Status: In Process

Out Of Time

Chapter 6- Memories back in time

I shut the door of my locker to go to 5th period which was Spanish II with Mrs. Gonzalez. The hallway was empty and this was the first time I was running late for a class. I walked toward the corner that will take me to the hallway that will take me there. I felt my body hit something hard as I turn the corner and my books fell out of my hands.

“Oh I am sorry. I didn’t see you there.” an angelic voice said as I bent down to pick them up.

Apparently the person was nice enough to help me. I took a look in front of me wanting to thank the person but my insides instantly melt when suddenly a pair of blue eyes meet my eyes. I have seen the color of eyes before so many times but this god like creature make them look innocent and captivating. A sudden killer smile appear on his face.

“Do I have something on my face?” he asked me.

I open my mouth but stop. I didn’t know what to said. I’ve never been alone with a guy before much less to talk to me. The only person I’ve talk to be Jaime and that’s just because he was my neighbor and he was more easy to talk to and more friendly than most guy here at the school. He held out a hand with a grin.

“I am Chris Knight.”

I hesitate a little bit and then I place my hand into his feeling surprise in how good it felt.

“I am Lena….Santos….”

“Nice to meet you, Lena.” He said and help me to my feet still holding into my hand.

“Thank you.” I said feeling shy all of the sudden. He nodded and hand me back my book and papers.

“You welcome.” He said then after a brief silence he add “Maybe I’ll see you around.” He smile once more then walk by me toward his class. I couldn’t help but turn around to watch him walk away. My eyes widened in surprise when he turn around his head as he walk to look back at me. I have to make sure it was me so I looked around. There was no one else around but me. I look back at him and he was looking at me. He gave me the world nicest smile then disappear out of my view. I bit my lower lip as I feel my face heat up. I hug my book tightly to myself not wanting to let the feeling that came over me fade away.

I open my eyes all of the sudden waking from the dream breathing hard. I blink my eyes twice. What just happened? What I was dreaming of that all of the sudden? I feel chilly from the wince of pain and hug my arms closer to my body. Yesterday flash through my mind like a nonstop movie.


“How much was I worth it if you will have your way, Chris? How much?” I asked with tears once again.

He stood there quiet.

“What did you just said?” He ask me whispering as if he didn’t hear what I just said.

“It’s over.” I said.

It did happened. I did break up with Chris yesterday. I felt tears gathering my eyes but I hold them back. Why was I still feeling sad? After all I did discover the truth reason on why he even ask me out in the first place. It was all a bet, all a game to him. I didn’t even matter to him. As I feel a tear rolling down my cheek I brush it off then move the covers aside and step out of the bed. I have to carry on with the rest of the day. I have to do everything in my power to forget about him. I walked to the bathroom and started to get ready to face the hardest day of my life that lie ahead of me.

Alexi came to pick me up in time for school. I told her it wasn’t necessary for her to do so but she insisted not wanting to leave me alone which deep inside I really do appreciate. The ride to school was quite and peaceful. No romantic music playing on the radio as usual. Somehow I like it this way. When we arrive in school it wasn’t as normal I thought it will be. It was quiet which unsual even for high school was. I ignore the stares I was getting, the whispers and the pointing at me. I open the door of the main building and regret it immediately. Guys look at me in a way that they shouldn’t. They look at me like I was something to eat. I put my arms around myself ignoring them and walked toward my locker with Alexi right beside me.

“Lena…I…” Alexi started to said then look around us. I frowned at her then she smile. “I have to go to my locker. Is it okay?” she add concern.

I nodded.

“Are you sure?” she asked rolling her eyes at me.

“I am sure. You go head and I’ll see you later, okay.” I said smiling at her and putting an arm on her shoulder telling her that I was going to be fine.


“By the way Alexi thank you for everything. It really means a lot to have you stick on my side.”

“Anytime.” She said with a smile then reach out and hug me minutes later she let go and walked toward her class hesitantly looking back at me.

I smile at her then watch her as she disappear out of my view. I breathe out relaxing myself a little bit. Telling myself on my mind that I was going to okay, I turned around and regret it.

Two football players were lying against the wall facing me with a smirk on their lips.

“Hey Lena.” The one with brown short hair with sparkly green eyes said looking directly at me. He was also the tallest out of the two and the most build. “I heard you were single. Maybe we could go out sometime.” He continue to said looking at me with a evil killer smile on his face. His friend laugh like it was funny.

