Status: In process

Within Temptation


Have you ever felt like something so precious that belong to you has been taken away for unknown reasons? I have. I have no memory. No memory of ever been nothing but a six year old girl who lost her parents in car wreck cause by some drunken driver. I have no memory of who my parents were or who I really am. All know is this, my name is Hayley…Hayley Nichols and I am 17 years old today. My adopted father name James Nichols found me wondering in the streets and took me in to live with him. His wife Natalie died giving birth to their son name Austin who also died a month later in childbed. I was raise by a stranger who lost everything that mean anything in the world to him but who also gave me the love of a father that I never had. He tried everything he could to help me remember who I am even took me to specialist’s but no luck. It was like the wind of that cold night erases everything away. Everything but one thing, the color of the eyes were grey shade and behind those eyes. That person safe my life even before I was found.
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A vampire romance that I have been working for a while since I am a big fan of the Vampire Dairies. Go Damon. I am Team Damon all the way. Please leave a comment no harsh feelings this is just the prologue.