Status: Active

Take Me Back to Your Bed


Noah walked out of her Chemistry class with her head pounding and anger dripping from her every nerve. She has never been so pissed off and all it took was a simple text message from Ryder. I really can’t believe you came to school high. Noah you are so stupid. She thought he didn’t care, that he was sorry about doing the same bullshit last night. He gave her a stupid, soft teddy bear and as soon as she saw it waiting for her in her locker she started slamming it with her book.

“Woah! Noah!” She felt someone take her arms and slowly brought them down. She breathed heavily, staring into her locker to see the cheaply made bear already falling apart. Slowly she breathed in and out, calming down before looking back at the person who saved the bear from its untimely and brutal demise. Garrett stared down at Noah with a confused face and Noah could see his collarbone slipping out of his outstretched shirt. She stared at him with lustful hunger behind her eyes. “Are you okay?”

His voice caused her to not stare at him and she blinked while nodding. “Yeah, I’m fine. Uh could you take that fucking ugly thing out of my locker and throw it away?” She asked staring that the bear with so much disgust. Garrett did what she asked and when he returned to her locker he saw her head into and could see the familiar shakes of her body that mean she was crying. Instantly he bit his lip, wrapped both arms around her and pulled her close to him. She turned around his in arms and cried into his shirt.

“Let’s go find Roxie; we could—uh—go back to your house. I’ll text Devi-,” Garrett was cut off by Noah pulling away and shaking her head. Her face started to streak with tears and her eyes were red and glossy. Garrett felt his heart drop at the sight of her crying.

“No, don’t call Dev. Let’s just get Roxie, she’ll drive me home and you could drive behind us.” Her voice came out extra raspy from the crying and Garrett nodded, helping her walk to the lunchroom where Roxie waited right in front of the double doors. Roxie noticed how Garrett was holding Noah up and the tears rolling down the girl’s face, she instantly ran up to them.

“What happened?” Her voice filled with concern as she looked at Noah and then to Garrett.

“Can we just get her out of the school, Rox?” Garrett asked trying to get out of the eyes of everyone who passed. This isn’t the first time Noah sobbed loudly in the halls of their high school. She’s had breakdowns like this often. She blames not being able to control her emotions right. If she’s too pissed off, she’ll cry and when she’s sad she’ll shrug it off and forget about it. She has frequent panic attacks and it leads to where she is now. Her two best friends walked her out to her car and sat her down in the passenger seat. She instantly lit up a cigarette, handing one to Roxie as Roxie began to drive away.

“So what happened, Wayne?” Roxie asked sucking on the nicotine stick and Noah wiped the tears from her face. She remembered the text message and instantly started to puff on the cigarette angrily.

“Fucking Ryder, again!” She practically yelled and the tears started to sting at her face again. “He gets so mad ‘cause I smoke pot. Well if he wasn’t some fucking Jock he’d do it too!” She was angry again which would only mean she’ll start crying.

“Whoa, Noah, calm down. Well maybe later you should have him come over and you two can talk. Maybe, if you really love him, you’d stop?” Roxie tried to reason but even hearing her words she didn’t want to believe them. Roxie is a firm believer in not changing for anyone and she was thankful that Jared didn’t mind her smoking. But just seeing Noah so worked up with Ryder made her just think this way. If only Noah and Garrett could get together, everything would be fine. She would be fine. Roxie thought with a small smile on her face. Noah rolled her eyes.

“Did you change for Jared? No. So why should I change for Ryder? He fucking drinks like a damn idiot, at least weed won’t make me a stupid horny bitch.” Noah commented, remembering when Ryder almost forced her to have sex at a party over the summer. Then she realized that may have started all the fighting between her and Ryder.

“Well, just talk to him tonight then, Noah, I don’t know other than that.”

