Status: In Process

Out Of Time

Chapter 11- Force and feelings do not mix

“So are you coming to the party tonight?” Alexi asked me as we both sit on my bed that Saturday Night doing our homework.

I looked at her then shook my head. “I am not really in the mood for a party.”

“Oh, come on, it will be fun. Plus it will be a good distraction.”

“I don’t know, Alexi.” I said laying my head on my pillow while Alexi took the pillow next time.

“It will be a lot of fun. The party is in Nick’s house.”

“Nick and Chris are best friends. How is that a distraction?” I asked wanting to knowing and knowing very well that Nick will do everything he can to convince Chris to go.

“So what if he goes? You know how many people are going to be there. You might not see him. Besides I was invited and was asked if I could bring someone along.”

“What about Jaime?” I asked trying to change her mind looking at her.
She pout at the mention of the name. “Jaime is visiting his grandma this weekend.”

“Then what about Nicole, I am sure she will love to go.”

“She was invited too and I think she is asking Drew to go.”

Good I thought. It’s not that I was mean or anything but ever since he got here he hasn’t given me any space to breathe. Not only that but I feel so uncomfortable around him.

“Please…please pretty please, come with me.” She added with a sad puppy face that I couldn’t help but smile in remembering who else is to do it.


“Are you still mad at me?” he asked as he brush his fingers through my hair gently.
I turn around to face and notice that he was facing me kneeling down in front of me. He gave me the sad puppy look which on him it looks adorable and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I am not mad.” I said been half honest with him at the moment. He smile at that.

“So can I have a kiss then?”

I rolled my eyes at him in which he smile.

“One kiss and only one.” I said making it clear and lean toward him to touch his lips but when I did I knew he have trick me as he pulled me closer and kiss me gently and sweetly like the Chris I knew. It wasn’t like it was a few minutes ago and I was glad.

He pull his lips away slowly then regret it and touch his lips with mine once more before pulling away from good.

“You trick me.” I cried out.

“I didn’t. I ask if I could get a kiss and that was a kiss.” He said standing up.

End of flashback

“Please!” Alexi’s voice cried out pulling me away from my thoughts and memories.

“Okay, I’ll go but in under no circumstances you will not leave my side.”

“Deal.” She said happily with a smile then reach out and hit me with a pillow playfully. I looked at her with a look that said “Are you sure you want to do this?” her look said “Bring it.”
I took a pillow and hit her softly. Suddenly we started to a pillow fight and laughing as we did. The door swung open and my mom stood there looking at us.

“Hi Ms. Santos.” Alexi said waving at her breathing hard.

“Hi Alexi, how are you?”

“I am good.”

“That’s good.” She said with a smile then turned to looked at me with a concern looked reflecting on her eyes. “Lena, is there something wrong with you and Chris? I haven’t seen him lately.” She asked wanting to know in her parent concern tone.

I took a deep breath trying to control my breathing rhythm. I move my hair out of my eyes feeling dizzy. I still haven’t told her that Chris and I broke up. The truth will kill her. She really did like him and got along well with him.

“Mom, I…” I started to said but the phone suddenly started ringing downstairs.

She rolled her eyes at me then smile. “It’s probably Jake.” She said.

“Tell him I said hi.”

“Sure thing.” She said then walked out of my room closing the door behind her.

After a few seconds of silence, I put the pillow back on the bed and so did Alexi.

“You still haven’t told her about Chris?” Alexi said.

I shook my head. “No, I haven’t.”

“Why not? She needs to know.”

“I will tell her, Alexi. It just…not now. My mom really got along with Chris. If she finds out what he did it will really hurt more. And besides she will tell Jake and you know how Jake is.” I said truthfully knowing very well my older brother.

Alexi nodded. “Yeah, your brother is a little overprotective.”

We both smile at that.

As we got ready to go to the party at 8:00pm I couldn’t help but fight the feeling that something bad is going to happened. I was waiting for Alexi to come out of the bathroom since she was the last to dress. I looked at myself in the mirror facing the wall in front of me. I couldn’t help but think on how tonight was going to turned out. Part of me wanted to go to see if Chris will show up and the part of me wanted to ran away from everything.

