on the counter before I take a seat next to Damien on a stool.
“I feel very creative” I state to him, opening the book and pulling the pen wedged into the spine out as he raises his eyebrows at me before shuffling the chair closer to me, his eyes running over the lyrics on the page.
“I have a riff that might work with that” He states, his expression clouded as he bites his bottom lip with his teeth, almost drawing blood, “It’s a slow kind of song, right?” He questions me, letting his swelling lip go, and I nod my head to him as a grin lights up his face and he hums a melody under his breath and I listen intently, our ideas clicking together as I sing a couple lines.
“That’d be amazing!” I exclaim to him as we both stop, our eyes on each other as we slap our hands together in a high five, grins on both of our faces.

He chuckles, pushing the book towards me and I hum Damien’s tune quietly, an entire wave of inspiration hitting me as the stairs creak and my pen attacks the paper; grinning to myself in content.

You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain
And I lived in your chess game, but you changed the rules everyday
Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone tonight
Well, I stopped picking up and this song is to let you know why

Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone
Don't think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole way home
I should've known

“I like it” Damien mutters, nodding his head in approval, this song was more for me, I didn’t overly care for the boys opinions on it.
“I don’t care if you do” I mutter back to him, flicking him a tender smile, and he chuckles as our mother and father stroll into the kitchen, my father following behind our mother, a loving smile on his face as he stares after her.
The both smile at us as they notice the two of us seated together, and my father walks over to the kettle switching it on while my mother kisses our heads softly, they were the best people that I knew.
“Did you two even get any sleep?” My mother, Ali questions us, trying to make it sound like a joke, but I could tell as her eyes roam over us she was worried.
I grin at Damien, as he grins at me, we knew she was worried, but there was nothing to worry about, we had lived with insomnia for years, we were used to it. “Nope!” we both reply, chuckling softly as we nudge each other and Ali jokingly groans, her worry fading for now, and I turn back to my song book.

Well, maybe it's just me and my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast as you can
Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole way home
Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong
Don't you think eighteen’s too young to be played with?
Your dark twisted games when I loved you so
I should've known

Ali peers over my shoulder, looking at my messy writing, her eyes squinting together slightly and a smile forming on her face.
“New song?” She questions me, and I hum loudly as my father, Andy, passes her a cup of coffee, placing the extra in his hand in front of Damien.
“Read it to us” He says, picking another cup of coffee up and placing it in front of me before he grabs his own.
“I’m not finished” I tell them, silently thanking my father with my eyes as I poke my tongue out of my mouth.
“Please?” He questions, and I smile at him, after everything my father had done for me, I could never deny him.
“Anything for you Daddy” I tell him softly before I look up at the top of the page, my eyes skimming over my small drawings before they stay on the words.

Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you
Counting my footsteps praying the floor won't fall through again
And my mother accused me of losing my mind
But I swore I was fine

You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain
And I lived in your chess game, but you changed the rules everyday
Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone tonight
Well, I stopped picking up and this song is to let you know why

Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone
Don't think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole way home
I should've known

Well, maybe it's just me and my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast as you can

Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong
Don't you think eighteen's too young to be played with?
Your dark twisted games when I loved you so
I should've known

I speak out softly, feeling my parent’s and Damien’s eyes burn onto my skin before I raise my eyes to see tears streaming down Ali’s cheeks and Andy smiling proudly at me.
“I love it” Ali blubbers loudly, wiping her face as my father wraps his arms around her waist, nodding his head in approval.
“I decided to let my past go” I tell them softly, turning my head away from all of them and staring out of the window, “I’m tired of being scared” I whisper to them and Damien places a comforting hand on my leg.

“You’re keeping your promises to Jacob then” My mum says softly, her hands securely on my fathers while she places her cup of coffee down.
“I always intended too” I tell her softly, my gaze drifting from the window towards them as they stare at me and heavy footsteps stumble downstairs, but their eyes remain glue to me while my eyes wonder to the door where Zach and Saul appear, bare chested and yawning loudly, theirs eyes tilting open.
“Morning mama” Zach calls out softly, sluggishly walking into the room, Saul slugging behind him, dragging his feet along, “Morning Papa.”
“Good morning boys” Ali greets them as Saul collapses into a stool his head landing on the counter with a thump.
I stare at him as he quickly falls back to sleep, his soft snores bouncing into the air, and Zach takes the seat beside him; Andy smiling fondly at my youngest brother and his best friend, my parents godchild.
“Maria is taking you two too school today, please don’t get suspended on the first day of term” Ali tells Zach as he grins up at her, a mischievous grin making its way onto his face as his eyes flicker between us.
“Me? Get suspended on the first day? I think you have the wrong child here ma’, that was Maria” Zach teases and Saul’s head tilts round, now facing us all with his slit eyes open.
Zach smirks as does Saul while I scoff, rolling my eyes, “Shut up kid” I mutter to him and everyone laughs as he pokes his tongue out at me.

