‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


I woke up and looked around. I found the clock and it saw that it was 3:50 in the morning. I still had the girls resting on my chest. I made sure that I had a good grip on them before standing and going upstairs and laying them down on their makeshift bed on the floor and climbing into bed and taking Kristine into my arms.
“Mmmm… Mikal?” She moaned.
“Yeah, baby, go back to sleep, we’ve got a big day ahead of us.” She nodded and snuggled into my chest.

Kristine and I woke up early and showered before eating some breakfast. Afterwards Kristine went upstairs and washed the girls while I loaded up the van and Ryan and I took the bed apart. We fed the girls and then put the girls in the car with their stroller in Ryan’s car. We drove to the house and Kristine took the girls out to the backyard while Ryan and I brought the heavy stuff inside and set it up. Ryan left after Kristine made lunch. Tomorrow Kristine and I are having a barbeque to show everyone the house.
“Mmmm.” I hummed as I drank my water.
“I want to decorate the girls’ rooms. They just look so bare right now.” I nodded and she smiled.
“You know what is going to happen though.” She looked at me. “We are going to have to redo their rooms in a few years when they decide how they want to be different.”
“I know and we have a baby room to do. The nice thing is that the baby room will last longer than the girls’ hopefully.”

Kristine’s P.O.V.
It was around 1:30 that the girls started getting crabby; we held them for only a few minutes before laying them down in their beds in their separate rooms. While they slept we put their clothes away as quietly as we could. We were almost finished when the doorbell rang and I went downstairs to answer it.
“Hi, I’m Angela Grant, I spoke to Mikal when he was looking at the house.”
“Um, just a minute please.” I looked over my shoulder, “MIKAL!”
He came running down the stairs, “Yeah?” He looked at the lady standing in the door. “Ms. Grant, it’s nice to see you again. I’m sorry for having to reschedule our interview, we had a little scare.” He explained placing his hand on my stomach.
“I’m sorry to hear that and it is no trouble. I would always expect you to put your family first. I just came over to officially welcome you to the neighborhood and make sure you are moving in alright.” She explained.
“We are thank you.” Mikal answered and then turned to me. “Um, Ms. Grant this is my wife Kristine, Kristine this is Ms. Angela Grant she works at the college I was talking to you about.” I nodded and smiled at her.
“If you have the time we could do that interview now.” She said. I looked over at Mikal and he nodded.
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