Status: Active

Take Me Back to Your Bed


Garrett woke up the next morning, glad that it was Friday and his first band practice was that evening before a huge party over in the township over. He got ready for the day with a quick shower and finding clothing he deemed clean enough to go to school in. He picked up his phone from the floor, detached it from the charger and checked his messages. No new ones from Noah. That’s strange, Garrett thought after remembering she was supposed to call or text him after her talk with Ryder. A part of him wanted to go to her and ask her why she didn’t call or text but he decided against it. She’ll tell him at school. That was his final thought before going downstairs to meet his mother and father for breakfast.

He ate his eggs and toast in silence, his parents muttering work related topics as they sipped their coffee. Garrett’s mother was the first to notice how quiet he was, “Gar, honey, what’s wrong? You’re very quiet this morning.” Garrett looked up to his mother and put on a forced smile.

“I’m fine, just tired that’s all.” His mother bought the fake smile and the excuse and once his breakfast was finished he grabbed his backpack and left. He walked out of the house quickly, practically running to his car, simultaneously getting his phone and dialing Roxie.

“Garrett, please don’t tell me you’re outside already! You’re early, too early,” she began to mumble under her breath while trying to control her hair for the day.

“I haven’t left yet. Listen, Rox-,” he was cut off by Roxie making an angry noise and started muttering things off in Spanish, which usually meant she was getting pissed off. “Roxanne! Listen to me.” Roxie had stopped muttering and stopped fussing with her hair. She clutched the phone tightly before rolling her eyes.

“What has gotten you all twisted?” Roxie moved about her room, sliding on her Vans and waited for the, in her words, twisted boy to answer her.

“Have you talked to Noah?” His voice came out in a crack, like he’s been scared or worrying and Roxie’s mouth formed a smile. She knew how deeply Garrett cared for the girl; he’s always been like this around Noah Campbell.

“No? Not since I left you two yesterday to go out with Jared. Why? Did she finally break up with Ryder and, hopefully, you two started dating?” Roxie bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud when Garrett let out a deep sigh like he was getting annoyed with her. Even through the phone a blush crept to his cheeks and neck. He cleared his throat.

“Roxie, please, she was supposed to call me last night. Do you think something happened?” On the other side of the phone call, Roxie rolled her eyes and shook her head at how protective Garrett is of Noah.

“I think she’s fine, bro, why don’t you just go over to her house? And call me if you’re not gonna go in, so I can call out and go hang out with Jared.” With that Roxie hung up the phone and started getting ready slower. Garrett rolled his eyes at his best friend before starting his car and driving towards the Campbell’s house. He parked around the corner, walked down towards the house with nerves building up. What if she doesn’t want to see him? What if she’s sick? What if she’s so heartbroken that she’s needed him all night and he was too stupid to realize it? So many questions went through his mind as he walked up to the house and rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, seconds that felt like minutes, Devin opened the door and raised his eyebrow to see Garrett. “Hey dude? Uh Noah isn’t going today. You can go talk to her or whatever. I’m gonna head to school, see you at the party later!” Devin called after before jogging to Noah’s car and getting in to drive to school. Garrett walked into the house and towards Noah’s room. He knocked on the door; he could hear her move around in her room and the nerves still weren’t letting up. The door opened and Noah looked to Garrett with wide eyes.

“Why are you here?” It came out more rude than she wanted but she pulled Garrett into her room so her parents wouldn’t see him and he tripped over something on the floor and the two went tumbling down to the ground. Noah lay on the floor with Garrett on top of her with the urge to kiss him but she fought it. She is with Ryder fully now. At least, that’s what she’s telling herself.

“Hi,” Garrett whispered and smiled down at Noah lovingly. She stared back at him with a blank stare before pushing the boy off of her and standing up.

“You should leave,” Garrett noticed something was wrong right away. Her voice was distant and cold, like she wasn’t even her and Garrett lightly touched her shoulder. She jerked away and stared up at him with anger in her eyes. “Gar, please, I don’t want you here. I don’t want to mess around with you anymore. I am all Ryder’s now.” Hearing these words hurt Garrett more than anything. He stared at the girl with his mouth slightly ajar and he couldn’t think of what to say. He was stunned, slightly motionless as Noah looked at him with tears starting to form in her eyes.

