‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love

Nobody Hurts My Girls

After breakfast I quickly kissed all my girls good- bye before leaving for my six mile run. I waved to the neighbors that we had met and when I returned home I ran upstairs to take a shower. I changed quickly and looked at the clock; it was only 10:30. I quietly walked down the stairs and found the girls in the living room. I clapped my hands together once and they all looked at me.
“Who is ready to go outside and play with Daddy?” Amara crawled to me and pulled herself into a standing position using my legs. I picked her up and hugged her. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I laughed and looked down at Ella. “How is she doing?”
“She’s tired, but otherwise okay. I don’t think she should be outside playing.”
“I agree; you should probably just lay her down to sleep. She needs all the rest she can get. Especially if she does have leukemia she has got a hard long fight ahead of her.” I sighed and went over to them, I kissed her forehead. “I love you, baby girl.” I walked out of the room and into the backyard. I set Amara on her feet and she wrapped her hands around my finger. I gripped her wrist gently and helped her walk forward a little.
“Look at you go, little girl. You’re walking.” She laughed and I picked her up. “Guess what, little girl. You get to have your cast taken off in two weeks. Then you’ll be all better and can do everything Ella can do.” I kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arms around my neck the best she could.
“Dada” She said hugging me.
“That’s right, baby girl, I’m Dada.” I turned as the back door opened and Kristine came out with the baby monitor. “She fall asleep quickly? She nodded and sighed. “Come here, honey.” I balanced Amara on my hip holding her with one arm and pulled Kristine to me with the other. “She’ll be okay.” I whispered.
“What am I supposed to do though? If she has leukemia there is nothing I can do. I feel so helpless.”
I pulled away for a minute and put Amara on the ground before sitting down and pulling Kristine down with me. “You’re not helpless. You are the most important person in her situation. Ella needs her Mama to help her and hold her through all of this. She needs her Mama because she knows Dada can’t do it.” She laughed quietly, pushing us down into a laying position.
“Why can’t Dada do it?” She whispered.
“I will take her from that hospital running; especially if she is screaming.” I looked up at her. “I know you love her but when somebody hurts my baby girls and I know about it, it won’t end well.” Amara crawled over to us and started climbing me. I gently grabbed her and lay her between Kristine and myself. “Nobody hurts my girls, nobody.”
“I love you, Mikal.”
“I love you, too. And I love you Amara.” I smiled kissing them both before taking a deep breath and carefully rolling over so I was on top. I sat back while Kristine sits up while she held Amara. We sat there for a minute before hearing Ella screaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
I lost three subscribers:( Please comment and tell me if something is wrong, I promise to do my best to fix it. On a happier note I have almost six chapters written on the sequel which is titled Through the Hard Times. I should have it up by the end of the summer.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