I feel my skin cringe at his words and hug myself. I look down at myself currently I was wearing jeans with a black shirt and white sneakers with my jacket. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable having them looking at me. I close my eyes tightly shut as I saw more guys looking at me. God I hated this. I hated this feeling. I hated them looking at me. Was this normal after a break up? I couldn’t help but wonder. I couldn’t take it anymore so I took a few steps back and ran toward my locker. I lay against it feeling relief. Why did I feel like this all of the sudden? I shook the feeling off and put the locker combination with trembling fingers.

I open my locker and stuff in my English book inside that I have brought home to do my homework. As I took my calculus book out a picture fell out to the floor. I bent down and pick it up. I turn it over and gasp. It was the picture of Chris smiling back at me. I crush it inside my hand tightly as I stand up and feel tears forming in my eyes, I close the locker and walked toward the nearest trash can and throw it in there. But for some reason I hold back. I couldn’t throw the picture away. My hand started to shake and with all my strength I throw it away. I let it go. I feel two twin tears rolling down my eyes and I clean them away ignoring the pain. I took a deep breath and walked toward my calculus class.

As I turn the corner that leads to the hallway of my class, I hit something hard but soft and familiar. Maybe a little too familiar, I look up knowing it was him. I let the breath that I’ve been holding for a while out. He looked down at me. His face was so close since he was standing so close. His eyes looked into mine searching for something. I feel myself starting shake under his gaze. I open my mouth but no sound came out. I look at his irresistible lips as his eyes look at mine. I look back into his eyes losing myself in them. All of the sudden remembering everything that has happened I snapped myself out of it and shook my head. He breathes out then after a minute of silence, he clear his throat.

“Sorry.” He said fixing his book bag over his shoulder and turn to walk by me.

I couldn’t hold myself back as I turned around to look at him walking away. For some odd reason I expect him to turn around too but unlike the day we met he keep walking away without looking back. I should have thank god for it. Thanking him that he didn’t. But disappointment came washing through me like a big bucket of water waking me up. The only fact was that I was already a wake and this was not a dream. I turn to my direction and went to class but stop myself. It was there that I realize that he was still wearing the necklaces I have given him. He never took it off. My hands move on their own searching around my neck and pull out the necklaces that I knew it was there. Why was I still wearing this? A smile appears on my face when I remember the coincidence. I have given him a cross and he have given me an angel.


“Hello Chris.” An annoyance voice said coming toward me as I stood on my locker pulling out my English book out. I didn’t even bother to turn around knowing it was Ashley Collins one of my ex girlfriend’s and conquest who always comes around every time I broke up with someone hoping to get back together. “What happened to your locker?” she asked as she lay herself on the locker next to mine.

“I don’t know. Someone with an anger management issues came and punch it.” I said and close the door.

“That’s too bad. Listen, I heard about your break up.” She said twirling her blonde hair looking at me with her green eyes.

I let out a sight of annoyance and look at her. Why wasn’t I surprise to see her wearing a mini skirt with tank top and black boots. She reach out with her hand and touch my chest moving her hand up slowly.

“I thought we could have some fun. You know like we used to do.” She said winking at me.
I pulled out her hand. “Sorry, but to be honest I am not interested.” I said then walked away toward my class.

As I watch Hamlet in class. I have to admit Shakespeare was the bomb but now I wasn’t in the mood for it. I pulled out my cell phone secretly and went through my photo album. Most of them were pictures of me and Lena. I stop at my favorite picture and zoom it. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of it. It was Lena outside her house sitting on the porch looking at me with an innocent angelic smile on her face. I close my phone instantly. What was I thinking in doing that? I leaned back in my chair breathing out in frustration. I haven’t seen anyone since yesterday expect for my family or Lena this morning. The truth was I didn’t even want to. I want to be alone just for a while. I felt like crap. I close my eyes and breathe out.


I park my car in front of her house and turn to look at her. I smirk by the look of her face. She was shy and happy at the same time. She turn to look at me after looking down at her hands which were small on mine.

“Thanks for the movie and dinner. I had fun.” She said softly with a smile. A set of dimples appear on her face. I smile at the sight of it.

“You welcome.” I said then hesitating myself for a little bit I leaned forward and kiss her on the cheek.

She blush which I wasn’t surprise at all. This girl was too innocent for her own good. She wasn’t like other girls I went out on a day on. She didn’t wear a short skirt or a tight shirt instead she wore a pair of good looking jeans with a black shirt and black sneakers. Her hair was up with two clips on each side. She open the door and started to step out but stop then reach forward and kiss me on the cheek. Now I wasn’t expecting that at all. She close the door and walked toward the front door to her house. I sat there on my car looking at her.

