Status: active

my dream

The heartthrob

Is it sad to say I miss him? After all these years? Was I just something to play with? Was I a doll? Played with then thrown away?
Here I am crying once again over that rock star heartthrob Matthew Charles sanders. Some of you may know him as M.Shadows, am I right?
You might read this and think oh she is just some crazy fan, well guess what? I am more than that… well I thought I was….to him at least.
I have known Matt since high school. We were the best of friends until SHE came into his life. She was nice to him and the gang but to me? Never. I was the outsider in her eyes. She stole my friends from me and broke my heart all in one day. How can I not dislike her after that?
Last time I saw Matt was a week ago in concert. I actually went to see him. There was a meet and greet after the show, which of course I went to but when he saw me, Val came and dragged him away. How am I still heartbroken? I have no idea!

The thing is he was my first. That's right I lost my virginity to M.Shadows while he was with Val but did he leave her for me? Nope.
As I swallow my misery I head to work.
My job is at a dance studio. I am a teacher for all ages in all type of dances.
Today is the beginning of a new semester, which means new students. My first class today consists of children between ages of 6-12. I open the door to the class and welcome all the children and parents.

“Everyone can settle wherever you like”

All the kids and adults sit or stand around.

“ This is a ballet class, which will have more than ballet later on. There-"

As I am talking the door swings open. I turn around I see a couple coming in with a little girl.

“I am sorry we are late. Please continue” says the man

As I look at him I quickly freeze. Probably looked like an idiot with my jaw open. The guy was Matt! I quickly close my mouth and clear my throat.

“Ok as I was saying... This mirror is a two way mirror. If parents wish to stay and watch, it has to be there. Everything else you already know. So let's get started by introducing our selves. Everyone in a circle please.”

I let everyone quiet down. I get in the middle of the circle.

“Ok whoever is introducing themselves is to stand in the middle of the circle. Well I am ms. D. who wants to go next?”

Everyone takes turns introducing them selves. When the little girl with matt goes in the middle.

“My name is Riley. I am 7”

Matt is next

“I am Matt and I am here with my niece”

Is it bad that I am happy she isn't his daughter? Next is Val

“My name is Val and I am here with Matt and my niece Riley” she says while smiling at me

The introducing finishes and the parents go behind the mirror. The class goes smoothly and before we know it class Is over. As I say goodbye to all of them, Matt comes to me.

“Hailey? Wow I haven't seen you in so long!”

Wonder whose fault that is

“Yea it has been way too long”


Val comes and steps in once again

“Oh! hi Hailey! What a nice surprise”

Says the bitch hanging onto her boyfriend while smirking at me

“Yeah so I will see you guys tomorrow?”

They agree and leave but Matt has one last glance at me before he leaves.
What the hell was that?!
♠ ♠ ♠
promise next one will be longer.
comments please?
thank u liz <3