Status: In Process

Out Of Time

Chapter 9- Unexplained Feeling

Sunday came and went like a breeze and the next thing I knew it was Monday morning and I was parking my car in my spot in the School’s parking lot. I turn the key in the ignition and pull it out. I pick up my book bag from the passenger sit and step out of the car. Currently I was wearing a pair of jeans with holes in them with white long sleeve shirt and white sneakers. I looked around as I saw more cars coming and students were outside the school building and standing by their cars talking or laughing. I breathe out at the sight of it and I gaze down at my silver watch on my right wrist and breathe out. It read 8:15.

I walked toward the school building and toward my locker once I was inside. I put the locker combination and open it. I put all my books inside my locker that I have taken to do my missing assignments expect my English one since I needed them for my first period. Once I was finish I close the door of the locker and put on the lock. I put my book bag over right shoulder then started to walked when I stop all of the sudden.

Her laughing figure enter my eye view first as she walked with Alexi, Nicole and Jaime as the laugh along with her. She looked happy. Really happy. I shook my head as the thought hit me. Breathing out I reach inside my jean pocket and found my iPod ear buds and put them in my ears. I turned it on and put the volume high tuning out the sound of her laugh as

I walked by her which I thank god I have the strength to do so since I was holding my book
bag traps very hard since my hands were shaking.
I walked toward my classroom and laid my back against the wall waiting for the bell to ring.

As the rock music blasted into my ears I got into the music closing my eyes, I could have sworn that I could have heard the bell ring but I guess I didn’t because the next thing I knew was Mr. Wheeler trying to get my attention.

“Chris…Chris…” he said then touch my arm.

I open my eyes and looked at him. I took out my ear buds and put them inside my pockets
then I turn off my iPod.

“How are you?” he asked politely looking at me.

“I am fine.” I said nodding as I straighten my posture.

“Are you sure? You seem a little down.” He said in a concern tone.

“I am fine. Honest.” I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

“Okay. It’s good to have you back. I hope you were able to finish the homework assignment that you miss while you were sick.”

“I did actually.”

“Good. By the way, could you do me a favor?”


“Will you go to the office and asked them to take 25 copies of this worksheet?” he asked handing me out a single sheet of paper.

“Sure.” I said taking them in my hands and started to walk toward the office.

“Wait let me give you a pass. I don’t want anyone thinking you are skipping or something.” He said opening the door of his classroom and went inside.

I breathe out and decided to follow him. I put my book bag on my chair that way I won’t have to carry it around and took the slip of pink paper that Mr. Wheeler offered as I walked toward his desk.

I walked out of the classroom making my way toward the office which was on the other side of the building. I stop as I saw Lena walking in this direction. My steps stop immediately as so did hers. She was wearing black jeans that fit and found her body curves perfectly with a white plain shirt and black converse sneakers. Her hair was down looking soft while glowing. My eyes locked in hers for a minute before I shook my head thinking what to said or what to do. I move my hair out of my eye view.

“Hi.” I said softly locking my eyes with hers again.

She nodded then wave at me. “Hi.”

“I um…how are you?”

“Okay, you?” she said breaking away our eye contact.

“Good.” I said smiling awkwardly. “I feel better actually.”

“That’s good.” She said then shook her head again not looking at me. I took this time to notice that she was too carrying a pass paper in her hand.
Somehow I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. She didn’t even wanted to look at me in the eyes. She didn’t even show any expression of concern or anything toward me. It almost felt like she didn’t want anything to do with me. As I scratch the back of my neck nervously, I couldn’t help but feel a little hurt. But I ignore it since the thing that was killing me know was the silence.

“Going to the office?” I asked casually breaking the silence between us.

“What?” she asked with a confused expression on her face that made me smile all of the sudden.

“Are you going to the office?” I asked pointing the pink slip paper that was similar to mine.

“Oh yeah.” She said nodding her head. “New student.” She added looking at her.

“Awesome.” I said as we both looked at the direction we have to go. She look at me for a second then walked ahead of me as I follow her a few steps behind. Trying to keep a certain space between us. I expected her to look back at me once in a while but not once she did.

As we reach the office I couldn’t help but feel disappointed not once did she looked at me or manage to at least try to said anything to me. Then again like a stupid I was neither did I. We both reach for the door handle at the same time causing our hands to touch for a second but she quickly move hers away at the touch but I could have sworn I saw a smile as I look in the mirror of the door in front of us. I grin looking at her from the mirror. I resisted the urge to touch her since she was standing so close in front of me. I ignore it and open the door letting her go first then as the door close behind me I walked toward the lady at the front desk who welcome both of us with a friendly smile.