I listen to the loud music echoing across the room and somehow I knew I regret coming. I looked around there was dancing couples dancing really close to each at the music, the disco ball that hanging from the ceiling was shinning in the middle of the living room that was now a dance floor. I didn’t even know why I came. I wasn’t even the mood for it. I took a sip of my drink out of my red cup then lay my head back on the sofa.

“Hi Chris.” A girl’s voice said and I didn’t even have to figure out it was the girl that has been staring at me for the last half hour across the room.

“Hi.” I said still with my eyes close.

“Will you like to dance?” she asked in a shy tone and I swung open my eyes to looked at her.

“No thank you. I don’t dance.” I said then stand up from the sofa and walked away.

I walked around the house trying to escape from more girls who were looking at me. I ignore them as I continue to drink not caring if it was beer or not. Somehow it made me feel better. My eyes widened as I saw Lena along with Alexi walking through the front door. I almost choked on my drink but I pulled away the cup and blink my eyes twice to make sure my eyes weren’t betraying me. They weren’t. Lena was really here. I smile at the sight of her. She looked really good. The dark jeans found every curve of her body, her grey shirt that go off over the right shoulder looked sexy and her black low heels boots. Her hair was parted in a curvy way making her face open in a sexy and attractive way. I found myself not been able to breathe at the sight. She looked beautiful.

“Hey Chris…” another girl’s voice said pulling me away from my thoughts.

I turned around to face a girl with black hair wearing a mini skirt with a black low cut shirt with white sneakers. She was looking at me like I was something to eat as I notice she was chewing her bottom lip.

“Will you like to dance with me? Then you know after we dance maybe we could head upstairs.” She said with a naughty smile.

Suddenly I feel sick to my stomach. I used to go for girls like this but not anymore. I couldn’t even see their faces very clearly. All I could see was only one face in my mind and everywhere I went. It was the face of my beautiful angel. There was something really wrong with me.

“Sorry, I don’t dance.” I said then walked away in the direction toward the kitchen.

I breathe out as I put the cup down on the kitchen counter.

“What was that?” Nick’s voice asked in a shock tone. I turned my head to my head right.

“What was what?”

“That chick was totally into you and you totally blew her off.” He said not believing anything that just happened. His eyes were so wide open in shock that they might pop out of his head.

I almost laugh at that. “You don’t understand.”

“What don’t I understand? That you have gone insane.”

I shook my head. Then I reach out and pour myself another drink then walked away drinking away without another word.

Minutes later I stood away from a great distance watching Lena and Alexi as they were approach by guys. Her eyes haven’t yet looked at me which I thank god for it. I don’t even want to think what will she think if she knew why was I here?


I looked around me and regret coming instantly. Somehow I had a bad feeling about been here. As more guys started to approach Alexi in rudely manner. I somehow been push out of the circle and stood there outside awkwardly. I couldn’t blame them. Alexi did looked really pretty in her clothes.

“Lena.” A voice said yelling my name across the dance floor.

I turned around to look for the owner when I spotted Drew waving at me standing close to Nicole as she was talking with some other guy. I wave back then as he started to walked across the dance floor I feel myself getting panicked. I wasn’t really ready to talked to him just yet.

“Hi how are you?” He said standing in front of me with a widely smile across his face.

“I am good, how are you?” I asked smiling back at him.

“Kind of sad, you know. We were suppose to hang out today but instead we found ourselves at this party.” He said rolling his eyes.

“Oh well maybe we could hang out another day you know with Jaime and Alexi and even Nicole.” I said feeling happy at the idea.

“Oh, I thought it will be better if it was just you and me you know.” He said racing his fingertips on my right arm then down and took a hold my arm.

“I don’t date.” I blurt out honestly knowing very well that was where his mind was headed. Gently I pulled out my hand out of his and hold it behind my back.

Somehow I knew this is where it was headed. Him asking me out on a day which I feel kind of sad to turned down. But I really didn’t want to go out with him. He was a great guy with a very good sense of humor but the thing is I’ve only known him for two weeks. Besides I just got out of a relationship not too long ago.

“Oh well. No pressure. Just take your time.” He said then took a sip out of his red cup that he was holding.

I nodded at that not knowing what else to said then shook my head. “I am going to get a drink.” I said then walked away from him.