She turn to look at me with another innocent smile then wave and walked inside the house closing the door behind her.

I lay my head back in the chair smiling then turn the key in the ignition and drove home. I have to admit with other girls I would have just kiss her already then in no less than a week I already had them and got pay for it. But for some odd reason I hold back with Lena. I told myself the next time and then the next time. But the time never did come and I continue to hold back.

End of flashback

I open my eyes as I felt my chair move. I frowned but it was guy who was passing by me that move the chair accidently.

“Sorry man.” He said looking down at me.

“No problem.” I said feeling glad that he had pulled me away from my thoughts. What was that all about? I couldn’t help but think as I move my hair back. Now that I realize it took me two months to convince Lena to go out with me, which was the entire summer. Well almost the entire summer, almost at the end of it. She gave up and then admitted that she likes me and I end up taking her out on a day. The bet was already made by then and I just needed to get it over with. The problem was I didn’t go through with it. I always hold back telling myself that If I just take things slow she would have just given in. But she didn’t. She never did and I never pressure her into it either.

By lunch time my friends already found me and decided to make my life a living hell.

“So is the rumor true, man? Did you and Lena break up?” Nick asked as he ate his pepperoni pizza then took a sip of his coke.

I nodded at that. There was no use in hiding it anyway. I push my food away not feeling hungry at all and leaned my head down on my arms.

“Who broke up with whom?” Taylor asked looking down at me.

“She broke up with me.” I whisper softly through my teeth.

“What was that?” Taylor asked leaned forward with confused look on his face.

“I said she broke up with me.” I pronounce each word slowly so that way his brain could absorb it since it was too much too handle for the poor guy.

“Wow. Are you serious?” Mike said not believing at all about what I just said.

I nodded my head.

“Ooo the player just got burn, man.” Taylor said and high five with Mike.

“Idiots.” I thought looking at the two of them.

After a moment of silence that I was so happy for it to continue Mike asked “It’s that why you have sad puppy face, man? Because you got dump by her instead of the other way around.”




“Wow.” Mike said rolling his eyes.

“I know right. If it was me I will have been piss about it.” Taylor said. “No girl is going to take this player down.” He pointed at himself proudly.

Nick started to laugh at that which made me want to join too. But I didn’t instead I started to cough.

“What’s so funny?” he cried out looking at us.

“Wait till you fall in love, man. You are going to change your mind.” Nick said seriously and continuing eating his pizza.

“Love, are you in love with Lena, Chris?” Mike asked me looking directly into my eyes.

“No, Mike. I am not in love with Lena. I am just fighting a slight fever.” I said honestly rolling my eyes at them then clean away the sweat that was gathering in my forehead from the heat of the sun.

It was a bad idea yesterday to have to stay in the rain for almost the whole day. I couldn’t stop coughing last night and now I have a fever mix with a headache because of these idiots. I pulled my black jacket to cover my hands even more then leaned my head down against them once more.

“You really do sound terrible, man. Did you get caught up in the rain or something?” Nick asked looking at me out of the corner of his brown eyes.

“I got caught up in the rain alright. But only for a bit.” I said half honestly then close my eyes.


“So, what do you want to be when you graduate from high school?” she asked me one time as we sat down on the front of the steps of her house.

I frowned at that nobody has ever asked something like this well except for my parents which was very constantly and normal.

“I don’t know a model maybe.” I said with a goofy grin teasing her.

“A model.” She said rolling her big beautiful brown eyes at me. “Are you serious?”

I burst out laughing and shook my head. “Are you trying to tell me that you don’t find me attractive?” I turn to look at her.

She blush all of the sudden looking at me.

“I am not saying any of that. I am just….”

“You are just…” I pressed wanting to tease her more.

“Never mind, you are making fun of me already.” She shook her head and I leaned toward her to look at her more closely.

“I am not making fun of you. I just like to see you blush. It fascinates me.” I said honestly.

She turn to look at me and I grin at her. Then I leaned forward as her eyes widened in surprise and touch her lips gently with mine. Almost instantly, I felt shivers underneath my skin and a thousand fireworks go off by the feeling of it. She pulled away quickly and I knew that I just have given her first kiss.

“First kiss, eh.” I tease her again as she lay her head on my shoulder feeling embarrassed.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked wanting to know.

“No. Just don’t pull away next time.” I advice her. She look up at me and leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek. I smile at the gesture feeling please that she found a way around it. I took a hold of her hand which were holding onto my bicep and leaned my head on hers. “I was kidding when I said I wanted to be a model.”


I nodded at that. “Hmm mmm.”

“What do you want to do?”

