‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


I ran upstairs leaving Amara and Kristine in the backyard. I picked her up as gently as I could and held her to my chest trying to calm her. I pat her down for injuries and found none, except for her sides. I looked at the clock and realized we’d been outside longer than I thought. I continued holding her while I walked over to the closet and grabbed her diaper bag. I carried her downstairs and opened the door to the backyard.
“Hey Kristine!” She and Amara looked over at me. “I’ve got to take Ella to her doctor’s appointment. Do you want to go or stay here?”
“I’m coming, just give me to two seconds. Can you get Amara’s diaper bag and meet me in the garage. I’ll get the girls in the car.” She said walking up to me.
“Sounds good.” I handed her Ella and ran upstairs to get Amara’s bag. I ran into the garage and threw the bags into the back with the girls. I climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled up before turning the car on.
“Why are you rushing?” Kristine asked.
“We’re running just a little bit late. I especially do not want to be late for this appointment.” I answered pulling out of the garage and going down the street. We arrived just in time to check in and have the doctor walk out, ready for us. She led us to her office and we sat across from her. I held Amara while Kristine held Ella. The doctor looked at us and smiled sadly.
“I’m Dr. Chase, I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself yesterday. We have the results of Ella’s blood tests. It would seem that Ella does have leukemia.” She paused as Kristine gasped and tears just filled my eyes. I reached over and rubbed Kristine’s arm as she hugged Ella.
“How far into it is she?” I asked my voice hoarse with emotion.
“Well, we caught it early so hopefully it will only take a few weeks of chemotherapy and radiation she should be fine.” I nodded and she continued. “Of course it could take longer.” Once again I nodded looked over at Kristine. “I understand that this is a lot to take in but I would like to start her chemo on Wednesday. Depending on how she does with the chemo we’ll do weekly treatments with radiation probably every other week.”
“Sounds good; is there anything we need to do at home to help keep her healthy?” I asked.
“Just make sure she is eating only healthy foods, and you should make her baby food. I can give you a list of stores that sell foods that don’t have the chemicals other stores do.” We both nodded. “I know this is a lot to take in, but for Ella’s sake and even Amara you need to stay strong and calm. I just have one more question before you can ask me all the questions you would like about the situation: do you have insurance?”
“Yes,” I replied, “It’s provided through my aunt’s firm where I work, and then Kristine and I are partially covered by her parents and my aunt because we are both minors, for a few more months anyway.”
“Okay then, I’ll just need proof of insurance when you come in for her chemo. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Has anything really changed about the treatment in eleven years?” I asked.
“Not really, it’s still basically, eat healthy, try not to let her get sick, and exercise. Which in Ella’s case is going to be a little difficult, what I would recommend is just having her walk around as best she can. Even if she is just crawling around it is better than nothing.”
I looked over at Kristine who was still holding Ella tightly. “Babe do you have any questions?”
“Yes, but I can’t think of any right now.” She breathed.
“That is completely understandable.” Dr. Chase handed me one of her cards. “If you think of any questions please just call, I will also almost always be here when you come in for Ella’s chemo.” We sat there silently for a minute before I looked over at Kristine. She had stopped hugging Ella for the most part and was now just holding her while she slept.
“Honey, we should get her home so she can nap in her bed and be comfortable. They both probably need food too.” She nodded and we all stood up. “Thank you for everything.”
“I only wish I could have given you better news. I will see you on Wednesday.” We shook hands and then we left. On our way home we stopped at the store and picked up some food for Ella and then we stopped at McDonalds to get some food for us. We walked in the front door carrying the girls. Kristine still held Ella while I carried Amara. We put the girls in their beds and put the diaper bags away. I found Kristine in the living room her face in her hands. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her.
“I’m scared, Mikal. I can’t lose another baby.” She cried curling into me.
“I know. I’m scared too.” I held her until the girls woke up a few hours later.
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Hey! I know I'm updating early but my power went out and my stepdad did something clever so we still have internet at least for a little while. The last time the power went out it was out for quite a few days, so just in case I didn't want to disappoint. If my power comes on before Friday I will be updating again. I haven't said this in a while but I hope you are enjoying the story and if there is anything you would like to see in the sequel just let me know and I can try to make it work. I will try to put the page up for it but this story has about 20 more chapters.
Also if any of you could make me a banner or tell me how to make a banner I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
