Status: Active

Take Me Back to Your Bed


He sat up, bring her up with him as she straddled his pelvis, they moved slowly moving their hips together. Their lips met and tongues danced. One of his hands raced down her spine as the other one gripped her neck, keeping her vanilla tasting lips against his. She held one hand on his chest as the other played with the brown colored hair. She pushed back the moans and groans, trying to be as discrete as possible. But with him, it was impossible.

Her body screamed to let out the pleasurable moans as loud as she could, especially when he bucked his hips up surprising her. She tilted her head back and gasped, leaving him to kiss her jawline and down her neck to softly suck on the spot right above her clavicle. He sucks gently, not enough to leave a mark but enough to pleasure her. Her breathing slows into quick shallow breaths as she grinds into him faster and faster. She could feel the orgasm building in her, her body started shaking.

The room smelt of sweat and sex. His face, neck and chest were red from the intercourse and she lay on her back. With her breasts exposed, his hands and eyes grazed up and down her chest, emitting goose-bumps on her flesh. They breathed heavy together, with a few last pushes, they finished the blissful action. He collapsed half beside her and half on her, his hand on her hip. She breathed deeply, her body craving nicotine and she played with his hair as he watched her.

He watched her profile, the way her nose pointed up only slightly and the way her plump lips parted ever so slightly, teasingly. Her eyes were closed, he could see her long eyelashes meshing together and a few beads of sweat along her forehead making her bangs stick. She opened her eyes and looked at him. She knew he was staring at her; he always does after they have sex.

“You have to go,” her voice came out in a raspy whisper; she sat up and stretched waiting for the boy next to her to get up as well. He lay there, daring her to make him get up. He smirked as he watched her pull on a pair of underwear, forgetting her bra and pulling on shorts and a tank top. “Garrett, I’m not fucking kidding. Ryder said he’ll be over after practice and I have to shower, so scoot!”

Garrett laughed as he got up; dressed in the clothes he wore to school and into her house. Once he was done, he grabbed her by the hips and stole a sweet kiss. She smiled into the kiss and a giggle slipped through them only to be muffled. “Now go!” She mumbled against him and he kissed her once again before leaving her house.

She sighed, closing her eyes as she fished for her cigarettes from her purse. She pulled them out with her lighter, lighting up a stick as soon as she pulled it from the pack. She opened her window, sat on top of her desk and smoked the cigarette. Her mind drifted to Garrett’s calloused hands running up and down her body, chills ran up and down her spine just thinking about it. Her phone beeped from her bed, she got up and grabbed the device. A text message from baby<3 that read I’ll be over after dinner with the guys, love you. She quickly replied to him, happy that she had time to shower and get ready.

She finished her cigarette, throwing it out the window and walked down the hall to the kitchen. She pulled out a bottle of water and she could smell a faint smell of weed coming from the basement. She opened the door and was hit with a blast of smoke. “Don’t die down there and save me some!” She yelled down to her brother, instantly hearing surprised coughs and giggles. She got a confirmation of Devin Campbell saving her some and she walked back to her room feeling satisfied.

She took a quick shower and after she dressed in pajama pants, a black bandeau bra and a loose fitting tank top. Throwing her hair up in a loose bun she walked towards the basement and downstairs. The room was barely lit and hazy; she walked through towards the couch where Devin sat hitting a bong. Two thickly rolled blunts laid next to an ashtray and she picked one up. She pulled out an orange lighter from the lighter bowl in the middle of the table, Devin stopped to watch her.

“Noah, what makes you think that blunt is yours?” His voice was thick and he spaced each word as if he just thought of each word as he said them.

“Because you love me and you are my personal blunt roller,” she lit the blunt watching her brother smirk and shakes his head. She pulled in a hit then another on top of it, sat back before exhaling.

“I heard you and Gar; by the way, you’re really bad at being quiet.” Noah groaned, hitting the blunt again and closing her eyes.

“I’m a horrible person, Dev,” she whispered and all Devin did was laugh. “You’re helpful.”

“What can I say? Ryder is a pushover douche and you’re pretty much the head bitch in charge in that relationship. Garrett, he’s infatuated with you and I’m sure he has been ever since we moved here. I like Gar though; you should just fuck Ryder and go with Gar.”

She smoked her blunt, Devin’s words whirled around her mind and she sighed. Is he right? Should she just let Ryder go and start something with Garrett or just keep this going? What is “this” that she has going on with Garrett? Her mind was full of questions and all she wanted to do was smoke and relax.

“Ryder’s here, I can hear his douche car.” Noah rolled her eyes, put out the blunt, took her blunts and went upstairs. She checked her eyes in the mirror in the living room as soon as the doorbell rang. She opened the door and Ryder’s face fell as soon as he saw her red glazed eyes.

“You’re high,” his voice was filled with disappointment and Noah rolled her eyes.

“And this surprises you? So what are we gonna do?” She smirks, putting her hands on his belt buckle pulling him into the house.

“I thought we could just hang out.” His voice was curt and Noah stopped walking and her face dropped.

“Hang out? I could still be downstairs hanging out with my brother than just with you, I was thinking we could make out,” she bit her lip a smirk forming on her lips again. “We could touch and fuck and cuddle.” She reached up to whisper in his ear and Ryder placed his hands on her hips and pushed her back.

“How about when you’re sober,” Ryder turned around and left. Noah narrowed her eyes before storming into her room, lighting up the rest of her blunt and picked up her phone. She dialed a familiar number, brought the device to her ear and waited for him to pick up.

“’Ello?” His voice was confused and gruff; it was unusual for Noah to call him especially when Ryder should be over.

“He’s such a fucking prick, G, I’m stoned off my ass and he didn’t even want to have sex. You know how I get when I’m blazed.” Garrett laughed, signaling his friends to be quiet with his hand as he sat comfortably on his couch.

“Yeah, what do you want me to come over again?” Noah smirked, hitting her blunt as she sat on her bed turning her fan on.

“I ‘unno, I was thinking maybe writing that paper for English.” She was toying with him and he knew it but he loved it. For some sick strange reason he loves the games she plays.

“Why’d you call then? I was just about to school John O’ in Halo.” She giggled before hitting her blunt again, blowing smoke rings when exhaling.

“Oh really, how is that going?” She closed her eyes and listened to him laugh; she could barely hear John making comments in the background. “Hey, Gar, I’m gonna go make some food I’ll talk to you later, alright?” His face fell and his heart raced.

“Y-yeah, t-that’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” She nodded before saying goodbye and he hung up the phone before punching John’s arm. “She totally heard you say that asshole!” John just laughed, shaking his head.

“It’s not a fucking secret that you’re in love with her.” Garrett felt a blush come to his cheeks and all he could think was if only you knew the half of it. Only three people knew about the so called affair that Noah is having on Ryder with Garrett. They were Noah, Garrett and Devin. They’re going to be the only ones.
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New story, yes I have a problem. I hope you like it, please comment and subscribe!
I'm not sure when chapter one will be out but soon, hopefully.