Status: Active

Take Me Back to Your Bed


Noah woke up, turned her iHome on and lit the rest of the blunt she never finished the night before. She let her hair out of her bun, turned on her straightener on her dresser before going to her closet. She picked out simple clothing, already feeling the days heat and it was barely 7 am. She finished her blunt before going to brush her teeth. Her parents were sleeping heavily, just like they did every day and Noah can hear Devin moving around in the kitchen. She brushed her teeth before going back to her room, grabbed her stuff and printed her English paper before meeting Devin in the kitchen.

“So what is that shit you rolled me?” Her voice was already thick from the smoke; she took her Visine out of her purse as her brother laughed. She dropped the solution in her eyes separately and blinked a few times.

“Kush, why? Did you stay up late?” She nodded while stuffing bread in her mouth and they started to leave. “I haven’t slept yet; I’ll probably pass out in Health or something.” The two piled into Noah’s car, her radio playing some loud rock song and the two quickly lit cigarettes.

“You’re such a bad influence, big brother!” Noah stated with mock shock, watching the boy exhale and shake his head.

“I’m only older by a few minutes and I think you’re the one who brought me to my first party.” The two laughed at the memory of sophomore year, the year that changed everything. The Campbell’s had just moved to Tempe, Arizona and the twins were trying to fit in. Noah had made friends with Roxie Thompson, a girl in Noah’s English, History and Art class. They bonded over Noah’s father’s Grateful Dead concert t-shirt she had cut up and personalized to fit her. Roxie told her about a party that Friday after school started, her friend’s older brother was throwing it and Noah was down for it, although she has never partied in her life.

Noah brought Devin along so he could make friends and after a sip of alcohol and a drag of a shared blunt outside they’ve been hooked since. That night is also the night Noah met Ryder Richards. They started out friends that quickly turned into a relationship that is going on two years now as they start their senior year. Since they started dating, Noah claims that she loves Ryder with all of her heart. He’s sweet and charming; he buys her things and lets her win at video games. He is perfect for her.

Yet, with every bone in her body, she aches for Garrett Nickelsen’s tender touch.

They got to school; Noah parked in her spot and sat back looking at her brother. “What?” Devin didn’t even have to look at Noah to know she was looking at him.

“Nothing, I like freaking you out,” she laughed grabbing her stuff before getting out of her car. She could hear Devin laughing at her, calling her names from behind her. She flipped him off with her middle finger high in the air as she walked to the spot where she will meet up with Roxie. She could hear someone calling her name once she got to the sidewalk leading up to the school. She turned to see Ryder walking up to her with a smirk on his face and both hands behind his back.

Noah stopped walking and waited for him, her smile growing wider when his hands came out from behind his back and a teddy bear was clutched in his hands. “Hi baby,” he kissed her forehead and she giggled, grabbing the bear and hugging it close to her. “I’m sorry about yesterday, it’s just the guys were being asses and then seeing you stoned kind of pissed me off. But I hope that you take this bear as an apology.” Ryder smiled a quick heart melting smile and Noah couldn’t be mad at him.

“Of course, baby, shit happens.” She reached up on the tip of her toes to kiss his lips. They kissed for what seemed like minutes before someone coughed next to them. Noah saw Garrett staring at her from behind Roxie, she winked at him and a blush formed on his face. Noah smirked before looking at Roxie with a big smile forming on her face. “Look at the bear, Garth!”

Roxie smiled while shaking her head, petting the soft brown bear. “It’s cute, Wayne, but if could Ryder excuse us, Gary and I need to tell you something very important.” Noah nodded turning to Ryder but felt her heart drop when she realized he had already walked away as soon as Roxie and Garrett showed up.

“When did he go?” Noah asked with hurt in her voice and Garrett felt his heart drop. He spent most of the interaction between Noah and Roxie glaring daggers at the boy who has Noah’s full heart and attention. Garrett realized two months ago, when the affair between him and Noah started, that he was only receiving her lust’s attention. It didn’t change how he felt about anything, as he told himself nightly. Garrett watched Ryder walk away hoping that his glaring meant that Ryder wasn’t welcome.

“I don’t know or care but dude, how baked are you?” Garrett didn’t realize that Noah was stoned until he fully looked at her. She wore a goofy smirk and her eyes looked heavy and sleepy. She was definitely high and it only made Garrett wish they weren’t in school even more. He ached to touch her like yesterday, to stare at her and feel her shake under him. He knew their sex was better than sex with Ryder. He just knew it.

Noah giggled before shrugging, “I smoked some Kush that Dev has. So what do you have to tell me?” Her words slurred a little and another giggle came from her lips. Roxie rolled her eyes even though in reality she was jealous. She hasn’t smoked much since she got a job but she knows soon that will change.

“Gare’s in a band.” Roxie smiled to Garrett who wasn’t paying attention. He was too busy staring at Noah. Noah’s face lit up as she squealed.

“Really? Another one though? What band?” Noah hugged Garrett tightly, ignoring how fast his heart was beating and how her stomach turned with guilt.

“Uh yeah,” was all Garrett could say. He was being stupid. He can act normal around her when they’re in public; he made a promise to her that he will.

“He’s in Jared’s band, you know Jared? The guy I was hanging out with last Tuesday at the park before you and Garrett rudely interrupted.” Slowly the trio began walking towards the entrance to the school. Noah giggled before muttering the word date and Roxie shoved her playfully with a blush creeping to her cheeks.

“I’m really excited though, Noah.” Garrett cut in and watched Noah turn to him and smile that smile that makes his heart stop. The one where the sides of her eyes crinkle just slightly, it’s when he knows it’s a real smile from her. He sees the one she gives to Ryder; they don’t have the same crinkle or the same effect. Garrett knows she really wants him, somewhere, deep inside.

“That’s good Gar! Oh, wait, isn’t John in that band too?” Noah was the first to stop at her locker; she did her code as her two friends looked at each other trying not to laugh. Noah has a distinct feeling when it comes to John O’Callaghan and it’s not love.

“Yeah, he is, but he’s really not that bad. I mean yesterday on the phone he was being obnoxious but other than that he’s really not bad at all.” Noah rolled her eyes before closing her locker, the large History book in her hands.

“Yeah sure. I don’t even know what he said last night anyway and he’s obnoxious all the time.” Roxie began texting, ignoring the two as they began to bicker about John. But soon the trio was met with the daily routine of school when the bell rang through the school. They stopped in front of Noah’s class and said their farewells and promises to meet before lunch. Garrett walked away wishing it was after school, Roxie walked away texting Jared about doing something after school and Noah sat down in her desk aching for school to be over.
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First one to guess why they all wanted after school gets a prize!
tell your friends about this story please!
And this will be very slow, just so you know.