“Okay then save me a dance.” He yelled after me.

In matter of five minutes of looking for the kitchen I walked into it looking back behind me making sure that he hadn’t followed me. I walked then breath out in relief.

“Hiding from someone.” The most familiar voice said as I found myself smiling at the sound of it.

“Chris.” I said turning to face him.

He looked at me with an angelic smile on his face as he lay his back against the kitchen counter. He was wearing jeans with a white belt mix with silver, a black shirt and over that black shirt another shirt which was a plaid a grey shirt with the sleeveless rolled up till his elbows and black sneakers. If I didn’t know any better I will said that he was the best looking guy at this party but then again he was pretty dead gorgeous in any way. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

“What are you doing here?” I asked after a couple of minutes of silence and staring at each other.

He frowned at me. “It’s a party.”

I looked around. “So it is.” I said almost forgetting where I was for a minute.

“So are you hiding from the new guy or something.” He said casually wanting to make a conversation.

I walked toward him then stood next to him out of everyone’s view.

“Kind of. He just asked me out on a date.”

“I thought you were going to hang out with him today.” He said looking down at me closely.

“How do you know that?” I asked wanting to know looking up at him.

“He told me.” He said then looked away breaking our eye contact.

I shook my head trying to understand his tone of voice. Did Chris really care if I went out with Drew? I couldn’t help but wonder as I look back at him. He was with his head down staring at his feet. I smile at him but then stop as his eyes locked into mine. I couldn’t breathe as I stare at them.

“I am not interested in going out with him. I only like him as a friend.” I found myself saying in the heat of the moment but been truthfully to him.

He smile at that. “I know that.” He whisper with the same smile.

“How do you know that?”

“I just do.” He said turning to face me as I face him face to face.

As we looked at each other somehow with our hands been on top of the kitchen counter brush each other softly. I feel my skin tingle at the sudden touch. I looked at our hands. Mine been small in his but somehow it always seem to be a perfect fit. He move his fingers making them brush mine. I looked up at him and I found him looking at them. Suddenly the moment came to be perfect as I hear the song that he requested on our homecoming dance “This I promise you by Nynsc” which was my ultimate favorite romantic song ever. He was looking thoughtful for a minute before a smile spread to his face as he too recognizes the song.

“Will you like to dance with me?” he asked looking at me.

I nodded as he tighten the hold of our hands and we both walked out of the Kitchen then walked into the dance floor avoiding other couple dancing. He stop at the middle of the dance floor then bring me slowly to him. He put his arms around my waist gently as I slowly hesitate to put my arms around his neck. Once I did I feel better. I feel safe. I feel comfortable. As we dance together his head lay against mine. His eyes close as we both feel the unexpected feeling surging through our bodies. I feel my heart beat faster as he lay his head next to mine then reach out slowly and took a hold of my right arm and put it together with his then I left my arm around his neck as his stood on my waist. I close my eyes as I lay my head on his shoulder loving the feeling and taking in the familiar scent of his cologne that I miss so much.

“And I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong, till the day my life is through this I promise you.” He sing in my ear softly as I feel myself blushing.

I didn’t even want the moment to end but when it did I feel my heart stop along with the music. I pulled away looking up at him. He smile at me in such sweet way that I wanted to melt right there in front of everyone.

As we both started to lean toward each other “Lena, there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Alexi’s voice said coming toward me then took a hold of my hand. “Hi Chris.” She add politely looking at him.

“Alexi.” He said looking at her then at me still holding on to my arm somehow not wanting to let of it.

“Come on, Lena.” She said pulling me away from him.

“Bye Chris.” I said to him with a smile.

He stood there looking at me walking away.

“What was that about?” Alexi asked me after we were out of earshot of everyone.

“Nothing, we just dance.”

“Just dance.” She said rolling her eyes at me.

“Yes, Alexi. We just dance. Nothing else.” I said somehow getting angry at her. Why does this happened every time I am with Chris?

“It looked more than dancing.” She said like she was accusing me that I was doing something bad.

