Status: In Process

Out Of Time

Chapter 4- The Bet of Innocence

Several hours later after Chris drove me home telling he will see me tomorrow in School and I eat dinner with my mom then took a shower. I flip open my phone sitting on my bed and look at the messages. There were three text messages from Alexi. I open the first one.

“Lena call me right away. You are not going to believe this.”

I frowned at that she sounded really mad for some reason. I open the second one.

“Lena where are you? Please tell me you are not with CHRIS.”

Now I was getting even more confuse. I open the last message.

“There is something about Chris you should know.”

I almost drop my phone at that moment but luckily I didn’t. What did I need to know about Chris? I hit the redial button and wait for Alexi to answer.

“Lena thank god you call me back.” She said with worried tone on her voice. I frowned at that.

“What’s wrong, Alexi? What’s with all the weird messages that you left me about Chris?” I asked wanting to know.

“You are not going to believes this. Jaime told me all about it after he heard Nick and Taylor talking to Mike in Mike’s house.”

“What was Jaime doing in Mike’s house?” I asked because as far as I know Jaime didn’t like Mike at all.

“Finding out the real reason why Mike and Chris were acting all secretive yesterday at the mall? Do you remember how they were arguing and how Chris was beyond angry especially after the fight?” She asked.

“Yeah, I remember.” I said pulling my wet hair out of my face.

“Well apparently there is some bet going on between all four of them and you are the prize.” She said.

A bet. She had to be lying. Chris wouldn’t do that to me? He just couldn’t. I felt tears spilling out my eyes. There have to be some mistake.

“Are you sure?” I asked with my voice full of pain.

“I would never lie to you, Lena. You are my best friend.” She cried out honestly.

She was right she is my best friend and she would never lie to me about anything. But I still couldn’t believe it. A bet between all four them including Chris and I was the prize. The prize of what. I started crying as pain went under my skin like when oil meets fire.

“Does Chris…Does Chris…” I started to mumble and wince in pain when I said his name but I couldn’t ask her because my lips started to tremble.

“Lena…” Alexi cried out concern.

The phone fall to the floor because my hands were shaking so much. I started to cry harder. How could he do this? What’s that the reason…Is this reason why he even dated me in the first place? I was just a prize. A prize.

“Oh god…” I said crying even harder as pain surge under my skin.

It couldn’t be? It just couldn’t. My first relationship was all lie. It was entire big fat lie.

I lay myself on the bed burying my head in my pillow.

Minutes later I hear the doorbell and footsteps coming up the stairs. The door of my room open.

“Lena…” Alexi voice quietly coming into my room all out of breath.

I hear the door close and her footsteps walking toward me. Then I felt her laying beside and put an arm around me as I continue to cry.

“It can’t be. It just can’t.” I said over and over not wanting to believe any of it.

“I am sorry. The minute I found out I knew I had to tell you otherwise if you would have find out on your own it will hurt a lot more.” She said stroking my hair.

She was right if I did find out on my own, it will have hurt a lot worse.

“Thank you.” I whisper honestly to her holding her arm closer to me.

“You welcome.” She whisper back hugging me even closer and tighter. I was glad for it.

I was laying on my bed thinking about what happened with Lena this afternoon right here on my room. Jesus I could have had her if my mom hadn’t walked in through the front door at that precise moment. Jesus. I could have had her to end this whole stupid thing once and for all.

“Hey.” Matt’s voice said pulling me away from my thoughts.

I look at him and saw him looking at me with his arms cross standing at the door. He was taller than me with spiky blonde hair and brown eyes. He was also build better than me.

“What do you want?” I said not feeling the mood of him teasing me now.

“Did you and Lena, you know, this afternoon?” he asked.

“None of your business.”

“I know it’s not my business, brother. But I just want to tell you that it would have been mess up if you did. Lena is great girl and it will suck to lose her. Trust me, you don’t find girls like that every day.” He said and wink at me then walked away closing the door behind him.

I breathe out. It sounded like he was giving me some sort of warning for some reason. I brush it off and turn it off the lights.

The next morning I park my car in the usual spot and walked toward the school building. I was wearing my black jeans with white shirt and black sneakers. I didn’t have to wear my jacket today since it was not that cold. I fix my book bag over my shoulder when I felt hand going around my neck.

“Hey man.” Nick said and I turn to look at him.

“Oh hey, what’s up.”

“Don’t give me the what’s up. Did you do it yesterday or not?” He asked wanting to know as I saw Taylor and Mike walking toward us. The poor guy had a band aid on his nose.

“No. Nothing happened. My mom really has some sense of bad timing.” I said still mad about it.

Nick laugh at that. “Wow. You really have some bad luck.”

“Tell me about it.”

We stop walking and sat down on a bench by huge tree outside waiting for the other guys.

“What’s up, fellas?” Taylor said with a goofy grin on his lips.

“Nothing apparently.” Nick said and we all look at Mike who was keeping a safe distance.
When his eyes meet mine he walked toward me.

“Sorry about the whole mall incident, man. I was out of line.” He said and I raise my eyebrows. “I didn’t mean to make a move on your girl.” He added and Nick and Taylor laugh but come to think of it. I didn’t find it funny. Not at all.

