I Wish I Could Tell You My Dirty Little Secret

All Too Soon But…

The bell rang and we cleared out of English for lunch. 

“You wanna sit with us Aiden?” I asked smiling at him 

Half smiling, he nodded and replied, “yeah I will meet you at the cafeteria door. I just have to get to my locker first.” 

I smiled brightly and we separated as he turned one corner and I turned another.

I was putting my books in my locker as the hallway cleared and it became silent. 

“I think he likes you!” yelled Delilah causing me to drop my books 

I punched her in the arm and leaned down to pick up my books, “God you scared the crap out of me!” 

“I don't like him!” exclaimed Gavin, “He is too quiet.”

“So? He's new so it might be just shyness.” said Delilah. Then she turned to me, “Next time you punch me in the arm I am not gonna hesitate when it comes to hitting you back!”

I rolled my eyes and closed my locker, “Guys even if he does like me it may not mean that he likes me a whole lot…I can't just walk up to him demanding that we start dating.” 

She gave her signature smirk that showed she was up to something and said, “You might not have to…”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “what did you do?”

“Lets get to lunch and find out!” she grabbed Gavin and my's hand and skipped us down the hallway. 

“Whoa, skipping merrily is not my thing. I give more of a manly walk…shows the ladies that I have got swagger.” said Gavin suavely as he walked slowly and carefully. 

“First one on his back wins.” I whispered behind my hand

“You're on!”

We both let out loud battle cries as we ran towards his back.
It took him a second too late to realize what we were trying to do.
I jumped and landed on his back, sending him flying forward. 

He stumbled into the locker and regained his balance.
“God! You are heavy!!” 

We stumbled into the lunchroom and took our places in line, after we got our pizza I scanned the lunchroom for Aiden. 

“There he is!” Delilah pointed to the way back of the lunchroom near the door that led outside. 

I sat down next to him and began to eat. 

“Um Charlie?” he asked 

“Yes?” I answered with a mouth full of food

He chuckled and I smiled and swallowed. 

“Can we talk outside?” 

Finishing off my pizza, I stood up and walked outside with him. 

“Look I know we just met four or five hours ago but I am new here and…I just-will you go on like a date with me?” he blurted out 

I could feel myself blushing as I nodded. 

He smiled and walked forward, planting a kiss on my forehead. 

We walked through the door and I laced my fingers with his. 

We sat down and Gavin was gone. 

“Where's Gavin?” 

“He said that he needed to do something and he just left.” 

What the heck is up with him, I asked myself. 

Lunch ended and I asked Aiden what class he had next.

I smiled and told him that I did too. 

“Where are we going for our first date?” I asked. 

“Where ever you wanna go!” he said 

I smiled and told him that I would see him on the court, “you know I am beating you in basketball right?” 

He rolled his eyes and said whatever. 

“we will see…” 
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is short and I don't like it buy I had to get them on his freaking date!!!

Comment&subscribe mortals!!!!! Still love saying that!!!! :)