Status: In Process

Out Of Time

Chapter 17: The Promise

I lay my head in the pillow as I looked out the window the next day. The sky was blue and clear than ever with the sun shining high in the sky. I turned to looked at the clock on the wall and it read 4:48 pm. I breathe out and lay my head back on the pillows. The door swung open and Chris head pop in.

“Hey.” He whisper while looking at me.

“Hi.” I said happily at the sight of him.

“Can I come in?” he asked wanting to know.

I nodded my head and he walked in closing the door behind him. He walked toward my bed with a blue folder on his left hand.

“So where is your mom?” he asked sitting on the chair next to my bed.

“She is in the cafeteria. I told her to go get something to eat while we wait for the doctor.” I said honestly as I took a more comfortable sitting position on the bed. I turned to looked at him. He was eyeing me up and down checking to make sure how was my body condition.

“So how are you doing?”

“I am okay.”

He looked down at his folded hands for a second then lift his eyes directly to mine. His expression told me at once that he was concern. And also that he hasn’t been able to sleep.

“Are you been honest? Or just…” he started to asked but then stop and breathe out.

I reach out and took a hold of his hand in mine. He put his hand over mine and squeeze it.

“I am okay. Honest. In fact, I already talked to Mrs. Lowell. She is a counseling women who attends to the….patients here.”

“Oh… so everything is okay.”

I nodded. “Yeah, as long as I get some counseling once a week and start eating.”

He grin at that then poke me on the side.

“Hospital food is the best.” He said teasing me.

I rolled my eyes at that and he laughed.

“So when is the doctor is going to release you?” he asked breaking the silence.

“I don’t know. Either tonight or tomorrow. He wants to make sure I am doing okay first.”

He nodded at that then reach out with his left hand and stroke his fingertips against my face.
I flinch at the touch but then knowing it was Chris. I smile. His fingertips were really soft and gentle. “I want you to be okay too. I know it’s going to take awhile but I am going to be here for you. I promise.” He said while I feel shivers on the back of my neck from his touch.

“Thanks, Chris. I really appreciate it.” I said reaching out and took a hold of his hand touching my face and smile at him. He smile back at me like the Chris I knew.

“So what it’s in the folder?” I asked wanting to know as he continue to looked at me and smiling at me.

“Oh.” He said looking at the folder in front of him. He pulled his hand away and somehow I feel glad about it. “This is…It’s your school assignments.” He said holding out the folder to me. I reach for it and took it then open it. “I kind of told your teachers that you were in the hospital and if it was okay to have your school work since I didn’t know how long you were going to be in. I hope that’s okay.” he added with a shyly expression on his face while he bit his lower li. He looked so adorable that I couldn’t help but smile.

I turn back and look at my school assignments. There were sticky notes from three of my teachers. “Lena, I hope that you feel better soon.” It said from my English Teacher and from my math teacher it said “We’ll miss you. Hope you get better soon.” Mrs. Lewis my biology teacher said “We will miss you in class. Hope and pray that you feel better soon.” I feel a tear rolling down my cheek at the sudden feeling of happiness surging through my body. I turned to looked at Chris who was looking at me openly. As soon as our eyes connect he smile at me.

“Thank you.” I said honestly.

“You welcome.” He said honestly reaching out and taking a hold of my hand.

After a minute of silence I blurt out what I suddenly feel deep inside of my heart, “You are a good friend, Chris.” I squeeze his hand.

He looked uncomfortable for a second then smile brightly. “Right. Friend.” He whisper softly to himself. “You are good friend too, Lena. Trust me it will suck to lose you.”

“You too.”

Suddenly the door swung open. “Good afternoon, Lena.” Rose said a nurse from this morning coming into the room carrying a tray with cookies and milk. “I thought you might like a snack before dinner tonight.” She added and put the tray on the table with soft thud.

“Thank you.”

“You welcome, sweetie. I come by later to pick up the tray.”

I nodded at that as she walked toward the door and left the room closing the door behind her. I looked from the tray to Chris who was softly rubbing his fingertips against my wrist bandages. I decided to tease him and flinch at his touch.

He looked up looking scare immediately. “Did I hurt you? Should I get the nurse or something?”

I couldn’t help it and burst out laughing. “No, I am okay. I am just teasing you.”

“Don’t do that. You actually scare me.” he said with a sad expression on his face. He shook his head.

“I am sorry.”

“Hmm mmm.” He said looking and turning away from me.