“What I can do for you?” she asked looking at me.

“I...Mr. Wheeler want a few copies of this worksheet?” I said handing her the worksheet.

She took it and put it in the copy machine. “Do you know how many he wants?”


She press the button and copies started make. She turned to face me and Lena once more.

“What can I do for you, sweetie?” she asked Lena as I looked at her chewing her lip nervously.

“I umm…I am here to meet a new student.”

The secretary nodded. “Wait just one minute, sweetheart. He is still with the principal he will be out in a second.”

Lena nodded breathing out.

Not even a second pass when the door of the principal opened and a guy with dark brown hair reaching over his blue eyes step out along with the principal. I looked at his appearance. He was tall and build wearing jeans with white sneakers and a white plaid shirt. He looked at Lena and smile.

“Oh good Lena you are here. Thank you for coming. This is our new student, his name it’s Drew Hanson.” The principal said introducing them.

“Nice to meet you.” Drew said politely with a friendly smile holding his hand out for a shake.
Lena looked at it for a second then shake his hand. “Nice to meet you too.” She added with a smile.

“I would like for you to show him around the school a bit and take him to class. I notice he is in most of your classes staring with the first.”

“Sure. I’ll be glad to.” Lena said politely to the principal.

I looked at Lena out of the corner of eye and the guy not liking at him at once. Friendly smile my butt.

“Here you go, dear.” The secretary said handing me back the copies along with the original.

“Thank you.” I said and I was ready to walked out the principal’s eyes look at me and I knew I was immediately trap.

“Oh Chris, I didn’t know you were here in too.” He said with a smile.

“Yeah, I just came to get some copies for Mr. Wheeler.” I explain with a smile looking at him.

“Drew this is Chris Knight one of our best seniors in the whole school.” The principal said proudly and to be honest I was kind of flatter. I guess that’s what I get from been a smart ass student in all my classes.

“Oh nice to meet you.” Drew said again with the friendly smile and a wave.

“Nice to meet you too.” I said then as I broke my eye contact with him. My eyes met Lena’s who was looking at me very openly with a small smile.

“Bye, Lena.” I said returning her smile.

“Bye, Chris.” She said then shook her head.

“I hope to see you around.” Drew said looking at me then looked down at Lena from his full height which was about the same as mine.

“Yeah, me too.” I said hiding the truth that I already felt and walked away heading back to class without looking back.

At lunch I couldn’t help to notice that Lena and the new guy apparently already become friends as I sat on the far corner outside in the patio laying my back against the wall. I took a sip of my bottle of apple juice that I bought earlier after I finish I put the juice cap on and close my eyes letting the music flow through me. Untitled by simple plan was playing. I felt a tap on my shoulder making me jump. I turned around and stand up ready to punch the person who was bothering me. Seriously why couldn’t anybody just leave me alone? But instead I found Nick laughing his butt off.

“Don’t do that.” I said whispering through my teeth putting down my fist. I sit back down and taking out the ear buds and putting the iPod away.

“Hey you okay, man. I’ve barely seen you all day.”Nick said sitting in front of me as I bring up my legs closer to my body and lay my arms against them. “So anything new?” he asked wanting to know.

“Nothing it’s new.” I said honestly closing my eyes.

“Do you feel better now?” he said smacking a hand on my forehead to make sure making me open my eyes.

“Gee, Nick. I didn’t know you will be this concern about me.” I said removing his hand away from me.

“It’s a man crush.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“Thanks man, but you are not really my type.”I said looking at Lena out of the corner of my eyes.

“Ouch, man that hurts.” He said with a fake hurt expression on his face. I raise my eyebrows at him. “I am just kidding.” He add smiling.

I ignore him and looked at Lena more openly this time. I found myself smiling as I saw her laugh with Nicole, Jaime, Alexi and the new guy.

“Who is the dude with your ex?” Nick asked wanting to know since he was looking at him too with curious.

“Some new guy name Drew Hanson.” I said looking away from them feeling uneasy that I felt deep inside all of the sudden.

Nick looked at me raising his eyebrows with a smile on his face.

“What?” I asked wanting to know what his expression what’s telling me.

“Nothing.” He said then looked back at Lena’s direction.

I breathe out in relief when the bell ring signaling that lunch was over and it was time to go to class. I put my book bag over shoulder and walked inside the building behind me.

I walked into my Creative Writing class and took my usual sit. I lay my arms on the table then lay my chin on them clicking my tongue as minutes pass by.

“Hey Chris, I didn’t know you will be here.” A familiar new voice said full of happiness coming into the classroom.

