Status: In process

Within Temptation

Chapter 3- Something about him

A week later school started and today was finally day, my first day as a senior. I should have been nervous but I wasn’t. To me it was just another day of school. I walked downstairs already dress in jeans with clear grey undershirt over a grey plaid shirt and black sneakers.

“Good morning, honey.” My dad said as soon as I step into the kitchen while he cooks breakfast. Today’s menu scrambles eggs with turkey bacon and toast.

“Good morning dad.” I said smiling as I pour myself a glass of orange juice.

“So are you excited?” he asked looking at me out of the corner of his eyes as he made the eggs.

I look at him. “About what?”

“Oh come on, today is your first day as a senior. How come you not excited about that, huh?”

“Maybe because to me is just another regular day in high school.” I said honestly.

“Hmm, you are no fun.” He said sounding disappointed and somehow I couldn’t help but smile as an idea pass through my mind.

“Woohoo.” I yell out with enthusiasm making my dad jump in shock. “Today is the day. I am a senior. I am going to go crazy. I am going to get a tattoo. I am going to get drunk and party all night.” I added excitedly jumping up and down.

My dad turn to look at me with an amuse expression on his face that I couldn’t help but burst out laughing as I feel myself blushing.

“I am glad that you are excited. Although I know you are faking it for me but thank you anyway. But I will not allowed you in any moment to get a tattoo, get drunk or party all night, young lady.” He said in his serious fatherly tone.

“Relax. I am just joking about those parts.” I said as I pour his cup with juice.

“Good. Now make the toast so we can eat.” He said turning off the stove as I put the bread on the toaster and heat it up.

Two minutes later we sat down at the table in our usual spots starting to eat our breakfast in silence.


I tried to take a peak trying to be careful but move back as one of them bent over and a pair of unique shade of grey eyes appears in front of me. Looking right at me hypnotizing me then I felt myself tremble. I felt my skin cold shaking with fear, a fear that was chilling me to the bone.

End of Flashback

“What’s with the look in your face?” my father asked me made me looking at him confused.

“What look?”

“You are thinking.”

“It’s nothing to worry about, dad.” I said smiling at him.

“Now I am worry.” He said but drop it after giving me another of his “Are you sure” and my told him that I was fine. He went back to read the newspaper.

Once I was done eating I pick up my black book bag and slide it over my right shoulder.

“Bye, dad.” I said leaning toward him and hug him good bye.

“Bye, sweetie. Drive carefully and remember to put on your seatbelt.”

“I always do, dad.” I said opening the front door and step outside of the house closing it behind him.

I open the door of my black SUV and step inside. I put on my seatbelt knowing that somehow my dad was watching to see if I didn’t. I turn the key in the ignition and drove away toward any normal day at school. I turn the wheel to the left after driving for 15 minutes and made my way to Melanie’s house.

I beep outside Melanie’s house and she came out walking toward the passenger door and open it.

“Hey. Thank you so much for picking me up.” She said smiling as I started to drive again.

“No problem.” I said honestly letting the silence fall between us.

I stop at a red light then when it turn green I turn to the right and there it was Heaven Falls high school coming into view.

“So did you hear the rumor going around?” Melanie asked casually as I turn the wheel toward the parking lot.

After I park my car and turn the key in the ignition, “What rumor?” I asked confused.

“There are new students attending this year.” She said happily and smiling.

I frowned at that. Now that was unusual. In any other city or town will have been normal, but in here when there were only a 5, 789 population of people living in this small town new students moving in and attending here it was something out of the ordinary. We haven’t had a new student since I arrive here in the fifth grade.

“How weird.” I said stepping out the car and closing the door behind me. I slide my book bag over shoulder again and walked toward the school without looking where I was going but suddenly I felt a hand pulling me back and a roar of an engine.

“Are you crazy?” Melanie asked with a concern look on her face. “That car almost runs you over.” She added and we both turn to the left.

The car was a black camaro. I couldn’t see any face of the driver or passengers since the windows were tinted black. But I could feel the eyes. I could feel the eyes looking at me as I look at them even though I wasn’t really sure. I breathe out and the car beep making me jump.

“Come on.” Melanie said holding my arm as we walked toward the school building. I look back at the car as it started to drive again toward its parking space. I shook my head trying to clear it.

“Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted lately.” Melanie said as we walk up the stairs of the main building of Heaven Falls High School!

“Yeah, I am fine.” I said telling myself honestly that I was fine.

After picking up our class schedule on the gym, Melanie compare our schedules as we stood outside laying against the wall not wanting to get run over students walking in or walking out.

“Well.” I said after a minute of silence of looking at her.

She looked at me with her lips pucker in a sad look that resemblance a lost puppy. “We only have two classes together and lunch.” She said and handed me back my schedule. “That sucks. Why do you have to take AP classes in the first place?”

“Because my dad says if I want to get in to a good university, I have to take AP classes in order to hopefully get a scholarship.”

Melanie suddenly gasp as an idea pass through her mind that much I knew.

“What?” I asked curiously wanting to know looking at her.

“That’s it. We rob a bank and use the money to pay the university. It’s for a good cause, anyway.”

I almost laugh at her insane idea. Seriously where did Melanie come up with these crazy ideas?

“That will land me in prison not a good university, Mel.” I said looking down at my schedule.

English Fourth with Mr. Turner
AP Calculus with Ms. Williams
Biology 2 with Mr. Benson
AP European History with Mr. Wilson
AP Chemistry with Mrs. Willis
AP Art with Mr. Fallows (which was for fun since I love art)

“Yeah, we will not look good in prison with those orange suit outfits.” She said as I nodded still looking down at my insane schedule. “Not to mention I still don’t have a boyfriend to visit for my conjugal visits.” She add looking at me seriously.

“Ew! Gross. Why did you even mention something like that, Mel? Honestly that’s disgusting.” I said covering my ears shaking my head not believing what I just heard.

Then she burst laughing.

“I am just messing with you.”

“Please don’t.” I said as she pulled away my hands from my ears not wanting her to.

“You are so old fashion.”

It was true I was old fashion. I like the idea of been in love someday and having a wonderful husband with kids running around the house. I couldn’t wait for that day. I couldn’t wait to finally meet someone who I will love forever. I know I might sound insane but it was the true.

Suddenly interrupting my thoughts a large breeze of air came into the hallway as someone open the door. I frowned at that. Where did that come from?

The bell rings signaling the students to go to class making me jump since I was caught off guard.

“What is with you today? You have been in this panic mode all last week in fact ever since your birthday.”

I clear my throat moving my hair away from my face. “It’s nothing. It just…never mind. It’s probably all in my mind.” I said and started to walked down the hall along side of her. When I was about to turn the corner I hit something hard and I fell down on my back.

“Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I said standing up on my feet.

“Obviously.” The voice said annoyed.

I gather myself together and look up at the person in front of me. My eyes widened at his appearance. He was so beautiful with icy blue/greyish eyes and dark hair. His body build was muscular and god like. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a black shirt and black boots. Then a thought hit me. It was him, the guy from the graveyard. He was looking down at me with a sexy killer smirk.

“It’s you. You are the guy from the cemetery.” I said still looking at him.

“Are you sure you are not confusing me with someone else?” He asked me looking around us then looked back at me.

“I know it’s you.”

“Me.” He said pointing himself.

“Yes, you.”

I know it was him. I knew it. I could feel it in my bones. I could feel it underneath my skin. His captivating gaze locked on mine then a small smile on the left side of his face.


I suddenly feel speechless on how close he was standing in front of me. His eyes search over my face as mine did in his.

“See you around.” He said then walked by me and continue to walked down the hallway without looking back.

“Wow.” A voice said standing next to me making me pull away from the spell I was under. His spell.

I turn to looked at Melanie who was staring at him open mouth.

“He is hot. I mean not just hot but pure beautiful. I mean did you see his face?” She started to said but stop when I pull her arm making her walked with me continuing to our first class of the day in our first day of school.

After walking into classroom I took a sit on the left side of it on the third row, I sat down on the four desk chair as Melanie took the sit next to mine. I breathe out.

“Are you sure that’s the guy you met on your birthday?” she asked looking at me.

I turn to look at her and nodded. “Yes, he was the guy that I met.”

“Wow. How lucky are you to be able to meet a hot guy on your birthday?” she said smiling at me.