“Can we just not talk about Ryder?” Noah felt defeated and Roxie could sense the defeat in her voice. She nodded, tossing the done cigarette out the window and put a CD she found on the dashboard in the stereo and “Degausser” by Brand New started to play. Noah closed her eyes and when she opened them she could see the yellow vehicle Garrett drives in the mirror, indicating he was behind them. She felt chills running up her arms at the thought of Garrett touching her. The song reminded her of him. She reached forward to turn the song to the next on the mix and Roxie looked at her best friend. Roxie only thought that it must have reminded Noah of Ryder. If only she knew what Noah thought of while hearing that song.

The trio got to Noah’s house and felt relieved seeing no other cars in the driveway. On normal Thursday’s her parents were home until at least five but them being gone at barely even noon it was a huge relief. They walked into the house in silence but once inside Garrett asked Noah what was wrong, why did she start crying. Noah sat down on the recliner, sat back and put her legs up over the side.

“Ryder sent me a text messages saying how stupid I was for being high. I was just so pissed off I killed the bear he got me then guilt took over and I just broke down. He’s so stupid, of course I’m gonna get high. It’s better than being sober anymore.” She paused to see how Garrett’s face changed and she bit her lip. “I still love him though.” She added and Garrett stood up announcing he had to pee. Roxie laughed while thanking him for the announcement.

“Hey Jared just texted me, he uh is kind of outside and he was gonna take me out after school but since we left,” Roxie paused to laugh and smile, Noah waved her off laughing also. “I’ll call you later and you best follow my advice to talk to Ryder. Or at least, I hope, you break up with him.”

“I’m not breaking up with him,” Noah mumbled but hugged her best friend goodbye before watching her leave. Once Roxie was gone she walked towards her bathroom as Garrett walked out. He looked to her confused but she smiled at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him into her room.

“Uh, w-where’s R-Roxie?” He asked, stuttering over his words as she pushed him back on the bed.

“Jared picked her up. I-I listened to Degausser in the car and I need you, Gar,” she whispered against him as she lay next to him. He turned to prop himself up with his elbow and forearm against the bed. He stared down at her, the way her hair currently fell into her face and her eyes puffy from crying.

“Do you really need me, Noah?” He asked softly, his light colored eyes staring down into her brown ones as she looked at him, blinking slowly.

“Yes, Gar, I do.” She pushed herself up so she was face level with him, her lips merely an inch away from his and he stared down at her lips. “Kiss me.” She whispered. He felt her breath against him and driven crazy from his hormones he kissed Noah softly before pushing her onto her back, kissing her harder. Their tongues met and intertwined as she played with the bottom of his shirt and he had both arms on either side of her. They kissed until slowly Noah lifted her shirt up and Garrett pulled it off. They moved together, Garrett moved back so he was on his needs in between her legs and she moved forward to sit up. She took his shirt off and he unclasped her bra.

Their lips met again as she worked on his pants and his hands caressed her stomach and breasts, feeling the goose bumps that filled her skin. She gasped against his lips feeling the tingles running up and down her body. She unbuttoned his jeans, feeling the line of his boxers with her fingers and he started to unbutton her shorts. Together they got undressed and Noah was back on her back, her legs moving against Garrett’s sides as he moved against her yet teasing her. He stopped kissing her lips to kiss her jaw and her collarbones.

“Gare,” her voice came out airy with pleasure but with a mixture of sternness, just so he would hurry up already and get him in her. He laughed against her; his breath against her skin caused more goose bumps to cover her. Garrett reached down under Noah’s bed to grab the basket of condoms she kept hidden. He quickly slid one on before situating himself against her. He leaned down, hovered above her lips before entering her and softly bit down on her collarbone. He tried not to leave marks as he went from biting to sucking on the spot that drove her crazy. She gasped before moaning as he moved slowly inside her. She wrapped her legs around him making him go deeper inside and she bucked her hips as he drove into her.