“You’re joking, right?” Garrett asked after finding the courage to speak, he asked the first thing that came to mind and instantly regretted it. Noah looked up at him with tears falling.

“I’m not fucking joking, Garrett. I love Ryder.” Noah walked away from Garrett to sit on her bed, she stared at the ground and Garrett stood rooted in his spot. “I stopped smoking for him. I’m going to change my wardrobe for him. I’m going to be a better person for him, Gar, you need to respect this.”

Garrett stared at the girl, anger boiling under his skin, through his veins and he shook his head. “I can’t respect that you’re becoming a fucking robot for that piece of shit.” He paused trying to fight the words he wanted to say but he couldn’t, he gave in. “What about what we have?” Her brown eyes cut up at him and she shook her head.

“What? Sex? That’s all we were, Garrett. You couldn’t even be my friend around me. It was a mistake and we have to live with the consequences now.” Garrett rolled his eyes, wishing he could just do something to show this girl that he’s better than Ryder. But all he can see is red and the anger just keeps building.

“Fuck the consequences, fuck Ryder and fuck you, Noah. I love you. There I fucking said it but you won’t do fucking shit about it. You know what, if you’re gonna stay with that douchebag and act like a totally different Noah Campbell, then fine. Have fun living the life you never wanted. I’m done.” He walked out of her room and out of the house. Noah stayed rooted on her bed, staring at the opened door from her room. She heard the door slam behind him, she could practically hear him stomping his way to his car and peeling away towards school.

The tears formed in her eyes again as she replayed his words in her head over and over. The tone in his voice scared her. He truly meant he was done. She fucked up. She chose the wrong boy. She knew it. But now she has to live with her consequences. Noah has to live with the fact that she only chose Ryder because he’s abusive safe. “I love you too,” she whispered before lying down on her bed, curling her legs to her chest and began to cry into her pillow.

Garrett parked outside of Roxie’s house, waiting for her to come out and he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He started to cry and when the Thompson girl came out she instantly put a hand on his back. “What happened, Gar?”

“I fucked up, I fucked everything up. I made her cheat, Roxie, I made her fuck me behind Ryder’s back since July! I’m scum. She loves him, she chose him and all I did was yell at her. She didn’t deserve it. I am scum, I am scum, I am scum!” He yelled, hot tears rolling down his cheeks as he slammed his palms against his steering wheel until he collapsed his forehead on the wheel and sobbed. Roxie sat in the passenger’s seat, rubbing her best friend’s back even though she’s shocked.

“For two months, you and Noah have been seeing each other?” She asked softly, trying not to offend him or upset him more and he just nodded.

“We had sex, that’s it, it was just physical. She told me not to fall in love with her. I fucked up.” He sat back in his seat, shaking and trying to stop crying. Everything seemed so confusing and messed up to him.

“Garrett, you have to explain everything to me. I’m so confused. Come on, let me drive and we can go to the park or something. Fuck school at this point.” Garrett nodded, feeling no real will to fight Roxie and they switched seats and she began driving. “Okay start where you want to, how the sex started or when you realized you liked her, I don’t care, I just need answers.” Garrett cleared his throat, looking out the window at the passing houses.

“It started July 13th; it was just Noah and I at her house. Devin was out with Christie and Ryder was visiting his cousins in Texas. I remember she was smoking the bubbler I got her for her birthday, you know the one she thought was so pretty, and she started to tell me how she likes to make out with people when she’s high.”

”Gar-Gary, I’m high. Do you know what I like to do when I’m high?” Noah was lying on her stomach, resting on her forearms to prop herself up as Garrett lay on his back, his head turned to look at her. Noah had freshly shaved the right said of her head, having most of her hair combed over to the left and it lay around her shoulders and chest. Garrett shook his head, smirking before asking her “what?”

She didn’t answer him, instead she showed him. She moved so that each leg was on either side of Garrett’s thighs and he sat up, propping himself up on his elbows. Noah’s hands snaked up his chest; one went around his neck and the other on his cheek. Her light brown eyes looked into his ice blue ones and she smiled. “This,” she whispered against his lips before pressing hers to his. To Garrett they fit perfectly, the way they moved together and parted a perfect distance for their tongues to collide.