“It’s okay, man. Just keep your hands to yourself next time.” I said and I shook the hand he was holding out. We both smile and everything was forgotten. I took my hand back feeling glad that everything was okay between me and him.

“Speaking of your girl.” Taylor said looking at a car that just park and Lena came out along with Alexi and Nicole.

I look at her and I knew instantly there was something wrong with her. As she walked keep her head down, her arms were crossed and Alexi had an arm around her shoulder like she was offering comfort of some kind. I frowned at that. I have never seen Lena like this before.

“What do you think it’s wrong with her?” Nick asked wondering out loud and I shrugged.

“Must be that time of the month which sucks for you by the way.” Taylor said patting my shoulder like he was feeling sorry for me.

“Shut up.” I said feeling mad all of the sudden. I knew that it had to be more than that. “Lena.”

I said as she walks by not even looking at me. She kept walking but Alexi and Nicole glare at me with hatred. Now that was something I didn’t see every day.

“Ooo, somebody is getting the cold shoulder today.” Taylor said laughing like it was funny. But it wasn’t.

I stand up so fast and ran to find Lena inside the school building. I open the door and immediately people started to greet me which I ignore. My eyes scan the crowd looking for a sign of her. I saw the top of her head and move toward it. She was by her locker pulling out some books. Alexi and Nicole are still standing next to her.

“Lena.” I said as I got close walking through the massive crowd of students and faculty members.

My eyes were either imaging things or playing with me right now because when I said her name her body stiffen and then started to gather her stuff more quickly. When she was done she quickly close her locker and ran away toward the women’s bathroom. I breathe out.
Now what was wrong with her? Alexi and Nicole glare at me as I stood there. Did I do something wrong? The bell ring and I walked toward my class ignoring them.

I walked into my English Fourth Class and sat down on my assign desk. It pass through my mind before I could stop it. Lena was avoiding me because she knew something. Oh sweet baby Jesus, I hope she didn’t find out the reason why I have been dating her for so long. I push the thought the away knowing that couldn’t be it. But what was it that was bothering her? I could have tell with other girls but with Lena I have to guess. She was unique and that makes everything hard for me. I pulled out my cell phone and send her a text message. I flip my phone close when the teacher Mr. Wheeler came through the door.

I felt my cell phone vibrate and I ignore it. I work on my calculus problems that the teacher Mrs. Williams assigns to turn in at the end of the class. I knew I couldn’t avoid Chris for ever but I have to till I get my mind straight. If he was really dating me because of the bet then we never were a truly couple were we? I mean if you really like someone you wouldn’t do that sort of thing. But I guess that does just prove that he really didn’t like me at all. He might have never did. I wonder if the bet was already made when we met. If it was then the whole relationship between us was a total lie. I breathe out and continue to work trying to get through the day and whatever lies ahead. I just hope when I ask him about it he doesn’t’ lie.

The bell ring and I was happy that I finish my work on time when so many thoughts in my head were flowing in and out of my mind. I gather my things and put my worksheet on the basket before walking out the door. I walk toward my locker through the massive crowd of students. I reach it without getting step on and push over. I put my locker combination and trade my calculus which turns out I didn’t need at all for my English III book. Today we were starting The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Before I close the locker my eyes landed on the picture of Chris that was taken outside of the school as he stand in front of his car. I pulled it out and put it between my books not wanting to see it. It hurts more if I do see it. I close the locker and turn around but stop my tracks when I saw Chris standing there looking at me.

I shook my head not knowing what to said or if I wanted to said something at all which I didn’t. He open his mouth but words didn’t come out so he close it and bit his lower lip. I started to walk by him but he took a hold of my hand. I flinch at the sudden touch and I pulled away and continue to walk toward my next class.

“Lena.” I hear him yell out in frustration and I ignore him. I feel tears coming through my eyes again and I brush them off when I feel them on my cheek. I hurried to my class and I got there before Mr. Jamison could close the door of his classroom.

“Lena, are you feeling okay?” he asked with a worried look on his face.

I nodded not trusting my mouth and the words that will come out if I open it. I walked to my seat which was next to Nicole. She frowned at the sight of me.

“What happened? Are you okay?”

I shook my head. “I saw Chris and he wanted to talk.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” I said and bit my lip welcoming the pain.

“If I were you, I’ll just dump him already. After all the prize isn’t you, is your innocence.” She said shrugging her shoulders and my eyes went wide at the new information.

“How…How do you know this?” I asked wanting to know.

“A girl in my first period class told me, apparently she was one his victim’s during his junior year. She saw the way two were too this morning and knew immediately that he was up to his old habits.”

I couldn’t bear to hear anymore. I stand up and ran out of the classroom crying harder.

“Lena.” Mr. Jamison yell out still concern but I ignore him. I ignore everything and just keep running.

I was running out of breath about two minutes later I lay myself against the wall holding my jacket tightly around me. I fall to the floor crying harder. This had to be lie. He couldn’t just bet my innocent into something like this. I bring my legs closer and bury my head in them.