It wasn’t long until Noah had Garrett on his back and she moved her hips around, moaning like crazy at how amazing he felt inside of her. Garrett’s chest and face began to turn red as he tried not to be the first to come. Noah lent down, her hair softly brushing Garrett’s chest as she moved to kiss his collarbone. She bit down on the jutting bone, just as he did, and felt a satisfied smirk come to her face as he gasped loudly. A small whimper came from his lips as she kissed him, bucking her hips once more and her eyes opened wide. She started to shake as the orgasm built up and Garrett couldn’t contain it anymore. He pushed into once more and a loud moan escaped her lips as she came. Garrett groaned against her as he came too, that feeling of bliss releasing out of him and she collapsed against him breathing heavily.

“Thank you,” she whispered against his ear before kissing it softly.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered not taking his eyes off of her and she looked at him before rolling her eyes.

“If I was perfect, Gar, I wouldn’t be doing this. I’m so fucked up.” She got off the bed, put on the pajama’s she wore last night before walking through the house for her purse. She pulled out her cigarettes, put one against her lips and walked back to her room looking at her phone. She saw a text from Ryder, her hear pounded as she opened it. We need to talk was all it said and she felt her heart sink in her chest. Does he know? Will he apologize? Will he break up with her? These questions swarmed her mind as she closed her door and opened her window. Garrett was dressed in his clothes, sitting on her bed watching her move about and smoked her cigarette.

“What’s up?” He asked noticing that she was pacing and not standing still. A sign that usually meant she was nervous, anxious for something.

“He says we need to talk.” Garrett watched her suck on the cigarette, standing still in the middle of her room with her eyes closed. He got up off her bed and put two hands on her hips.

“Then talk to him, I’ll go home. Call me if you need anything.” So Garrett kissed her forehead and left her house with her still anxious about talking with Ryder. She tossed her cigarette out the window and texted Ryder to come over either after school or to text her when he is. Then she grabbed a towel and took a shower.

Noah thought about all the possibilities that will happen when she will talk to Ryder. Some good but most of them were bad. Her heart raced as she got out of the shower and attacked her phone to see if he had replied. She read the text message that he’ll be over at 3 and her phone said it was only 2:30. So she quickly dressed in a cute dress before blow drying her hair. She put on some make up and tried to look as pretty as possible for him. Maybe if she looked impressive he’d stay. And exactly at 3 her doorbell rang, she slipped on her flats before walking out of her room and practically sprinting to the door. Ryder leaned against the wall near the door as she opened the door. She smiled to him with so much hope and his lips tightened in a tight line across his face.

“Are you high?” She shook her head and Ryder smiled only a little bit before walking into the house. Ryder sat down on the couch and Noah stood around feeling awkward.

“Do you need something to drink?” She asked in a timid voice and Ryder shook head before gesturing and telling her to sit down. She sat down on the opposite end of the couch with her leg shaking up and down with nerves.

“Do you not know my reputation at this school, Noah?” Noah shook her head. Ryder sighed, “I am one of the top dogs, I need to be perfect. Having a girlfriend who has psycho-breakdowns in school and gets high all the time isn’t doing anything to help me being perfect.” He paused to look at Noah, who stared down at her feet feeling embarrassed and scared. “I love you, Noah, I really do but if you love me, you need to stop this. Stop dressing like a slob at school, do your make up more and stop getting high. That’s all I ask for.”

“Okay, baby, anything for you.” She spoke softly and Ryder smiled, scooting over to her and putting an arm around her.

“How about I call up Joel and we can meet him and Melissa for a cute double date?” Noah just nodded, no matter how much she hated Melissa Dunham she would do anything to keep Ryder. “I love you baby.” He kissed her forehead and she didn’t feel it the way she did with Garrett. Why did she even think about Garrett?

“I love you too.” She whispered feeling so completely defeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Talk Outfite

This took me so long to write haha. (2,541 words and 5 hours) But yeah, you can blame Fireworks by You Me At Six, Degausser by Brand New, ET Cover by VersaEmerge (listen!!) and Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy for this chapter.
Please comment and tell your friends about this and thank you to those who have commented!
Any thoughts?

Also, I've written the last chapter of this hahaha, I'm ahead of myself by a lot.