Status: InActive


Chapter 6

I woke up with a growl as my alarm went off. I pressed the off button and sat up rubbing my head. I slipped out of bed and walked over to my dresser and grabbed a blue t-shirt that had a picture of a beautiful girl holding the rose up to her nose and looked down at it and some grey skinny jeans. I grabbed my favorite pair of bra and panties that were black with white polka dot’s all around them then walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower and let it heat up. I stripped out of my pj’s and slipped inside the shower. I closed my eyes as the water slides down my body and waited for my skin to get use to the warmth then massaged in shampoo, after rinsing it out I massaged in conditioner for a minute or two then rinsed it out. I finished up with all my other stuff and wrapped the towel around me and slipped out of the shower.

I grabbed my clothes and slipped them on then walked over to the fogged up mirror and took my towel and wiped the mirror so I could see. I bent down opening a little door under the sink and grabbed my hair dryer and plugged it in. Turning it on high I took my brush and started brushing while drying my hair. When I finished I quickly brushed my teeth and skipped out my bedroom door grabbing my backpack on the way out. Still skipping down stairs I heard my mother and father talking with someone else. It was a familiar voice I recognized as Mathew’s and sped up a little. When I turned the corner and into the kitchen I saw my mother making pancakes which automatically made my mouth water.

“Good morning Catriona.” Father said as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

I smiled back and replied, “Morning Mother and Father. And morning to you Matt.”

He turned around when I said his name and smiled at me as he chuckled, “Morning Cat.”

I turned to Mother and asked, “Mother, when are the pancake’s going to be done?”

Everyone laughed at that. I put a pout on my face because everyone knew I loved buttermilk pancakes. She smiled and answered, “Almost done.”

“K.” I said and sat next to Mathew on stool next to the island counter that was in the middle of the kitchen setting my backpack beside me on the ground.

I felt eyes on me and looked around to see Mathew smiling at me which made me smile back. My thoughts were brought to school. I wonder what’s going to happen today. I don’t want Mathew to see how everyone treats me. The thought of what happened last night flashed into my head and made me shiver. I looked away from Mathew when Mother put pancakes down infront of me. I smiled and said thank you and grabbed the syrup bottle and poured some over the pancakes and watched the butter and syrup mix on top of it. I grabbed my fork and started to cut little pieces of my pancake and shoving them in my mouth while closing my eyes and savoring the sweet milky taste.

I finished up my pancakes and saw that Mathew was finished so I offered to take his plate. He set it on top of mine and smiled as he said thank you. I walked over to the sink and turned on the warm water. Once warm enough I put my plate under the water and took the sponge with soap and started to washing both plates and rinsing it off and sticking them into the dishwasher and closing it. I turned and looked at the clock and sighed and walked over to where I was sitting and grabbed my backpack and said reluctantly, “We better get going to school before we’re late.”

He looked at the clock on the wall and grumbled as he got up and picked his backpack that was on the floor next to him on the ground and slung it over his shoulder. I walked over to Mother and hugged her and then walked over to Father and hugged him and started walking towards the front door with Mathew behind me and called over my shoulder, “Bye Mother, bye Father.”

I heared them both call out; “See you after school Hun.”

We walked out the front door and I saw Mathew’s 2010 Camry and rolled my eyes and turned to Mathew and said, “I’m walking, so if you want to drive you can.”

His eyebrow rose as he said, “Who says I’m going to let you walk alone?”

I smiled and started walking down the street with him beside me. It was silent the whole way there but it didn’t matter to me. I was use to it being silent and I loved the sounds of everything around me. From my house to school it was about a 10-15 minute walk. Not much of a distance so I just normally walked to school everyday.

I started to see the outline of the school buildings behind the trees as we got closer and closer. As we walked closer we saw cars pulling up and people kids walking towards the buildings. Since Mathew was new here we had to go to the office and get his schedule. I hope I had some classes with him if not this was going to be a lot worse. I looked over at him as he said, “So where’s the office.”

“Just follow me.” I said as a smile made its way across my lips.

He laughed and followed me into a building and up to the front desk. She looked up at us and smiled once she saw me and said, “Oh, hello dear. How are you?”

I smiled at her as we stopped infront of her and said, “I’m fine, and how about you?”

She shrugged as her eyes flickered to Mathew and said, “Some days are better than others, and who is this handsome young fellow we got here?”

Mathew chuckled and finally spoke, “I’m Mathew Cain and I’m new here.”