“Lena.” Mike’s voice said from behind me sending chills through my spine. I quickly stand up and look at him. He lift his hands up in defense. “I am not going to do anything. I just hear somebody crying and decided to check it out. What’s wrong?” he asked looking all concern.

I look at Mike carefully this time. He was tall but like Chris he was not quiet six inches. The different was that he was taller by inches and a lot build. His hair was dark brown and his skin unlike mine was lighter. He was wearing short jeans with a black shirt and black converse. He had a band aid on his nose and a small purple bruise on his left eye.
I clean the tears out of my face shaking my head. “Nothing is wrong. I am fine.”

“You don’t look fine.” He stated still looking at me.

I push my hair out of my face and look up at him.

“I am fine, honestly.” With that I walked away without looking back at him.

All I could think through the rest of the day is that Chris play with me and all because he wanted my innocence. After I finish talking to Mike I went to bathroom and wash my face. My eyes were all red and puffy from all the crying and I needed it to be strong. I need it to be strong to gather my thoughts and talk to Chris once and for all. The rest of the day went normally well, I ignore Chris every time he see me in the Hallway and at Lunch. Alexi and Nicole didn’t let me out of their sight when Nicole told Alexi about the new information she found out. At home my mom ask me questions but I told her that I was fine and wish to be alone.

Now I am at my room sitting on bed wearing my grey pants with a white shirt doing my homework as my cell phone continue to vibrate. It has been like that for the whole day. I quickly reach for it and saw 6 new text messages that were from Chris and I didn’t want to open instead I delete them. I turn off my phone and continue to work.

I breathe out when I didn’t get a reply back after my last text message to Lena. I read it again.

“Hey Lena, Mike told me what happened? Is everything alright, Chris.”

It has been like that all day especially after Mike told me about his encounter with Lena in the hallway on Second Period. She ignore me not even look at me in the eye and now she won’t text me back. I flip my phone close and feel the urge to throw it against the wall. God, how I hate this? I hate this feeling of emptiness surging through my body up and down. I haven’t seen Lena all day. After she walked away before going to second period, I knew immediately that something was wrong and it was horrible. The fact is I don’t know what it is. She won’t talk me much less look at me.

I took a hold of the necklaces that I have been wearing for two weeks now. It was the silver cross that Lena given me as a Christmas present. I must have never taken it off now that I realize. I have given her necklaces too but with an angel hanging at the end of it. What a coincidence a cross and an angel?

“Hey dude, do you want to eat something for dinner?” Matt asked coming into my room and I shook my head. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I said moving my hair out of my eyes and he walked away closing the door. I bang my head against the headboard of my bed and I welcome the pain.

Lena’s face appears before my eyes as I remember the look she has been giving all day long. If this was Lena’s hurting then I will hate to see what will happen when she gets to know the truth once and for all. I couldn’t live my live happily with that look of hurt mix with pain in her eyes on my mind. That look reminds of a tragic movie and somehow I was involved in it. I flip open my phone and call the one person I needed to talk the most.

“What’s up, Blondie?” Nick’s voice said through the phone all cheerfully.

“I want out.” I said quietly not believing that I was doing this.

“What?” He asked confused.

“I said I want out. I want out of the bet. I don’t want to go through with it anymore. You can take the money and split it between all three of you. I am done. I want out.” I said honestly.

“Are you serious?”

“One hundred percent.”

“What happened?”

“Have you seen Lena’s face all day? It’s killing me, man. I feel guilty. If that’s the way she is going to look at me once I tell her that she was part of a bet and the only reason why I have been dating is because of her innocence. I can’t go through with it. I rather end it now before it’s too late and she does hate me.”

I began to pace back and forward on my room without realizing it. I feel desperate.

“But you never care about it before. But it’s your choice. So just bring the money tomorrow and I’ll let Taylor and Mike know about it.”

“Thanks.” I whisper and hung up the phone. I walked toward the window and look out the window.

I hope that I was doing the right thing. I didn’t want to hurt Lena because I couldn’t live through the guilt. I look down at my phone and went through my list of contacts and press the call button when I stop at her name. I wait for her to pick up.

“I am sorry the number you have dialed is currently not availed at the moment…”

I flip my phone close feeling anger running through my veins. I grasp it hard in my hand and throw the phone to my bed. Why wasn’t she talking to me? I walk back to my bed and sit down. I looked around then my eyes landed on the pictures once again. We look so happy in them. God how I hate this. I pass my fingers through my hair and press them hard against my skull. I truly hate this. I didn’t like it at all. None one bit.

The next morning the sun was out of usual but with a few grey clouds signaling that rain was coming soon. I was wearing my dark blue jeans with a plaid white shirt and my black sneakers. At school after I hand out the money to Nick, Mike and Taylor discreetly, I went to my locker as they celebrate and stop in my tracks in shock. There she was. There was Lena laying against my locker waiting for me all alone. I walked toward her.

“Well this is a surprise.” I said honestly looking down at her starting to leaned down to kiss her.

Her eyes widened then she look away. I frown at that. That was different.

She look up at me and before I could her expression she change it and soften it.

“We…We have to talk, Chris” She said.
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New chapter. I really hope you all like it. Please comment to let me know.