‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


The days after Ella’s diagnosis blurred into nothing. We started making her food from fresh fruits and vegetables. We didn’t let her outside and we only let my aunt and sister and Kristine’s parents into the house to see her. We were trying to build her immune system up before it was knocked down to nothing. We also put up rules for Kristine’s siblings for when they are allowed into the house. From now on they cannot have a fever or be sick at all to see Ella. We didn’t really leave the house except to go the store to get food for Ella and I had to go to work.
I wasn’t really there, I worked on autopilot constantly checking my phone and calling home to check on her. Everyone understood; they didn’t mind how many times I called just as long as I got the work done that I was supposed to. I spent all day at the office and came home at night to spend time with Ella, Amara, and Kristine. I talked to my aunt and was able to get Wednesdays and any other days I needed off until Ella was better I just had to call in advance if I wasn’t coming in.
Kristine and I mostly worked on our school work while the girls were sleeping. Ella seemed to be taking more naps than she used to. I remember that I did the same thing when I was sick. I called Dr. Chase just to make sure that it was normal for her to be sleeping so much. She said it was fine and reminded us of Wednesday.
Tuesday night came quicker than I had thought it could. Kristine and I were sitting on the couch doing school work when she looked at me. “I called my parents and they are going to watch Amara tomorrow during Ella’s chemo. I figure if we leave early enough we can drop her off and head up to the hospital together. I’m bringing my laptop in case there is time while she is sleeping; I wanted to get some work done.”
“Honey, I know you are hiding something from me. Please just tell me, I’ve been through this I can tell you almost anything you want to know.”
“How long is it going to take?”
“Probably a few hours and if she doesn’t take it well, she may have to stay overnight. I don’t know if they are going to want her to stay longer just because of her age or not.” I took her hand and smiled. “Everything is going to be okay. They are only going to a small amount of radiation tomorrow and then they are obviously using the children’s chemo. It’s all going to work out.”
“Thanks, Mikal.”
“You’re welcome. Speaking of working out, I should probably go in for my test.” I said to myself.
“What test?”
“I have to go in for a yearly test to see if my cancer has come back. My cancer is actually part of the reason I work out so much. Exercise keeps you healthy and if you don’t get sick often you have a strong immune system. When Ella and Amara and our baby get older I want them working out as much as possible; especially Ella.”
“Well, I think that sounds very sensible.” She looked at me sternly. “If you’re not in remission, I’ll kick your ass because I can’t handle two of you with cancer right now. I can barely handle it being just Ella.”
“Hey, it’ll be okay. And if I have cancer again I’ll kick my own ass.” I told her trying to lighten the mood, it worked and she laughed.
“I’m really glad I have you; you always make me laugh when I need to most. Thank you so much.”
“Anytime, now I’m ready for bed, how about you?”
“I should finish this assignment…” She trailed off as I kissed down her neck.
“Shhhh, you don’t have to finish anything, although I do have some unfinished business with you that needs to happen upstairs in our bedroom.”
“Mikal, we can’t, not the night before Ella’s first chemo.” She moaned.
“Hey it will make both of us feel better. You know you don’t want me to stop anyway.” I laughed and she nodded. I picked her up and ran upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Good news we were only out of power for about 5 hours this time. I decided to post this chapter for my new subscriber to this story and for the amazing person who subscribed to "Through the Hard Times" the sequel for this story. Once again if anyone would be willing to make a banner for me, or tell me how to do it, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much to those people and of course my other subscribers.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