I close my eyes then looked at her. “Nothing happened. Okay. I am going to go upstairs to find a bathroom.” I said honestly then walked away without another word. I feel tears filling in my eyes as I walked up the steps. I find myself been able to breathe when all I could hear was silence around me. I lay my head against the wall then slide my whole body down telling myself not to cry. But somehow even thought it was a matter of time they did fall.

“Hey Lena, what’s wrong?” Drew’s voice asked from behind me.

“Nothing.” I said cleaning my tears away from my eyes.

He move toward me and kneel down right beside me he reach out to clean my other tears away that were flowing out of my eyes. I move my head not wanting him to.

“Come on, I’ll take you somewhere quieter.” He said holding my arm tighter and help me up. I tried to pulled my arm away but couldn’t. “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” He said with a smile that somehow I couldn’t trust.

He pulled me toward a room and close the door behind him. He turned on the lights and move toward the bed and sit down.

“Come on, sit down. Tell me what’s wrong? Maybe I can help.” He said patting the space next to him. I sit down but father away from him feeling uncomfortable but somehow the quiet around me calm me.

After a few minutes of silence, I stand up ready to walk out of the room. But he stop me by taking a hold of my arm really forcedly. I looked down at him struggling to break the hold.

“Let me go, Drew. Let me go.” I said.

“I know what he did to you. So why do you still like him? Why do you still hoping to be with him when I am right here.” He said in a angry furious tone that I never heard before from him.

“Let me go.” I said and kick him on the leg.
He cried out in pain and I took this chance to escape. I ran toward the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I turned the locked on the door to open it when all of the sudden he grab me from the back covering my mouth and move us toward the bed. He throw me in there and lay his body on top of mine.

“Get off of me. Get off of me.” I said trying to hit him but his holds on my arms were far too strong for me to break. “What are you doing this to me?”

“Because I want you and now I am going to have you one way or the other.” He said then bent his head and force his lips on mine.

I move my head breaking the contact. I feel my heart beat in fear as well as my skin.

“Please don’t do this. Let me go. Please let me go.” I said pleading him fighting him trying to push him off of me somehow.

“I don’t think so, sweetheart.” He said and his breath told me that he had a little too much to drink but still that was no excuse for him to do this.
I tried to scream again but his hand cover my mouth.

I could feel it. I could sense it. Where was that darn Devil? I looked for him everywhere. He was nowhere in sight. My eyes spotted Alexi who was leaning back against the wall staring into space.

“Alexi.” I said as make my way toward her.

“What do you want?” she asked me with hatred filling in her eyes.

Somehow I wasn’t surprise but it wasn’t the moment for it.

“Where is Lena?” I asked looking around. Still no sign of her and no sign of him.

“You need to leave her alone. She is ready to get over you don’t you understand?”

“I don’t have time for this right now. Now tell me where she is?” I asked angrily at her. All her words toward me were pure venom.

“Why can’t you just leave her alone?” she whisper looking at me.

“Right now I am more concern for her well being, Alexi. Where is she?”

“What do you mean her well being? She is fine.” She said sounding honestly but she still looked sad for some reason.

“Drew is nowhere in sight and I am worried about her.”

“Drew!” she asked concern and confused at the same time.

“Where is she?”

“She is upstairs.” She said looking at me with wide open eyes full of concern.

I ran my way toward the stairs with her following me.

“Hey Chris, what’s going on, man.” Nick’s voice said following us.

“Lena. Lena.” I said walking into the empty hallway of the second floor.

I stop as I heard murmuring voices close by and I make my way toward it.

“Lena.” I said ready to kick the door down if it was locked. Luckily it wasn’t. I open the door and my eyes went for concern for Lena to angry at the sight in front of me. That bastard was laying in top of her taking advantage of her.

“You dirty son of a…” I said and make my way toward him and pulled him off of her.

He push me back but just in time I raise my fist and hit him hard on the face with it.

“Oh my god.” I hear Alexi’s voice.

I walked toward him and before he could stand I punch him again giving him a bloody lip.

“Don’t touch her ever again.” I said angrily at him at doing so in the first place.

“What’s the matter, Chris? Jealous, jealous that I could have had her first instead of you.” Drew’s voice said sounding angrily too. He stand up and make his way toward me. Then charge himself at me making me fall to the floor with him on top of me. He raise his fist ready to punch of me but I took it in my hand.