Andy looks down to his watch, before he gulps down the rest of his hot coffee, sending us all a smile before kissing each of our heads and finally kisses my mother’s cheek.
“Be good” He warns the boys, ruffling their hair, a grin on his face as both boys smirk up at him.
“Will do!” They reply, smirks present on their faces making Andy chuckle, knowing they most likely wouldn’t behave, Andy says goodbye, quickly heading for the door and leaving the house, while Ali grabs her own keys following my father’s actions before leaving behind him.

I place the tip of the pen in my mouth, slowly chewing the edges as all three boys stare at me.
Zach steals my cup from in front of me, taking a gulp before he passes it to Saul who raises his head and copies Zach’s action before he places my mug back in front of me.
“Help your selves” I mutter playfully to them both, sending them both a playful glare as they smirk in sync at me, making me chuckle and my glare vanish from my face.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me tomorrow!” Saul shrieks suddenly, seeming wide awake now as he lifts his face from the counter, and Damien and I laugh at him, while Zach shakes his head in disappointment.
“You’re so gay” Zach mutters and Damien scoffs causing Zach to smile sheepishly at him.
“Are you excited for tour?” Saul questions us all, resting his face in his hands, he’d always been so fascinated with the idea of tour, only being able to stay a couple weeks at a time.
“I’m always excited about tour” Damien states before he takes another sip of his cooling coffee, while I jot down some more lines, humming quietly as all the boys murmur softly.
“What about you Ria? Are you excited?” Saul questions me, bringing my attention back, and I smile at the younger boy.
“Of course” I reply to him, my voice soft, and quiet as I look him over, sending him a soft smile.

“I see no point in going back to school” Zach mutters the conversation changing seconds later and I move my eyes from Saul to Zack, shaking my head at him.
Saul chuckles looking towards, “Fuck you, you’re fucking abandoning me!” He exclaims to Zach causing us three to chuckle at his dramatic tone.
“Dude, will you man the fuck up!” Zach tells him, a smirk on his face, “I’m only going for like three months” Zach tells him and Saul looks at him in disgust.
“Three months? Fuck you dude” Saul mutters back and I laugh loudly at the two, they were entertaining together, and I knew they hated to be apart.
“Saul, why are you complaining? You’re coming out to visit him like three times from what I remember” I interrupt and Saul turns his head, his green eyes glaring at me jokingly.
“FUCK YOU GUYS!” He states dramatically making us all laugh loudly again, “I’m going to get ready bitches!” He exclaims before standing up and running from the kitchen, making sure to dramatically flare his arms about while I stare after him, giggles passing through my lips as I smile fondly at him.
“I worry about your friend choice” Damien mutters to Zach jokingly, causing Zach to let out a large snort, happiness running through my youngest brother’s face.

Zach chuckles, rolling his eyes softly before he turns to me, “I really don’t see the point though” He states to me, “I’m leaving to join you two on tour in like a month anyway” He tells me, and I lick my lips over and star at him.
A sigh passes my lips as I pick my warm cup of coffee up, “You were suspended in the last week of term Zach, that’s also why you got three weeks knocked off of tour, go in, be good and the time will fly past, you need your education” I reply to him, leaving no room for an argument and he pouts at me, trying to get his own way.
“I still see no point in it” Zach mutters to me, crossing his arms over his chest while Damien bites his laughter back as I roll my eyes, being determined I won’t crack.
“I’m not having this argument Zachariah, you want to bring this up then do it with mum and dad when they get home” I tell him sternly, standing my own ground and he sighs, rolling his eyes at me.
“The kid deserved to be fucking hit” He spits lowly, crossing his arms across his chest, his hands clenched tightly.

“ZACH!” I scold loudly for once and he looks at me, his eyes holding anger in them as I stare at him.
“He did, no one will ever bad mouth you or my family in front of me” He states shaking his head, and I almost feel the anger roll off of him.
“Zee, violence is never the answer” I tell him, my voice more tender this time and his fists loosen as he looks up at me, his anger slowly disappearing.
“Sorry” He mutters bowing his head slightly, and I nod my head, slowly sipping the warm coffee.

“I can’t believe you’re going tomorrow though, without me” he mutters looking at me from under his fringe, a small frown on his face, we’d never done a tour without him.
I rise from my seat, placing my mug down and walk over to him, sitting myself on his lap and hugging him tightly.
“I love you baby brother” I mutter kissing his forehead as he hugs me tightly and Damien coos at the two of us loudly.
“I love you too” Zach mutters back, kissing my cheek before he pushes me from his lap, sending me a cheeky smile as I bounce on the floor.

I glare at him as I rub my now sore bum and rise to my feet while he chuckles as does Damien before Zach copies Saul and sprints from the room.
“Ass” I mutter out, still rubbing my ass as I roll my eyes and Damien chuckles softly, as I stand dusting myself off.

“Have you packed yet?” Damien questions me as I grab my still half full mug and sip out of it.
Swallowing as I send Damien a soft smile, “I’m going to get dressed then finish off, if I don’t finish before I take the boys to school I’ll finish after I get back from Zach’s meeting” I tell Damien and he smirks at me, chuckling almost sinisterly.
“Have fun with that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Edited 18/02/2013
Merry Christmas,
Happy Holidays.
All that Jazz.