‹ Prequel: Adolescent



Jimmy shifted the sling on his sholder and groaned quietly. He felt so exhausted and out of it today, but he had made a promise to Hillari's parents. He would be going out to dinner with the two to ask them a very important question. They were going to go over the details, that they had so far, on Devin and Hillari's wedding.

Jimmy reached into the medicine cabinet in his bathroom and pulled out his pain medication. He was careful to throw only one pill into his mouth before washing it down with a glass of water. He was beginning to grow tired of taking medication for such reasons. He tossed the rest of his cup into the sink before exiting.

Jimmy started his walk toward the front door, grabbing his keys along the way. He grumbled lowly as he reached out for the handle and found himself falling into the door frame. Even though he was beginning to get agitated, he walked out and locked the door behind him. Jimmy was soon revving his car to life and pulling out of his long drive.

Jimmy wiped at his red eyes and let out a loud yawn. He had been getting plenty of sleep ever since his doctor prescribed him his medication, but even if he caught twelve or more hours, he stil felt sleep deprived. Jimmy stopped at a red light and rubbed his fist against both eyes. He wished the day was over already.

He let his head fall back against his seat and he shut his eyes for just a moment. It was when the blaring of the horn behind him forced him to jolt awake that he realized he had dozed off. He stepped on the gas pedal and found the local restaurant Ken, Michelle and him were meeting at. Jimmy stepped from his car and with a struggle, lit a cigarette.

He leaned against the side of the building and puffed lightly from his cigarette. By the time he had stepped it out, Ken and Michelle had come pulling up with smiles. He greeted them each with a hug and walked with them into the fancy restaurant. They exchanged their orders and began to talk amongst themselves.

Michelle gave Jimmy an odd look before asking, "You feeling okay, Jimmy?"

Jimmy's gaze eventually met hers as he said, "Oh, me?"

"Yeah, you."Michelle's shifty eyes went from Ken back to Jimmy.

"I'm fine."Jimmy smiled."Just tired is all."

"Have you been drinking, Jim?"Ken asked quietly.

"No."Jimmy scoffed."Why do you ask?"

"For a moment there you seemed to be slurring yours words."Michelle tried to force a smile, but he knew all too well that it was fake."I mean, you seem alright now, but it was a little weird."

"I'm okay.'Jimmy smiled."Thanks for your concern, Michelle. I understand."

"Now, let's get down to business."Ken smiled warmly, as if trying to break the tension at the table.

Jimmy, Ken and Michelle spoke quietly with each other and discussed what Hillari and Devin had come up with so far. They knew where they wanted to have the wedding party, which would be at a local Italian restaurant in Huntington Beach. The actual wedding was going to be in the sand by the ocean.

The cost, which was clearly estimated, only came to a few grand, but nowhere near what Jimmy was expecting. Despite what the wedding would actually come to money wise, he was still intent on following through with his plan. He turned toward Ken and Michelle and gave them a warm smile.

Politely, he said, "I have a question for the two of you. More of like a permission thing."

They fell silent for a moment and watched as Jimmy brushed his hair from his eyes. He knew they could see the redness in his eyes and how tired he must have looked. Jimmy wanted to push passed that fact and keep their attention on him, not his illness. With a grin, he asked, "I want to help pay for the wedding."

Ken and Michelle smiled at eachother, like they already knew he was going to ask, and nodded in his direction.

"I understand you guys are her parents and all,"He said softly.

"No, Jimmy, it's okay."Michelle smiled.

"She's just as much as your daughter as she is ours."Ken said."I think I've told you that before, Jimbo."

Jimmy nodded his head and tried to keep the tears from forming in his eyes. He reached over to grab his drink in an attempt to prolong his oncoming tears, but hit it roughly on the side. The glass fell over, spilling his coca cola all over the table. He reached out for a napkin and began to pat at the mess.

"I'm sorry, guys."Jimmy mumbled quietly."I'm really clumsy today."

"Jimmy,"Michelle took his hand and forced him to look at her."Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine."Jimmy said, slightly annoyed by her question."I'm only tired."

"Well,"Ken foled the wet napkins and shoved them aside."shall we continue?"

They finished their small meal and Jimmy was soon able to leave the restaurant. Jimmy lazily got into his car and rubbed his face down hard. He slapped his hand to his cheek a few times as he tried to slap the sleepiness from him. He pulled down his mirror and took a good look at his facial features.

His eyes had large bags under them and were completely blood shot. Jimmy sighed quietly before snapping the mirror back into place. He started his car beforemaking his way home. He didn't care what anyone said; Jimmy was fine and that's how it was going to be. He needed a damn good sleep was all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you commenters;;
Violent Ecstasy
mistery gurl
Hello Fascination.
Im Candy Baby
Alyx Khaos

Thankyou subscribers! :D

Ahh, thankyou guys for being patient with me :(
Sorry it took so long, but I have no internet.
I'm stuck with going to the library.
I have this completely typed up and finished too.
If I have time I'll post the next chapter :)
Thankyou guys! :D