Status: In Process

Out Of Time

Chapter 16: The Breaking Point

I pace back and forward as I wait for Lena to come to school. The guys were sitting on the steps or leaning against the wall as they looked around for Alexi’s car to come. I have been waiting patiently for the pass fifteen minutes for them. I looked up at the sky and the clouds were getting cover with a slight shade of grey signaling that rain was coming. I breathe out as I looked down at my white sneakers that I was wearing along with some clear blue jeans with a white shirt and a dark grey jacket.

“Finally.” Mike said as I turned to see Alexi’s car driving into the parking lot and parked on it’s spot.

I watched as Lena step out of the car, I couldn’t help but feel worry and concern. She looked worse than yesterday. She even keep a safe distance as she walked along side Alexi and Nicole. She was wearing dark blue jeans with black converse sneakers and a white shirt and over the white shirt was a grey shirt she was wearing a dark blue jacket.

“Hi.” I said as I looked down at her when she close enough.

“Hi.” She whisper softly as she move the sleeveless of her jacket down and over the palm of her covering it. Then took her hand and carried it to her mouth and bite where the jacket was covering her fingers.

I reach out and pulled her hand away. Her eyes looked up at me with an expression that was asking me “What are you doing?” I reach forward gently and bring her close to me and hug her close. Her arms went around my waist tightly. As she lay her head in my chest, I could feel her breathing calmly. I lay my chin in top of her head as I move my hand up and down gently on her back.

“Thank you.” She whisper softly to me in a weak voice.

“You welcome.”

I didn’t know how long we were standing there holding each other. But what I heard next I didn’t like at all.

“No freaking way.” Taylor said in a shock tone.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Mike said in the same as Taylor. I turned my head to where they were looking and they widened open in surprise as I saw Drew getting out of a black BMW car along with his parents. The principal meet them halfway and greeted them by shaking their hands. Drew was looking to the floor then raise his head to looked around.

His eyes went to mine instantly then to Lena who started to tremble against me. He looked guilty all of the sudden then he shook his head. Stupid bastard. He did this. He have to pay for this. I let my book bag fall to the floor and I started too walked toward him.

“Hey…hey whoa… hold it right there, Chris.” Nick said stopping me pulling me back. “You are not going to do what I think you are going to do right?”

“Break his darn face into tiny little pieces. I am sure will.” I said angrily while looking at the bastard. I started to walked again but this time Taylor and Mike hold me back.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, man” Mike said trying to calm me down looking at me.

I looked at him. “The bastard hurt Lena and thinks he can get away with it.” I said with rage on my words.

“I know that. But let’s think about this.”

“There is nothing to think about. Let me go.” I said more angrily than I ever felt in my life as I tried to break their hold on me but they wouldn’t let go.

“Chris, calm down. There has to be another way to settle this besides the principal is right there. Do you want to get suspended or worse get kick out of school?” Jaime said now trying to reason with me too standing next to Nick.

I looked at them then looked behind them where the principal was leading the bastard with his family into the office building. I breathe in and out calming down. They were right. I needed to calm down. I couldn’t fight him in here. I looked at Nick.

“Let him go.” Nick said looking at me.

“Are you sure?” Taylor asked looking at him like he was out of his mind. Maybe he was.

“He said let me go, you idiots.” I said breaking the hold of them now that they were almost loose on me.

“Fine, no need to be so rude.” Mike said backing away from me.

I breathe out trying to calm myself. I reach up and move my hair out my eyes still feeling frustrated. I turned to walked back toward Lena. I stop on my tracks when I noticed she was looking at me like I was some sort of monster.

“Chris…” she said in a shaky voice as her eyes locked into mine.

“I am okay. I am fine.” I said assuring her or maybe it was me that I was trying to convince.

I walked toward her and reach out and hug her. She put her arms around my neck. As her fingers pass through my hair gently trying to comfort me, I breathe out calmly because it was working. She pulled away and looked at me directly on the face. She touch my cheek then trace it down with her fingertips. I close my eyes then open them looking at her. I lay my forehead against hers trying to somehow stay connected with her.

“Thank you.” She said as tears started to flow out of her eyes. She shook her head then pulled me away and walked away.

“Lena.” I said feeling worry as my eyes follow her figure who started to ran away.

I was about to ran after her when Alexi stop me. “She wants to be alone, Chris. It’s best to leave her alone.”

I pulled her hand away from me and ran toward inside the building. Inside I looked for her but no luck. She was nowhere in sight. Not even on by her locker where I thought she might be. Something tells this was really bad. Really bad.

“Shit.” I found myself whispering not liking this at all. No one bit.

I raise my fit and punch the locker to my left and walked away toward my first class as I hear the bell ring. I couldn’t help wondering where did Lena go and was she okay?

