Status: InActive


Chapter 1

My name is Catriona Contos, pronounced like Katrina but not exactly spelt like that. My mother is Larissa Contos, she’s Greek and my father Emilio Contos. My father is Italian, Spanish, and Greek. My mother and father told me so many times how they met each other which was practically a sad love story. Sadly a year after I was born we lost my younger brother Gavino at birth. So I was an only child. I just turned 17 a while back and my parent’s are urging me to find someone to marry.

I sighed and looked out the window of my classroom; nothing but the wide open view of land and trees. I wasn’t really paying much attention to my teacher who was going on and on about the words for Greek. Since my Mother came from Greece I knew a lot of Greek so I was far ahead of most of the student’s in here and beside’s I get good grades. I was asked a few questions here and there on what means what and everyone seems to gawk at me because of it. I don’t see reason why they would. I looked at the teacher once I heard my name and I said, “Υες?(Yes?)”

“Would you mind reading the first sentence of the magazine that’s infront of you?” Mrs. Marcelo asked as she looked at me.

I sighed and looked at the page that we happened to be on and translated, “Η Πανδώρα ήταν περίεργος για το τι ήταν μέσα στο κουτί που ο Δίας έδωσε ένα δώρογάμου, έτσι ώστε όταν άνοιξε μόλις μορφές φάντασμα ρωγμή έρευσε έξω. Έχειεξαπολύσει όλα τα κακά που γνωρίζει ο άνθρωπος. (Pandora was curious about what was inside the box that Zeus gave a wedding present, so when she opened just a crack ghost forms flowed out. It has unleashed all the evils known to man.)”

“Σας ευχαριστώ, παρακαλώ Γκαρσία απαγγέλλουν της επόμενης παραγράφου. (Thank you, please Garcia recite the following paragraph.)” Mrs. Marcelo turned to Garcia.

I turned and looked at him; I saw his brown red hair that stopped right below his chin. His dark grey eyes looked at the magazine or whatever it is then looked up at the teacher and recited that next sentence, which I had to hold back the laughter since he was pronouncing most the words wrong. After the teacher started showing him how to pronounce each word I turned my gaze back out the window where I caught a movement in between the trees. I tried to see if I could see the movement again but I couldn’t see anything so I looked at the clock that showed that there was only minutes left until lunch time and I couldn’t wait to get out of this class. Mrs. Marcelo is a nice person and all but she kind of makes this class boring.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

There went the bell and everyone was packing up as Mrs. Marcelo was telling us to pass up the stupid paper and then we can leave. Rarely do we ever get homework in this class so I was glad about that. One less page of homework to get done. I passed up the paper she made us read about Pandora’s Box after I put my stuff away. I got up and walked over to the door and out the door which I turned to the left towards the nearest door to the outside. When I opened up the door and walked outside I watched everyone walking around or going to their spots with their friends.

I sighed and walked to the bench nearest to the forest. I love the forest and nature. It gave me the sense of relief and freedom. I rarely got freedom at the house since my mom wanted me to take lady lessons or something. The part of town of where I live at in Townsend, Tennessee is those places where everyone’s old fashioned. It’s not really my kind of place but I do love my family even if it means dealing with their ways. Oh and another thing about me is that my family has a huge secret…

I say down on the bench and looked out into the open as I started eating my tuna sandwich and took sips of my water. I’m not allowed to eat a lot of sweets because I’m stuck to a particular so-called diet. It didn’t make much sense since I didn’t have a huge knack for sweets anyways. I’m like my father with that. I got my fathers dark brown and light grey eyes which darken when I get angry. I got a lot of my mother’s features though .Oh and I’ve got my grandmothers height, which is 5 feet 3 inches.

I was just taking another bite from my sandwich when I saw movement again in between the trees and I could feel myself stiffen as my eyes locked onto the place where I saw the movement at and watched for a little. Nothing was happening so I went on with my lunch but still watching out just incase. I heard snickers and I turned my head slightly to my right since I was sitting on the bench sideways. I saw a group of girls as they walked over to me but kept their distance and the blonde one in the middle said, “Hey emo don’t you have something better to do than sit here and think you look pretty? Like… Cutting yourself?”

I ignored her and took a sip out of my water bottle. I really didn’t care much of what the bitches thought of me. It’s not like I’m going to wear a freaking push up bra and a skanky outfit like them just to get noticed. The whole point is to stay out of this drama of whose territory is whose. Speaking of territory, this is part of my family’s territory. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard some snapping their fingers. I tilted my head slightly and replied. “What do you want?”

The blonde’s mouth wide open and rose an eyebrow as she said angrily, “I said don’t you got something better to do than sitting here thinking you look pretty? Like, cutting yourself?”

I just looked at her with a bored expression and replied, “Don’t you have something better to do than talk to me? You’re kind of wasting my time.”

She gasped and looked at me horridly and shrieked out, “Don’t you talk to me like that! Don’t make me go get my baby!”

This time my left eyebrow rose and said bluntly, “Then go get him. I don’t care.”

She huffed and walked away with her ducklings following her. I laughed quietly from what I just thought. I sighed and thought, what am I getting myself into? My eyes flicked back to the forest. I wonder who’s out there. I heared a grunt and looked back to where the girls were once standing and it was replaced by guy’s with looking down at me. I just sat there with a bored expression on my face, not really caring about them at all until one of them spoke, “You hurt my baby’s feelings. You are going to pay for that.”

I saw him started to stretch his muscles and I heard a snicker and saw the girls to the side watching what’s going on. I saw his fist curl up and he brought it back, it was like slow motion to me and his fist came hurtling towards me all I really had to do what grab his fist and stop it… But… I can’t so scooted to the side a couple inches and he flipped over the bench and landed on his face which he howled in pain. I just shrugged and took a sip of my water.

When the guy pushed himself off the ground he took a swing from behind, I sighed and scooted back where I was in the first time. He did the same thing as last time, letting out another howl of pain. He’s not going to be able to punch me, but, he doesn’t know that… He sat up and looked at me incredulously and asked in disbelief, “How am I not hitting you?”

Inside I felt like rolling my eyes but I just gave him a blank look and replied, “Because, your aiming is off.”

“That’s bullshit!” He cried out angrily.

I looked at him and raised my right eyebrow as I said, “If it’s bullshit, then, why are you missing me?”

The guy looked at his friends in confusion and they were just dumbfounded as he was. I got up and walked away from them and dumped my trash into the nearest trash can and continued walking to my third period class. The class I hated most… Science…
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise you this...
I will stay put to this story and I will finish it.
In due time.

Sorry for the stories I have started and have not finished but I think I have some sort of writers block.
Or I just got bored with that one story.

I hope you like my new one. ^^
Cassie <3