Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things.


I saw him again last night.

I awoke to the sound of thumping, i didn't open my eyes. I'm an easily scared girl. I've never had a real understanding of the paranormal, i never wanted to look into it. In my 15 years of living i had witnessed many 'mysterious encounters' as they could be called, i never attempted to read into them. as far as i was concerned, my tv turns on by itself. Lights flicker as a result of having a house in the middle of a woods, with a shit electrical supply. These things happned all of the time and i just made escuses in my mind. they don't exsist, it isn't real. As far as i was convinced, the paranormal was bad.

but this was different.

This wasn't just like seeing things, you can see lights flicker or something falling off a table. This was so much more.Even now, whilst me eyes where tightly shut , and i held my blanket around my body, i could FEEL him. It was like a sixth sense, i knew he was there.
I let my eyes open slightly, so that i could see out, but nobody there could tell i had my eyes open.
He was there, i could see him. His peircing blue eyes felt like they where piercing through my mind. I didn't know weather to just stare and his beauty, or scream at the fact that there was something, that i had been seeing every other night for the past three weeks, sat in my room next to my bed.
The way he looked at me was strange, it was like he was studying me, thinking about every little detail on my face. I wanted to talk to him in a way, find out if any of this was real, but the moment i opened my eyes i knew the same thing as always would happen... with one word coming out of his mouth i woul be sent in to a deep peaceful sleep and wake up at seven o'clock in my room alone, wondering if any of it was real or not.
You're probably thinking i'm insane for two reasons:
1) i am convinced that there is a gohst in my room.
2) i seem fine with the idea of this.
But he seemed like he was no harm, he seemed so peacfull. He kind of wore a constant, relaxed grin on his face.

I didn't want him to leave, i wanted to talk to him, but things rarely work the way you want them to, do they?
I flickered my eyes open and stared at him. " hello?" i whispered.
He didn't react to the fact that i was talking to me.
He leaned his face closer towards me and i could see his perfect face leaning towards me.
"sleep." he said, and began to hum a familiar tune that i could not quite place, but i didn't have time to. My eyes felt heavy as it is, and as soon as he commanded me, my eyelids didn't take very long to drop and eventually i was asleep, dead to the world.

And then i woke up, it was ten o'clock in the morning and i was lay in my room, alone. I whispered aloud to myself ' it's only a dream, why do you do this to yourself'. But as i said, i could feel his presense, i could smell his scent. It felt so real, it was like the twilight books .(which i have to say, i rather dislike) And it was slightly scaring me. Still, it was safe to say, his eyes we're most deffinatly blue, not gold or black. So at least i know there's not a vampire stalking me, that narrows it down.
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meh, not much but a start, yeah? sorry, i've not spell checked it, my laptop's dying D: . Please comment/rate (rating would mean SO much) and subscribe :} much love to you all, thankyou for reading <3