‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in bed. I looked around and checked the clock; it was 3:30 in the morning. I threw the covers off me and walked quietly down the hallway to the bathroom. Kristine wasn’t in there so I walked to the Ella’s room to find Ella missing. I quickly checked Amara’s room, panicking a little inside. I sighed as I found Kristine curled up with Ella and Amara on Amara’s bed. I walked over and kissed the top of their heads. Kristine opened her eyes and looked at me.
“The girls woke up; I don’t want to keep bringing them into our room and I didn’t want to wake you up. I brought them in here and they both fell asleep rather quickly. I was going to take Ella back to her room in just a few minutes.”
“Well, why don’t you let me take her, and you go back to bed.” I told her while reaching for Ella. She sighed and let me take her, before quietly getting to her feet. She kissed the top of Ella’s head and my cheek before walking sleepily toward our room. I put Ella in her bed and tucked her in, and kissing her forehead before leaving. I went back to my room and lay down on the bed and pulled a sleeping Kristine gently into my arms. She snuggled into chest and I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, alone, again. Only this time I heard Kristine and the girls downstairs. I quickly got in the shower and got dressed. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I kissed Kristine on the cheek before kissing the tops of the girls’ heads. I turned to the laptop Kristine had open.
“What are you working on?”
“I started some of my school work before the girls woke up. I woke up and was hungry so I came down here with the baby monitor. I was down here for almost an hour before they woke up.”
“Sounds cool, I want to get a bite to eat and then go out for a run. Afterwards I need to work on my school stuff and then I want to play with the girls in the backyard.”
“Would you mind if I joined you and the girls this afternoon?” She asked.
“’Would I mind?’ What kind of question is that? I would love for you to play with us.”
“I just wanted to ask because I don’t want to interrupt your time with the girls.” She defended herself. I laughed and pulled her to my side.
“I know, and thank you. Now what’s for breakfast?”
“Eggs, blueberry pancakes, bacon, and toast.” She answered returning her attention to the stove.
“Yummy.” I kissed her cheek and went over to the girls. “Hi, baby girls. You guys are getting so big, and you start swim lessons next week.” I looked at Kristine’s back. “Can you believe they are three months away from being one-year-old? Ugh, they need to stop growing.”
“I know and in five months we’re going to have another baby.” She looked pointedly at me. “I don’t want another baby for a couple of years. I have a feeling that these three are going to be enough to keep us from wanting another. Not to mention that both times that we’ve gotten pregnant it has been twins. I don’t think I could handle another set.”
“I know; I really wish that we were welcoming both of the twins though.” I kissed her stomach where our baby was growing.
“Me too.” She rubbed her stomach and tears came to her eyes. I pulled her into my lap and rubbed her arms gently.
“It’s okay.” I whispered to her. She laid her head on my shoulder burying her face in my neck. A little while later I pulled her away. “We should eat before the food gets cold.” I whispered. She wiped her eyes and attempted to get off my lap but I held her tight around the waist and gently held her down. “I never said you were going to get up and eat. You are staying right here.”
She leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. “Thank you. You always make me feel so much better.” She picked up the fork and cut the pancakes before stabbing a piece and eating it and giving me a piece, too.
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It's Friday and it has been a long week. My mom broke her foot so I now play driver, not that I am complaining because I only have my permit and love driving but still it takes up some time.
I will also still be posting one chapter for every chapter.

Thank you for reading, commenting, subscribing:)