“I am not like you.” I said and pushing him away from me.

“Not like me. You are exactly like me. We both treasure all the things we have from girls but then we throw them away like garbage like they mean nothing.” He said and punch me in the face. As he raise his fist again to punch me something stop him.

“Get off of him.” Lena said trying to push him off of me somehow. But she was not match for him because what he did next make me hate him even more. He push her off of him and she hit the floor hard.

I raise my fist and connected with his face. His head move back at the impact spilling blood. I raise and push him to the ground and started to punch him senseless. For what he did. For what he done to her.

“Chris, stop that’s enough.” Nick said holding me back from him.

“Let me go.” I said not done with him.

“That’s enough.” He said in calm tone trying to calm down too.

I tried to fight him off but I couldn’t.

“That’s enough.” He said again.

My eyes locked into Lena who was looking at me with fear of what I become.

“Let me go.” I said in a calm tone to Nick who looked at me first then release me.

“Lena, are you okay.” Alexi said walking toward her and kneel in front of her. She reach out to hug her and Lena flinch back with tears rolling down her eyes.

I made my way toward her slowly then pick her up in my arms. As she willingly bring her head and buried it to my neck and I feel tears spilling into it. I fought the urge of hitting that idiot again.

“I am going to take her home.” I said to both of them then walked out of the room and then walked the downstairs as everyone watch me making my way to the front door with Lena in my arms. I didn’t even notice until now but the loud music stop too. I ignore them all of them as I walked out of the house with everyone’s eyes following my every move.

I walked toward my car and open the passenger door still with her in my arms. I sit her on the passenger sit as she tremble against me.

“It’s going to be okay.” I said whispering gently to her then I chew my bottom lip as I tasted blood. I slip on the seat belt around her carefully as I ignore the pain in my face which I knew was bruise. I close the door and went to the driver aside close the door and turn the key in the ignition then drove away.

As I drive her home I turn off the radio and open the windows a little letting the night air into the car. Somehow it made her feel calm and she close her eyes laying her head down on the sit. I breathe out trying to calm myself as I stop in a red light. I turned to looked at her. She was trembling and I rolled the windows back up thinking that she was cold. I grip the steering wheel hard as the image flash through my mind. I just knew he was going to do something like this. I knew it. God how I hate him, I hate him so much that I wanted to break every darn bone on his body. The light change and I turned to the left and drive into Lena’s street.

I park my car in her driveway, turn the key off the ignition then step out then walked toward the passenger door. I open it and found her with her eyes close with her arms protectively around her. I gently reach forward and take out the seat belt. I saw her jump and look at me with fear reflecting in her eyes.

“It’s okay. It just me.” I said then I reach gently with my arms and pick her up once again. I feel her arms around my neck again as I close the door and locked it with the alarm key and make my way toward the front door of her house and knock on the door. It wasn’t even minutes or seconds that Ms. Santos open it and stood there.

“Chris!” she first said in a excite tone that I couldn’t help but be confused. Didn’t Lena told her mom what happened between me and her. I brush it off for the time being. “Oh dear what happened.” She said concern looking at her.

“Someone at the party got out of hand. Can I come in?” I said and she let me in. I make my way toward Lena’s room. I climb the steps slowly in order to not fall with Lena down the stairs then I walked into her room as her mom who was following me move the covers aside on her bed. I lay Lena gently in them and looked down at her concern.

“I am going to make her some hot chocolate.” Her mom said trying to be calm that much I knew. Lena was her only daughter and I know how much she takes care of her. She walked out of the house but not before looking at me. “Thank you, Chris.” She said patting my arm then walked out of the room.

I breathe out and looked down at Lena. I reach out and gently remove her shoes. Then after I finish taking off her shoes, I move the blanket and put it around her. As I did I couldn’t help but looked at her bedside drawer and saw that my picture was gone. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed for some reason. I admit it kind of hurt that she throw them away. I looked around her room. No single memory of us been together were in sight. As I breathe out with my eyes close I feel something touch my arm. I looked down and saw Lena’s arm holding mine. I looked at her as her eyes were looking at me.

“Please stay with me.” She whisper softly not taking her eyes off of me. Then her eyes widened as they looked over at me. She sit down on the bed and touch my face. I flinch away as she touch my bottom lip. “Does it hurt?” she asked wanting to know.