I look at the direction and found myself staring at the new guy. Great. I thought to myself not believing my luck. He has just to be in my class after spending who knows what time with Lena. He took the sit next to mine smiling.

“This school seems pretty awesome comparing to my last school.” He said wanting to make conservation as his body turns my direction.

I nodded at that knowing he was looking at me.

“So I am....I am going to guess that you and Lena aren’t really friends?” he asked looking at me.

I shot a look at him like expecting him to know what happened between me and Lena. But he didn’t or at least trying to pretend he didn’t know. He smile at me in a way that I knew what was he was after and somehow I didn’t like that at all.

“Something like that.” I whisper through my teeth. This guy was clearly up to something and something tells me it had to do with Lena and it was bad.

“So do you know if she is single or not?”

I shot a look at him not liking at all where this conservation was heading.

“She is.” I said through my teeth as I took hard grip of my desk chair containing that once uneasy feeling.

“Really.” He said sounding like he didn’t believe me.


“So…did she ever had a boyfriend?” he asked leaning forward looking at me closely.

I smile at him. “As a matter of fact, she did and it was me.”

Drew suddenly burst out laughing. “I know that already, man. I’ve been too many school’s already to know how to read people. Let me guess you cheated.”

“No.” I whisper truthfully smiling at the thought. I never did cheat on Lena. She was the only one, the only one for six months with one week and three days.

“Really.” Drew said looking in shock for one minute then relax. “So…so what did you do? I mean you guys are over right. You said yourself she was single.”

“And off limits.” I said finishing him for him.

After a second of silence I turned my head to my right and Drew was looking at me. A challenging smile spread across his face. I smile back knowing a challenge for Lena was made. I turn back to my sit as the teacher walked in the classroom.


“That guy Drew seems kind of cute.” Nicole voice said as we started our homework on my room after dinner.

I breathe out at the mention of Drew, the new guy. It seem like he was the talk of the day.

I sat next to Alexi on the bed as we both do our calculus homework together. I have it first period and she has it fourth so we like to help each other out.

“Don’t you think so, Lena?” Nicole asked looking at me from the other end of my bed sitting there with her Science book open in her lap.

“Think what?” I asked confused as I looked up at her.

“That Drew is cute.” She said with a smile.

I shook my head. For reason my heart wince in pain not liking the question at all. I looked back at Nicole who was looking at me with an eagerly smile.

“I don’t know. Do you think he is cute?” I asked as I started back on my homework.

“Yes I do but I am asking you.”

“Leave it alone, Nicole. If Lena doesn’t’ want to answer she doesn’t have to.” Alexis said interrupting the conservation and I was glad for it.

Why was she wanted to know if I thought Drew was cute all of the sudden? Sure he was funny and everyone like him but that didn’t mean I have to like him too. I could like him as a friend and only as a friend. Besides seeing Chris today been well and healthy made me happy for some reason.

I smile as I remember the feeling that I had flowing through my body as our hands touch.


We both reach for the door handle at the same time causing our hands to touch for a second but I quickly let of it since I feel my skin tingle underneath his. I smile shaking my head loving the feeling. He looked at me through the mirror in front of us then grin at me. I felt him move closer toward me but stop and open the door.

End of flashback

An unexplained feeling surge through my body at the thought of Chris, it didn’t hurt to think about him anymore. But it hurt every time I see him at school. It hurt to be able to looked at his eyes sometimes and knowing that they were reflecting lies. Lies on how we got together and how we came to be.

“Are you okay?” Alexi’s voice asked me concern pulling me away from my thoughts.

I turned to looked at her blinking my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I am okay.” I said honestly. “My mind just wonder off.” I added trying to joke.

Alexi laugh then patted my hand and continue to do her work.

I turn back and smile at Nicole who was looking at me with knowing eyes. She smile back and turn back to her work.

Minutes later after they left, I lay down on my bed on my back staring off in space. My hand move on its own to my neck and took a hold of the necklaces of the angel.

“Please god. Help me. I don’t know what to do about him. I really don’t know.” I whisper as my I feel tears rolling down my eyes. I feel my cell phone vibrate on the nightstand. I reach out and flip it open cleaning my tears away. It was probably Alexi checking up on me to make sure that I was okay. But I frowned when I saw that it was a text from Chris. I hesitate to open it for like two minutes then with trembling fingers I did open it. It read. “Be careful.”

I frown at the text message. Why was Chris telling me to be careful? Did he even mean to text me this and got confused? Or did he know something I didn’t?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay how did you all like the new chapter. This chapter is dedicated to


thank you so much for comment on my story. It means a lot. I really hope you guys still like my story. Please comment to let me know.
Till the next time, Lene