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I walked without any direction of where I was going. I still couldn’t believe that I skip school. I never did or have before. But I just couldn’t be there when he was there? I feel myself shiver at the thought of him been there.

My head suddenly started to spin around in circles and my stomach feels like a tornado inside of me. I stop and lay my hand on a tree praying that it will pass but it didn’t so I sit down against the tree and lay my head against it. I close my eyes tightly shut trying to stay calm even though deep inside I was falling apart. I was dying inside.


“Get off of me. Get off of me.” I said trying to hit him but his holds on my arms were far too strong for me to break. “What are you doing this to me?”

“Because I want you and now I am going to have you one way or the other.” He said then bent his head and force his lips on mine.

I move my head breaking the contact. I feel my heart beat in fear as well as my skin.

End of flashback

I open my eyes as I feel my skin tremble in grave fear and reach up and pass my hand through my lips hoping that the memory of his lips against mine will go away, will fade away.

But somehow not even how hard I tried it didn’t. It was still there. I pass my hand harder this time through my lips and cried out in pain.

“Please go away. Go away.” I cried out as I press my fingers hard against my skull hoping that the memory will go away. “Please.”

I spend all my classes thinking about Lena hoping that she was okay. I couldn’t even concentrate right. I all I did was stare into space holding my necklaces in my hands tightly. I was relief and happy when the bell ring to go lunch. I‘ve been wanting to see Lena all day. I walked into the cafeteria and collected my lunch.

I walked out the cafeteria and into the patio. I looked around hoping to find Lena somewhere but no. She wasn’t. She wasn’t anywhere around. I haven’t seen her all day and now I was starting to get worried. This wasn’t like her. This wasn’t like her at all. Where was she?

“Chris.” Alexi’s voice said interrupting my thoughts and turned around to face her. A loud clap of thunder sound through the now dark grey sky.

“Where is she?” I asked wanting to know.

“I don’t know. I guess she must have left because Nicole said she wasn’t in second period and I didn’t see at all in third. I tried calling her cell too but no answer.” Alexi explain as she looked really worried for her friend.

“Do you have any idea where she went?” I asked her feeling desperate with concern at the same time.

“No. I don’t.” she said shaking her head looking disappointed.

“I am going to go and looked for her.” I said throwing my lunch in the trash and started to walked away.


I turned and looked at her. “Please…please call me as soon as you do. I need to know that she is okay.”

I nodded at that then walked out of the cafeteria and out of the school parking lot. I make my way out of the building as it started to pour. I open the door of my car and slide inside. I turn the key in the ignition and drove out of the parking lot.

After half an hour of driving around and looking in places where I thought she might be, the worry was eating me alive. The rain was starting to come a lot harder and I turn on the wipers.

“Where are you, Lena? Where are you?” I asked out loud feeling frustrated that I couldn’t find any sign of her anywhere.

My hands started to trembling on the wheel as I chew my bottom lip as I started to get even more worry. Was it possible that person could die from concern? I couldn’t help but wonder as my heart started to rise even faster.

“Jesus Christ, Lena where are you?” I yelled out as I stop at a red light. I lay my head back on the sit and breathe out in order to stay calm. I needed to find her. I needed to find her now.

“Park.” I said in relief as the thought suddenly hit me. When the light change to green and I press gas and drove toward the park. I park my car on a parking spot close by ten minutes later and took the key out of the ignition and step out of the car getting immediately wet.

I walked toward the park and looking for her knowing that somewhere was telling me that she was here. Close by.

“Lena.” I cried out as I started too walked through the rain that seem to get worse by the minute. “Lena.” I yelled out once more then my eyes spotted a figure taking a shelter from the rain underneath a tree. My eyes widened when they realize it was Lena. “Lena.” I whisper feeling relief that I finally found her and ran toward her.

“Lena.” I said when I was finally close to her and bend down next to her as she lay her head buried on her knees. She was whispering something that I first couldn’t catch what it was. But then I heard it “I hate him…I hate him…” she whisper in agony over and over again.

I slowly reach out with my hand and lay out on her back. She jump from the touch and move away from me. Her eyes looked at me in fear and her face was pale white that I thought she looked like a ghost.

“Don’t touch me.” She cried out in pure anger.

I reach out toward her again and took her face in my arms as her eyes looked over me but not really seeing me.

“Lena, it’s me. It’s Chris.” I said to her softly and gently trying to comfort her.

Her eyes locked with mine instantly. “Chris.” She whisper with tears falling down on her face as she tremble from the cold air of the rain. Her hair was somewhat wet as well as her clothes.

“It’s me. It’s okay. It’s okay.” I said as I pulled her head close to my chest and she hold my biceps tighter as I rock her back and forward. “I am here. It’s okay.”