I shook my head. “Not much.” I said bending down on my knees to the floor next to her bed. Her left hand trace my face as her eyes continue to looked at my face. She took a hold of my face with both hands and lay her head against my forehead. I took a deep breath at the gesture then relax.

“Thank you.” She whisper looking at me closely.

“There is no need.” I said honestly.

“Yes there is.” She whisper and kiss me softly on the forehead gently.

I close my eyes as I love the feeling of it. She reach out slowly and remove my winter hat away from my head and pass her small fingers through it. I lay my head on her lap loving the feeling of comfort that she was giving me.

“Your hair got longer.” She said still brushing her fingers through it.

I smile at that. “Just a little.” I said honestly.

“It suits you perfectly.” She said then lay her head on my back bringing us closer together. Now she was passing her arm on my back making sure that I wasn’t hurt anywhere else that much I knew. Lena does not like it when I fight but what she does not know is that I fight for her anytime. Not caring whether I got hurt or not. Then a thought pass through my mind without warning.

“Lena did he…did he went further than touching you?” I asked bringing my head up looking at her.

She shook her head. “No. No thanks to you.”

“I wish I will have known sooner. I mean I knew what he tend to did to you but I never thought that he will want to do something like that in the middle of a party. When I saw him on top of you I wanted to hurt him more than I should. I wanted to rip him apart and tear him into tiny pieces.” I said blurting out all that I was feeling inside when I saw him trying to take advantage of her.

“Chris.” She said laying her hand on top of my mouth gently then remove it. “It’s okay. I am okay. Thanks to you I am okay.” She add then hug me tightly on her arms not wanting to let me go.

“How do you know?” She asked wanting to know minutes later breaking the silence.

“I just did. I felt it. I felt it in my heart.” I said honestly as I hug her back not wanting to let go off of her.

“Here it’s some chocolate to the both of you.” Lena’s voice said coming into the room. I pulled away from the hug and stand up. She handed me a cup and I took it on my hands.

Minutes later after talking to her mom while drinking the chocolate, I went to the bathroom and wash my face. Lena already wash hers so I have the bathroom to myself.

“Well thank god that Chris was there. I hate to think what could have happened.” Lena’s mother voice said and yet again I was confused.

Lena didn’t told her mom. She didn’t told her mom that she broke up with me weeks ago and the reason why I dated her. Somehow I feel glad that she didn’t.

I walked back into the room. “I should go home.” I said looking at Lena who was looking at me.

“Won’t you please stay the night?” she asked looking at me hoping that I did. Part of me wanted to but part of me wanted to walked away.

“I don’t think I should.” I said honestly scratching the back of my neck nervously. It was the first time that she asked something like this. I never sleep over before.


“You are welcome to stay, Chris. I can call your mom to let her know.” Ms. Santos said standing up from the bed and collect the cups around the room.

“I don’t know.”

“Please. Don’t go. Stay with me.” Lena pleaded and I found myself giving in. I breathe out in defeat. She looks so fragile.

“Okay, I’ll stay.”

I walked toward her making the decision on sleeping on the floor. As her mom close the door behind her. I kick off my shoes ready to sleep on the floor when Lena’s hand reach for mine and pulled me into the bed next to her. Before I say anything else she lay back with me and lay her head on my chest and put an arm around me as I put my right hand around her liking it better this way. I reach up slowly and stroke her head softly. As she began to fall sleep I found myself staring at her. Her eyes were close and her breathing was calm. I lean forward and kiss the top of her head and lay my head back on the pillows next to hers which she wasn’t using since she was using me as one. I breathe out then reach up and turn off the lamp and close my eyes as I feel myself smiling.

“Good night, Lena.” I whisper.

“Good night, Chris.” She whisper back snuggling closer to me which I didn’t mind at all even though the side was a little sore. I actually love it. I actually love it a lot!
♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter and longer than the others. I really hope you like it. I was listening to this song and i thought that it was perfect for them! I really love Chris and Lena and i really hope you guys fall in love with these story and characters like i have. Also please don't report my story if you think it's bad or should be kick off mibba. thank you for the support.