“Ah, okay.” She turned slightly to her left and opened up a file and looked for a paper and took it out as she handed towards Mathew and said, “Here you go dear.”

He grabbed the piece of paper and replied, “Thank you Ma’am.”

She smiled and said, “You’re welcome.”

Mathew and I turned around and started walking out the door but I turned slightly towards the lady behind the desk, “See ya around Mrs. Clark.”

“You to Dear, have a nice day.” She called out towards us.

“You too.” I said then walked out.

I looked at Mathew and said, “So what classes you got?”

He laughed and handed me the paper, “Take a look for yourself.”

I grabbed it and scanned the paper seeing that we had a few classes together. I looked up at him and smiled, “We have 3 classes together. Math, Greek, and Mythology.”

He let out an exasperated sigh, “Mythology is so fucking boring.”

“I have to agree with that. Fortunately for me, I don’t have to pay much attention.” I said sticking out my tongue at him.

He looked at me confusedly and asked, “And why is that?”

I laughed, “Because I’m smart and I’m an honor student.”

His eyebrow rose and grumbled, “Lucky.”

I just shook my head and kept walking and said, “Well luck you because you have me here.”

A smile made its way onto a face with that comment and said, “Yes I do.”

I walked towards math class with Mathew behind me. I wasn’t really paying attention when I heard familiar voices and sighed. Mathew must had heard it because he looked at me and asked, “You okay?”

I looked up at him and smiled, “Yes, why?”

“I don’t know.” He said and looked forward.

We were almost to class when I heard one of the guy’s from yesterday called out, “Hey emo, we haven’t finished with you after you disappeared on us yesterday.”

I just continued as Mathew looked at me confused as his eyes flickered from my face to the three jocks. I could feel the anger radiating off the guy infront and picked up his speed as he said, “Turn around and talk bitch.”

I let out a low growl and clenched my fists as I turned around and said calmly, “What?”

Mathew stopped and his eyebrow rose as he looked between me and the guy. The three guys stopped a few feet away and the front one said angrily, “What the fuck happened yesterday you just disappeared.”

“You guys were to slow.” I said with an emotionless mask.

“Bullshit.” He growled.

I let out an annoyed sigh, “If its bullshit then stop bugging me.”

He took a step closer and clenched his fist as he growled again, “You can’t tell me what to do.”

I didn’t reply and just turned around to start heading to class. I know I was pissing him off but I could care less. I heard a little swish but stepped to the side a little and felt the air against my face as his fist went right beside my head. I saw in the corner of my eye Mathew’s wide eyes as he stepped the other way. I heard the guy growl furiously and half yelled, “How the fuck do you keep dodging my fucking punches you bitch!”

I turned my head slightly towards him and replied in a ‘duh’ voice, “Because like I said last time your aiming is off dumbass.”

“Bullshit!” He said pissed off and went to throw another punch but Mathew was infront of me in a blink and grabbed the guy’s hand.

Mathew was glaring at the guy and growled at him, “If you ever try and punch Catriona I swear I’ll kick your ass.”

The guy looked from his hand to Mathew’s face and back again as he said in astonishment, “How the fuck did you do that? Did little emo girl get a body guard to protect her because of how everyone treats her?”

“I’m giving you a warning. If you EVER hurt her or try that again I will kick your ass.” He hissed and let go of his hand and grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from the guy.

I looked at him as he started to calm down and said quietly, “Thanks, you didn’t have to do that.”

He looked at me seriously and said, “What the fuck was that all about?”

I sighed and said, “I’ll tell you after class.”

“You better.” He said as I headed in the door of room B8 and sat up in the front all the way in the corner.

Mathew sat down next to me and we started to take out our stuff as we waited for Mr. Nickerson came in. The bell rang and all the kids came piling in and going to there desks. After everyone was situated Mr. Nickerson walked in and infront of the class as he said, “Morning class. I heard we have a new student in our class. Will they please stand?”

Mathew groaned and stood up and everyone’s eyes went on him. Mr. Nickerson went on, “Will you please state your name and tell us a little bit about yourself?”

Mathew took in a deep breath and said, “I’m Mathew, I’m 18 years old. This is my last year of school and I’m going to finish it with my best friend Catriona.”

I could feel all the stares turn to me and I could feel the warmth on my cheeks as I got some awe’s and some disgusted looks. I looked down at my hands that were in my lap as Mathew sat back down in his seat. Mr. Nickerson smiled and said, “Okay let’s begin class.
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