“A writer, I will love to publish one book someday.”

“I think you will be an excellent one.” She said supportive and I found myself smiling at that. I have never told anyone that before. Not even parents or friends.

“Thank you.” I said honestly.

“You welcome.”

What happened next surprise me the most out of the entire evening? She took a hold of my hand and kiss softly the inside of my palm then look at it. “Your future looks very bright, Mr. Knight, very bright indeed.”

End of flashback

I open my eyes all of the sudden. Why was I thinking of old memories all of the sudden? Every time I close my eyes a memory came to live. All the memories that I have with Lena are washing over me all of the sudden and it wasn’t good. Not good at all. Ever since yesterday and every time I close my eyes I have one come to live before my eyes. What did that mean? Why can’t they go away?

“Ooo. Ex. Alert.” Mike said with a warning tone but I ignore it.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Lena with her friends taking a table at few feet from us.


I push my lunch toward Nicole who was eating eagerly and Alexi gave me an confused look.
“I am not hungry.” I said honestly then looked around and my eyes locked with Chris who was looking at me. He looked down immediately breaking the eye contact then a slight smile appears on his face and his eyes locked into mine once again. He grin at me and I looked away. What was wrong with him? What was he thinking about all of the sudden?

I stood up and said “I am going to spend lunch period in the library. I’ll see you guys later.”
I walked out of the cafeteria and into the building. I walked toward the library which I knew it will be empty since students were in classes and others at lunch. I walked into the library and sit on a table on the far side by the window. I look out the window laying my head against my arms.


“Name one thing that you like the most about me.” Chris voice said resounding in my head as my mind take me back to that time.

We were laying down on the grass of the park looking up at the sky with the stars shinning bright endlessly. I turn my head to my left side and look at him.

“You are eyes are one thing.” I said feeling shy all of the sudden.

He smile at that.

“So you are dating me because you like my eyes.” He said raising his eyebrows in question.

“I said you are eyes are one thing that I like but to be completely honest is the way you let me in. The way you never hold back on telling me about yourself.”

As I look at him frowning at my answer I took a hold of his hand and bring it to my lips then kiss it softly. Instead of pulling away like I expect him to he strengthen the hold and bring his arm along with mine to his chest causing me to come closer to him. I lay my head on his chest loving the feeling as his finger stroke my hair in a sweet gently way.

“You know I’ve never told anyone the things I tell you.” He said.

“Really.” I was surprise by that.

“Yeah, not even my friends or my own parents.”

I leaned my head in a way that I could look at him the in the face. He look back at me smiling and his eyes were light up with happiness.

“I guess that what makes you special to me, very special.”

“Tu eres especial para mi tambien.”

He frown trying to understand what I mean. Usually I don’t speak Spanish with him but I couldn’t back this time. I smile at the look on his face.

“What does that mean?”he cried out in frustration not coming up with a meaning about what I said flipping us over. Now I was laying on my back laughing.

“I said you are special to me too.” I said blushing and smiling at him.

“Oh.” He chuckle at that then leaned closer to me. “Thank you, Lena.”

“You welcome, Chris.”

I feel his lips touch mine and everything felt like magic.

End of Flashback

I found myself smiling and blushing at the memory. It was true he was special to me. But now it was all over. All over and there was no turning back. Tears didn’t seem to stop from coming as I feel them once again. I hear a sound from somewhere behind me and turn around. Then all of the sudden I wish I didn’t because there he was, standing there looking at me.

“Chris…” I whisper standing up looking at him. Something wasn’t right I notice right away.

He was holding onto the book shelve next to him looking weak all of the sudden. There was some sweat on his forehead and he look white as a sheet.

“Lena…” he said weakly then fall down on his side.

I walked toward him hesitating a little bit. What was wrong with him? Why is he here? Why did he come to me? I bent down looking at him. He didn’t look right. He didn’t look like the normal Chris at all.

“Chris, are you okay?” I hear voice panicking from worry. I touch his forehead and regret it. It was hot, really hot. Almost as if he was fighting a fever. “Oh my god, Chris, hold on okay. You are going to be okay.” I said and when I was about to stand up to get help his hand took a hold on mine. I turn and look down at him.

“Lena….” He whisper once again looking at me. “I am….”

Then he pass out that much I knew.

“Chris…Chris….” I cried out then I stand up and ran to get help.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay a new chapter. Thank you so much to:

NickJay's La Baby

for the amazing comments and for the support. This chapter is dedicated to you guys. Please comment to let me know if you guys like it or not.

This song matches the my story perfectly I really hope you all like it.