The bell ring again telling students that they have to be in class as Mr. Turner close his door and walked back toward his desk to start to class the door swung open and a tall guy over 6 six feet tall stood there. His blonde hair was messy and he was in jeans with a sleeveless white shirt that makes his muscular body noticeable and black boots. His appearance struck me by surprise as his eyes under dark sun glasses scan the room. They stop on me and I feel fear underneath my skin. He smirked at me.

“Excuse me but who are you?” Mr. Turner asked him.

The guy turn back to looked at him and I could have sworn I saw Mr. Turner cringe back.

“Daren Chambers.” He said in a polite voice. “New student.” He added then make his way toward a chair which happened to be the one behind me.

“Right, Chambers…chambers…” Mr. Turner said looking over at his list.

I feel myself tremble as I could feel his penetrating gaze on my back. I fought the urge of turning around and looked at him but in the end it won. As I looked at him, I gasp as his eyes under his sunglasses looked back at me.

“Like what you see.” He said with a sexy smirk on his face.

I turned away from him. His attitude immediately told me that he was a bad boy, a hot sexy bad boy. I shook my head clearing my thoughts away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Melanie eyeing him too as so was every other girl in the room. Something tells me it was going to be a long year.

I was relief when the day pass like a breeze and the next thing I knew I was in lunch with Melanie. I pick up my lunch which was mash potatoes with gravy, chicken, green beans, and a carton of chocolate milk. I stop in my tracks to the table as I saw the captivating eyes looking at me from the far end of the cafeteria. He took a chocolate cookie to his mouth and smirk at me then he looked away.

“Don’t look now but Ashley Carter is giving you the look?” Melanie whisper standing to next to me.

Before I even knew what happened, Ashley Carter the school head cheerleader and most popular girl walked toward me and dump my tray on my shirt. I looked at her. She was furious with me. I wasn’t even sure why. She glare at me angrily once more then with one flip of her blonde hair over her shoulder she walked away. I dump the tray on the floor as I feel hands undoing the buttons of my shirt. I tone out the sound of laughter that ran through the cafeteria like a comedy has just been play.

“Melanie, what are you doing?” I asked trying to pulled away from her. I didn’t even care that I was cover in food.

“I have a shirt that I was going to use for gym on my bag you can use.” She said and before I even knew she pulled my grey blouse away from my body.

“Woohoo, is a strip show.” A guy shout.

“Nice chest, Hayley.” Another one yell through the whistles.

“Yeah baby, I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Melanie.” I said putting my arms around me covering my undershirt that was a little too revealing.

“I am sorry.” She said feeling guilty dogging out a shirt from her bag.

I was about to ran out feeling embarrassed when I felt a shirt been thrown at me hitting my chest. I looked and froze in my spot. It was him offering me his shirt. I stood there not knowing what to said. His incredible sculpted chest with an even mouthwatering eight pack was now showing for everyone to see. I know deep down I wasn’t the only one looking at this god like creature standing there shirtless.

“Put the shirt on.” He said in an angry tone looking at the guys out of the corner of his eyes.
Then suddenly as his glare become more noticeable the cafeteria quiet down. It was all dead silence. How did he even manage to do that with a look? Then I remember what I thought when I first meet him. “If looks could kill, his most definitely would.”

“Come on, Hayley.” Melanie said pulling my arm walking out the cafeteria as I looked back once more at him.

He stood there looking at me with intense eyes. Then he walked away from the other side of the cafeteria. I breathe out as I feel a feeling coming over me. I walked into the bathroom and clean up then put on the shirt.

“I guess that’s why Ashley did what she did?” Melanie said looking at me laying against the wall.

“What do you mean?”

“She has been trying to get the guy to notice her all day and not even once did he looked at her. When she saw him looking at you in the cafeteria she got angry which is stupid. Yeah sure he might be hot and all but he is hasn’t been here a day yet and she is already claim him.”

I took a hold of the edge of his shirt. It was a little too big in me but I didn’t mind. Suddenly his scent fill me up inside. I frowned at it and sniff again. It smell familiar for some reason.

“I think it was cute though, the way he saw everybody laughing and came to your rescue.”

“They wouldn’t have been laughing if you didn’t take off my shirt.” I said still feeling angry at her for it. I put my shirt in a bag and put it in my book bag. I breathe out.