“Chris…” I said touching his shoulder trying to make him turn around. “I am really sorry.” I leaned closer toward him from the back and hug him. I lay my chin against his shoulder. “I am really sorry.”

He breathe out in defeat. “I really want to know that you are okay, Lena.” He said in heartbreaking tone that I move even closer toward him in the hug and reach out with one of my hands and pass it through his hair softly.

“I am going to be okay. I promise.”

Then turned his head looked back at me then smile at me and lay his head against mine.
My heart started beating faster against my chest. I can even hear it. Then I move away breaking the hug and he turned around on his chair to face me.

After a minute of silence he took my folder on his hands and looked over the assignments. “How about we started on this.” he said then standing up from his chair and I looked at him curiously not knowing what he was going to do. He open the door of the room and step outside. I hear his voice from the small distance. I shifted my posture to move toward the door. Did he left? Did he really left me? I couldn’t help but wonder and somehow feel disappointed. I move back immediately when I hear footsteps coming into my room and he came back with two pencils one in each hand. He close the door looked at me while raising his eyebrows curiously at me then sit back down on the chair.

He hold out one pencil for me. I took it still looking at him.

“Did you really think that I will leave you like this?” he asked almost as if he was reading my mind.

I shook my head. “Will you?”

“No.” he said seriously. “Now let’s get started.” He said handing me the papers and put them on the table where the tray of cookies and milk were. I took a cookie which were chocolate chip and put it on his mouth softly.

He looked at the cookie between his teeth while rolling his eyes then looked at me with a I can’t believe you just did that expression” on his face. Still he bite the cookie and took it on his right hand. “Thanks.”

“You welcome.” I said smiling at him while I took a cookie of my own and started eating it.

“Now let’s really get started on this.” he said in a serious tone.

“Okay, teach.” I said as his eyes shifted to looked into mine while his head was still down.
He smile but this time didn’t say nothing.

I have to admit working with Chris was an adventure. He was a great teacher not to mention patience too. He rolled his eyes every time we get a different answer but then laugh about it after we both solve the problem together. I guess what they say it’s true. Two brains are better than one.

At 8:00 pm I arrive at home, I walked toward my house and close the door behind me.

“Hey honey.” My mom said smiling at the sight of me.

“Hi mom.” I said slipping my book bag from my shoulders and put it on the sofa.

“So how is Lena?” she asked wanting to know as we both walked into the dinning room where dinner was been serve. Matt was already sitting at his usual spot at the table talking to my father who finally have come home from his business trip.

“She is doing better.” I said as I took my chair next to Matt.

“That’s good to hear. I’ll stop by tomorrow morning to see if there was something I can do to help.” My mom said putting the bowl of salad in the table.

I nodded my head at that.

“So Chris how is school?” my dad asked me looking at me from his end of the table.

“It’s going great.” I said honestly then looked down at my empty plate and pour myself some salad with some ceasar dressing.

We all quietly with a conversation about sports, school and the company where he works at. I lay in bed after I took a shower looking around my room. I breathe out and pick up the Lena’s folder on my nightstand. I looked over our worked and suddenly I was reminded again.

“You are good friend, Chris.”

I breathe out in frustration as I close the folder. Then lay my head against the bedpost.

“Friend.” I whisper to myself. “I am a good friend.” I added later then put a pillow over my head and scream.

“It’s something wrong, sweetie?” my mom asked walking into my room.

I remove my pillow and move my hair back with my hand.


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am sure.” I said half honestly.

“Okay let me know if there is something you want to talk about I am here for you.” She said with a smile and then started to walked away.

“Mom…” I started to said doubting myself and putting myself up in a sitting position.

“Yes..” she said turning around.

“Nothing. Good night.” I said changing my mind.

“Okay. Good night.” She said and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

I stare into space in the silence then really thought about it. If Lena needed a friend of course I will be there. I smile at the thought then lay my head in the pillow and turn off the lamp beside my bed.

“I promise, Lena. I am going to be there. As long as you need me.” I said while whispering to myself in dark.
♠ ♠ ♠
IT HAS REALLY BEEN A LONG TIME. YAY. I really hope that you guys will like this chapter very much. I really miss writing on this story because i really love it. Please leave a comment!!!!!!!!!!!! it will mean a lot. till the next time, lene

ps also if you like this story please check out The Playboy's baby or A Player's angel i am sure you will like it if you like this one as much as i do. Also banners are always welcome.