She started to cry more harder than before as she lay her right side of her face against my chest.

“I finally found you. I’ve been worry sick. You are going to be okay now. I promise.” I said whispering to her softly.

“I hate him.”

“I know.” I said nodding my head as I tried my best to contain the anger that I was feeling inside. “I hate him too. I hate him more than you will ever know for what he did to you.” I thought as I feel her pain coming through me.

“I hate the way he touch me and the things he said to me that night. I hate the way that I feel his lips on mine every time I close my eyes at night.”

My body started to tremble along side of hers as the rain water drops got even colder as well as the breeze. I feel the rain spilling out my hair.

“I hate the way that I every time I tried to go to sleep I can’t because I can hear him breathing. I can hear his voice.”

I close my eyes tightly shut and in anger in my mind I curse at him. I pulled away from her and make her looked at me in the face. “Lena look at me, look at me.” I said and she did with a teary vision. “Everything is going to be okay. Okay. I won’t let him hurt you. Not anymore and not ever. Okay. I promise. I promise you that.”

She started to shake her head as if she didn’t believe a word that I was saying.

“Lena, you can trust me alright. I came for you that night, didn’t I?” I asked her looking at her. her eyes looked back up at me and nodded as I feel her head move in my hands. “I came for you. You have to know that I will do it again in a heartbeat. Okay. I am going to be there for you not matter what happens. No matter what happens.” I said as I started to feel tears of my own by seeing the pain she was feeling reflecting in her eyes. I lay my head against hers hoping that somehow my words reach her. I looked at her and I feel pain again.

I have seen fear before in my life but never like this. I’ve never seen fear that the person was feeling it could die from it.

She started to cry even harder as I feel tears starting to flow out of my eyes.

“Lena.” I said hugging her tighter against me.

Her hands went around my waist and to my back as her grip on my jacket went tighter.

“It’s going to be okay.” I said as I help her stand up on her two feet but it took her awhile since she was shaking from head to toe.

I hold her by the waist in order to help her in case she fall down. Her eyes raise to looked at me then she fainted against me and fall down to the floor even though I was holding her. I looked down at her as my heart twinge in pain and concern at the sight of her.

“Lena.” I said calling her name as I looked at her face. Her eyes were close and she wasn’t moving. She felt weightless against me. “Lena, please wake up. Please.” I said to her as I started to actually cry for her.

When she didn’t open her eyes I pick her up by taking a hold of her gently. I put her arms around my neck and took a hold of her waist again and the back of her legs. I stand up as my legs started to shake in fear but I told myself that I couldn’t be worrying about myself right now. It was Lena that I need to be worry about. She wasn’t waking up.

As I started to walked toward my car through the endless rain, I ignore the cold. I open the passenger door and lay Lena down on the sit. As I was about to release my hold of her, I notice the bite marks on her wrists. There were black and purple even grey in all kinds of size.

I close the door and quickly ran to the driver side and drove away. I drove to the nearest hospital in matter of fifteen minutes and park in the main entrance and got out. I ran to the passenger side and took Lena out holding her as the same way as before and took faster steps toward the entrance.

The lady that was sitting on the desk looked at me with wide eyes then looked at Lena.

“Please somebody help. She is not…” I started to said and then immediately the lady took out the rolling emergency bed and along with two nurses and a doctor ran toward me.

“What’s going on here?” the man who happened to be doctor asked as they help me lay her down on the bed.

“My girlfriend…I mean my friend…I don’t really know what’s wrong with her. She just fainted when I found her.” I said in a panic desperate voice as I looked down at Lena with more tears flowing out of my eyes as I continue to hold her hand.

“Okay we need to get her into a room to find out what really happened to her?” The doctor said to the nurses as they took her away from me. I let my fingers slip through hers.

I started to follow them not wanting to leave Lena alone. But the lady that worked at the front desk and went to get help stop me.

“There is nothing else you can do. It’s up to them, now.” She said in a calm voice. “Now I am going to need some information about the patient.” She continue to said and I looked back in the direction where they have taken Lena.

“Oh god, please let Lena be okay?” I thought as a prayer hoping that somehow god will hear me and tell me that Lena is going to be okay. Because to be honest I don’t know if I could handle it, I don’t know if could handle something bad happening to Lena.
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FINALLY A NEW UPDATE. YAY. Sorry it's been a long time work has been keeping me busy. But I really hope you like it and enjoy it. For those of you who are reading this story Lena wasn't rape. She just went through the experience of been rape which it hurts just the same because nobody really wants to go throught that experience. I am sorry if I am something wrong here. I didn't mean it. But please i still hope you like story. Till the next time, Lene
ps Please do not hesistate to check out my newest story. The Playboy's baby.