Somewhere in the Crowd

Life is perfect. I've got the guy, the looks, the grades, anything a girl could possibly want in her life.

Wait a second, that's not right. Because life isn't perfect. Especially not mine.

I'm Lacey Evanchoe, perfectionist extraordinaire and possibly the least popular girl in school. Now, this isn't one of those stories where I'm this amazing, beautiful looking scene chick who strives to fit in and find a boyfriend before prom. No, this is about an ordinary girl who just wants to make it through high school.

Sure, I have a crush. Who doesn't? I just find it perfectly cliche that he's taken by queen bitch numero uno. Out of five. He's not a football player, either. He's a normal guy . . . who just so happens to be the hottest person I know. Well, besides Johnny Depp that is.

And by me being ordinary, I mean ordinary. I'm average height, how boring is that? I have boring, straight brown hair. Boring brown eyes. (I secretly wish that I had amazing blue eyes like the Gilmore Girls every day). I'm skinny, no boobs or butt to attract any guys. Yeah, I'm a 16 year old with no boobs . . . go figure.

My grades you would think would be great, considering I have tons of free time on my hands. Nope. I have D's and F's galore. Let's just say I'm not the brightest person in the world, when it comes to school anyway. My field is more in art, which is the only class I'm actually doing good in.

As for anything a girl could want, well, I share one dinosaur of a computer with three other people (one of which being my older brother, who should be in college or have a job, but he doesn't). I have the cheapest phone in the world, which always dies and has no silent or vibrate option. My clothes consist of hand-me-downs from cousins and the Good Will.

All of which probably would be queen bitch numero uno's worst nightmare.

My only real friends are Abby and Reggie. Abby was 16, like me, but we were pretty opposite. Where I lacked looks, grades, and boobs, she had it all. Yet she chose to hang out with me. Reggie was 24. He was also the school janitor. Don't judge, he's a cool guy.

Now that you know a little bit of background information, lets get to the real story, shall we?
  1. Jammed (Again)
    "Poor, poor locker 460."