Status: InActive


Chapter 2

After the last bell rang I hurried out of class and took my time walking back home. I know I should have taken my car but I felt like walking instead. The fresh air blowing in my face, ah, winter is in the air. I loved the way it felt against my skin and I loved to roll around in it. I may hate winter because of all the damn power outages but at least you get to dress warmly and have some family time.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned my head to the right to see those guy’s out of the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes and kept on walking I heard them calling my name, but, I didn’t care I just wanted to get the hell out of here and away from this place. I heared their footsteps pick up their beat and I stopped since I knew I was far enough away from school. I was kind of surprised then didn’t drive their cars and park next to me instead of walking. I stopped and turned around and crossed my arms as they jogged up to me then stopped a few feet away from me.

The same guy huffed and said, “Hey midget, I was finished with you.”

I felt a spark of anger flare up inside me but I scrunched my fist trying to calm myself down and replied calmly, “I say, you are.”

I turned around and started walking then I felt his hand grip my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and turned around. I started to bend his hand back towards him and I could see him grimacing because of the pain that started to evolve. I let go, turned around and started walking again. I heared him start to cuss then I before one of the other guys fists hit me I stepped sideways and felt the air that whooshed into my face as his fist went right beside my head.

I felt myself tense up and I heard a growl behind me. I turned to see the guys were no longer looking at me but at the huge wolf behind them. It was no ordinary wolf but a werewolf. I growled softly so the guys wouldn’t hear me then I ran in between some trees and started ripping off my clothes and setting them on a tree limb. I heard the guys shrieking and talking to each other trying to figure out what the hell that thing was. I bent over and bit my lip at the pain the developed all over my body as I felt the fur growing and my hands and feet turned into paws and my mouth grew into a snout. I jumped out from behind the trees and let out a growl. The guys looked towards me and their eyes widening, I knew they were thinking what the hell happened to me but was also scared shitless because I was here and they thought that I was with him.

I ran around the guys and crouched down while flattening my ears back and showing my fangs. The other one growled at me and pounced at me, I jumped to the side and jumped onto the other wolf as he landed and latched my teeth into him. I heared him howl out in pain. Why is this guy here? Where the hell is father! I was screaming in my head asking myself where father is until I got my answer. I heared a growl I looked at who it was, there was my father. I knew I got distracted but I had to see who it was even if it was a mistake. The next thing I knew was I was thrown against a huge tree trunk. I hissed out in pain but I got back up on my feet. I scrunched up my face as I felt the pain in my right side rack my body again.

I glanced at where the boys were and they were still there. Those idiot’s I growled but turned my attention to the two fighting wolves. The next thing I knew was I heard a whimper then the wolf disappeared. I knew my dad wanted to go after the other guy but he knew he had to erase the 3 of those guys’ minds. I saw my father look at me then disappear into the trees, after a few seconds he came back out clothed. The guys saw him and they were gawking and confused to where he came from. My father lifted his finger and put it against each one of their foreheads, a small light appeared around each of their heads and then dad disappeared. I followed suite and slipped into the side of the forest I was on.

I looked out and saw that the light dimmed down and then vanished. They were looking at each other confused and rubbing their heads. Shrugging they headed back towards school where their cars were parked. When they went around the corner I sighed and took a step and felt pain wrack my body again. I let out a hiss as I scrunched up my face. I tried ignoring the pain and quickly checked to see if their was anyone and crossed the forest, before I changed back I listened and sent this thing that we werewolves have to tell if someone’s near us, but, got nothing in return.

I transformed back and quickly put on my clothes. I knew dad would be furious with me fighting infront of those guy’s but I had no other choice. I couldn’t just let them die, even if they were ass-wholes. I bit my lip as I started to walk back home as I felt the pain on my right side. I knew I would have a good sized bruise there but didn’t want to check it right at the moment.

When I made it to the house I took out my key and twisted it in the key whole. I heared the click of the lock and opened the door up. I walked inside and yelled out, “Mother, Father, I’m home.”

I walked in a little then turned into the living room where my parent’s were, when they heared my footsteps they looked my way. I walked in and I noticed anger in his eyes but in my mothers I saw concern and worry. I sat beside mother and looked at them both before my father broke the silence and said. “Catriona, you know better than to fight infront of humans.”

“I had no choice; if I didn’t go and change those humans would have died!” I exclaimed.

“Did you transform infront of them?” He asked sternly.

I sighed and replied, “No. I went into the forest and changed.”

He put his head in his hands and said, “You could have been killed.”

I mentally rolled my eyes and said, “Father, I am stronger than you think. I wasn’t meaning to actually kill that guy.”

“Be more careful next time. How’s your side?” He asked and looked towards my right side.

I rolled up my shirt enough to see most of the bruise. It was dark and purple. My mother gasped and I heared my father let out a growl. I pulled my shirt back down and looked at my father and said, “It’s not as bad as it looks.”

I saw my father and my mother look at each other and nodded; when they looked at me they looked serious. My mother looked at me and began to speak, “Darling, we’re going to have another baby.”

My eyes bugged to where mother was rubbing her stomach then I looked at my father and said, “Really?”

He smiled nervously and replied, “Yes, it’s true.”

I looked at both of them again and felt like I wanted to be alone to think about everything. This was a lot to take in. I looked at them again and said, “I need to be alone for a while. Beside’s I have to get homework done.”

“K.” Both of my parents both said.

I got up off the couch and walked out of the living room and turned right and down the hall a little ways down and there was steps heading up stairs. I walked to the second door and opened it, walking inside I collapsed onto my bed. I’m going to have another brother or sister. I wander how they’ll be and if so, will they take on the family legend???
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Enjoy chapter 2. ^^
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