‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love

We'll be Fine

Kristine and I laid the girls down early. We needed to talk and even though the girls wouldn’t remember anything we were talking about we still did not want to discuss it with them around.
“When are we going to get the baby room together?” I asked Kristine.
“I was thinking after we find out the sex of the baby.”
“That makes sense; I cannot wait to find out.” He looked at me pointedly.
“Two weeks, at my next appointment. I’ll be twenty weeks by then.” I smiled at her.
“I love our little girls but I really want a little boy running around.”
“Yeah and then the fighting begins.” She laughed.
“I don’t care. I just want a little boy to toss a ball around with and teach him how to be a gentleman.”
“I know, but you are going to care when they’re all fighting.”
“Oh stop being so negative. That is just part of being a parent and we can keep them in control. I’ve seen you with your siblings, and if you can control them then you can control our children.” She looked at me with desperation written on her face. I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”
She nuzzled her face into my chest. “Thank you, Mikal.” She sighed and I held her tighter.
“We should get to bed; we need to get some school work done tomorrow.” She nodded and making sure I had a good grip on her, I stood up carrying her bridal style up the stairs. We checked on the girls quietly, before heading to bed. I gently laid Kristine on the bed and got her one of my shirts and my boxers. We changed and I held her, with my hand resting on her swollen stomach, as we both fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
First off no one commented but this chapter is a celebration because I have officially passed my freshman year of high school with four A's and and A-. I have decided that during the summer since I have nothing to do there will be updates twice a week. Although there will be a couple weeks that I may not be able to update.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