“I am sorry. I couldn’t help it. It was basic instinct.” She said looking guilty.
I bit my lower lip looking at myself in the mirror then pull my hair away from my face.

“It’s okay. I am not that mad. Just wait for the day when it will get to be your turn.” I said with an evil smile on my face and she laugh.

“Today is your lucky day, amiga. At least we all got to see his sexy chest.” She said as we walked out of the bathroom with an arm over my shoulder.

“Is that all you saw?” I asked looking at her directly.

“What else was there to see?” she asked confused.

I shook my head. Then play it back in my mind. It almost felt like he had to do it or want to do it. It was almost like an impulse that made him do it. I know it. I could feel it. The way his eyes were so intense and so angry made me think that he was angry by the fact that he had to do it in the first place.

When school came to an end three hours later, I feel relief washing over me. I made my way quickly to the parking lot avoiding people. Especially Ashley who was still mad about what he did in front of everyone. I quickly walked toward the car with my head down and stop in my tracks as I spotted him laying his back against the black camaro that almost run me over this morning looking openly at me. He was wearing now another black shirt. Without hesitating I walked over at him. I stood in front seconds later as he raise his eyebrows in question.

“I-I ah just want to say thank you for what you did.” I said honestly still looking up at him.

“I didn’t do for your benefit.” He said looking away from me as the sun reflects on his eyes making them seem greyer rather than blue. His posture told me that he was doing the best he can to be nice to me for some odd reason. His arms were cross against his chest and so were his feet.

“I still thank you.” I said then when no answer came I asked what I have been meaning to ask ever since I saw him. “What’s your name?”

He turn to look at me so fast that I didn’t have time to blink my eyes on how fast he did it. His captivating eyes hold mine.

“Reed Burnside.” He murmur through his thin sexy lips.

“Nice to meet you, Reed. I am Hayley.” I said holding my hand out for a shake. He looked at it for a minute as he frown at the gesture, almost like it was unusual for him.

“I already know your name.” he said looking somewhere behind me then he drop it to looked at the ground.

“Then why did you pretend we didn’t meet earlier this morning?” I drop my hand to my side.

“I thought it might be fun.”

I shook my head smiling at that. He really wasn’t what I expect him to be. He was quiet and broody but something tells me there was more to him than that.

“So I guess I’ll see you around.” I said shyly all of the sudden as he continue to look at me in the eyes.

Without warning he leaned forward making his body stop leaning toward mine and he stood there looking down at me. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath as I looked back at him.

“See you around.” He said with a smirk and he slide a pair of dark sunglasses over his eyes and walked toward the driver door.

I walked back toward my car with a smile on my face and found Melanie standing there looking at me.

“Everything okay?” she asked wanting to know.

“Yeah, everything is okay.” I said then open the driver side of the car and get in then drove home.

As I soon as I step inside the house closing the door behind me, my dad stood there frowning at the shirt.

“What’s with the shirt?” he asked curiously.

“I had an accident, dad. Nothing to worry about.” I said honestly then make my way up the stairs toward my room.

I took a shower minutes later and put on a pair of black shorts with a small grey shirt. I pick up Reed’s shirt from the bed and hold it close it to me. I walked down the stairs with my dirty clothes on a basket then put them to wash on the laundry room. I help my dad make dinner as we talk about each other day. I didn’t told him about the lunch accident because to be honest nothing really happened, nothing except seeing Reed half naked. After dinner I folded the clothes which was now dried clean with a scent of lavender. Then as I fold Reed’s shirt I couldn’t help to smile. I put it on my book bag just in case I didn’t forget to bring it back to him. I sit on my bed as his face appears on my mind, his beautiful irresistible face. I began to draw the outline of his face then his eyes after that his lips and cheeks and nose. I feel myself smiling as I color his hair dark with the tip of my pencil. I smile once my work was done and looked at it. It look like him. I put the drawing on the top of bedside drawer and turn off the light. I put the blankets around me and lay my head in the pillow. I pulled back when I notice the window open. I step out of my bed and walked toward it and close it. I looked out the window and up to the moon it was beautiful. I pull the curtains close and in place then went back to bed.
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New chapter on Mother's Day. Happy Happy Mother's day. I hope you guys like it. Please let me know by leaving a comment. Till the next time, Lene