‹ Prequel: Adolescent


Panic Sets In

Jimmy sat in the tour bus bathroom, hands gripping at his chest frantically. It was nearly four thirty in the morning and he was awoken by pain in his chest. He could no longer feel his heart race against his rib cage, but felt as though he was slowly falling asleep. He choked back on his breath as he tried to regain control of his breathing.

He was losing it, but he wasn't willing to give up already. Jimmy reached for the small window to the bathroom and tried to push it open. He didn't have the strength he had nearly twenty minutes ago. Jimmy, paniced, ran his fingers along the lip of the window, trying his hardest to push it open. His shaking hands moved to the lock, where he unhatched it.

He pushed open the window, feeling the cool night breeze brush against his cheeks. The cool air did only a little to help his breathing problem. His pill viles sat lonely on the marble counter in the bathroom. He had taken the first dose of pills when he had first woken up. They seemed to be doing nothing for him, but he wasn't sure about a second dose.

He broke passed his worries and snatched the bottles from the counter. It took a few tries as he tried to pop open the orange bottles. When he finally pulled them open, the caps slipped from his fingers, clanking quietly against the floor. Jimmy threw two more pills into his mouth and swallowed them down without water. He reached for the sink and turned the thick knobs.

He felt like his hands were growing numb, which only paniced him more. He wanted to call out for help and hope one of the guys heard him. Yet he didn't want to worry anyone further on his condition. Jimmy stuck his head as best as he could into the sink and drank heavily from the faucet. He gagged on the amount of water and pulled away, wiping his mouth.

Jimmy plopped up on the toilet seat and ran his hands down his bare chest. He felt like his heart had stopped, given how weak he really was. Jimmy rose his arms above his head and tried to take slow, short breaths. Nothing was giving him the satisfaction of a real deep breath anymore. His medicine stopped, his natural remedies stopped.

He let out a quiet huff as he exhaled slowly. In a low whimper, he cried, "Matt. Brian. Hillari."

His pleaing whispers went unheard as his world started to spin. Even though he was paniced beyond belief, his heart rate never jumped up. He felt like he was going to fall into cardiac arrest, but he didn't know what to do. He had to reach someone, even if it was the driver of the tour bus. Jimmy went to reach for the knob to the door, but had to stop himself.

Everything was twirling into one colour as he tried again. He was so dizzy and couldn't manage to take a single step forward. Again, he tried to call out for someone, but he was never heard. Jimmy pushed passed his cowardliness and jumped for the door. It was his worst mistake, however, because he only collapsed to the ground. His finger tips brushed against the bottom of the door as he took in one last breath.

"Hillari,"Within seconds, he had lost conciouness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you commenters;;
Violent Ecstasy
mistery gurl
Hello Fascination.
Im Candy Baby

Thankyou subscribers! :D

Very short filler for you guys.
The next one is in Devin's point of view. :)