He started to lean back so he was fully on his back; Garrett moved his hands up and down her bare thighs, across her jean short clad butt before resting one on her left hip and the other on the small of her back. Noah rested both hands on either side of Garrett’s head and she went to pull away from him, biting his lip teasingly as she did. She looked down at him, unashamed of cheating on her boyfriend of almost two years and stared at her best friend aching for more of his touch.

“Do you want to go to my room?” She asked him in a soft tone, his hands grazed her back, emitting goose-bumps she’s never felt before under someone’s touch.

“Take me to your bed, Noah,” he whispered and watched her eyes light up with lust. She got up and pulled him with her, Noah and Garrett walked into the Campbell house and to Noah’s bedroom. Garrett closed the door behind him and was pushed against the door by Noah. Instantly their lips were back together and their hands ravaging each other’s bodies. Garrett’s shirt came off then Noah’s tank top, soon they were on Noah’s bed, almost naked, still kissing. They stopped kissing to breathe, Noah flipped Garrett onto his back and she straddled his hips again before leaning down to kiss his jaw, down his neck and nibbling on his collarbone. Garrett drew a quick breath, never feeling the way he did this very second before. Noah slipped off her bra and underwear as Garrett tried to kick off his boxers at the same time.

Noah handed him a condom from her drawer, Garrett flipped over so she was on her back before he slipped the condom on while kissing her lips softly. She couldn’t take waiting anymore; she kept moving closer and closer to him and moving her lips to his ear. “Get in me, Garrett,” she whispered and he nodded, gripping her hips and pushing himself inside of her. Upon hearing her gasp, Garrett gripped Noah’s hips tighter; pulling her to him so she wrapped her legs around his middle and gripped his shoulders tightly. They moved together, bucking their hips with each thrust and moans escaping their lips as they hit the right spots.

The two tried to prolong the act of intercourse, to make it seem longer and to satisfy each other longer. The two have never felt this way before. Lust drove their actions, blinding them from all consequences and once they both hit their orgasms the world felt like it stopped, just for them. Once they finished, Garrett laid down next to Noah, his left hand moving up and down her side, over her breast and down her thigh.

“You’re beautiful, Noah.” Garrett whispered causing the girl to turn and look at him, her face fell and a frown found its way to her lips.

“Garrett, I’m still with Ryder. This is just a one-time thing.”

“I understand, I promise, I just want you to know that you are beautiful, best friend.” No matter how much it hurt him to say that, he just wanted her to be happy.

“Garrett? Dude? Where are you in here?” Roxie knocked on Garrett’s head making him snap out of his daydream and stare at the girl. “I’ve been sitting here for like five minutes trying to get your attention. You totally trailed off while you were explaining to me how everything started.” Garrett blushed, he completely got lost in the memory of when he first tasted and felt all of Noah Campbell.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered and the other girl just sighed, nodding and offering a small smile.

“So you fell in love with her after the first time you had sex, am I right?” Garrett just nodded, not even bothering to question how Roxie just knows these little factoids that he barely understood about himself. “And you told this to her today? Well what did she say?”

“I don’t know—I stormed out of her house.” Roxie sighed loudly before leaning back in Garrett’s driver’s seat.

“God, bro, you’re dumb. And now things will be awkward, won’t they? Since you two fought and won’t make up just yet.” Roxie paused to show the boy a cigarette as if to ask if she could light it up. Garrett shrugged and she lit the stick, rolling down his window. “I’ll talk to her, Gar, for you but I suggest that you give her time. Let her figure out that she chose the wrong boy and let you figure out how to win her over.”

“I don’t know what I would do without you Roxie,” Garrett admitted and Roxie laughed while shrugging and saying, “You know how I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, well I updated three of my active stories and if you don't mind, I'm going to have a mini rant. I see the amount of subscribers and readers and I'm pleased. I see the amount of comments and I get very sad. It makes me not want to write and as of this moment, this story, Forget Last Summer and Believing You and Me are my babies. I want them to go far and actually get finished unlike any of my other stories. So please, comment on these three stories and tell me how you feel, make predictions-do what ever. But I have a deal with you, if you comment any of the stories, I will comment your mibba and ask you which story you want a future chapter excerpt on. It could be something important about the story or not. Just please, comment my stories, they make me actually want to write and update for you. And here, I'll link you!

Forget Last Summer
Believing You and Me
This story's comment page

Thank you, <3 Acey