‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love

Cookies and Milk

Laura escorted me down the hall to a small room with a single bed in it. She instructed me to sit down and drink a glass of water.
“Now all we are going to be doing is drawing blood. If anything comes back that is not normal we will have you come back in for a spinal tap.” I visibly shuddered. “Well I see you’ve had a spinal tap before. I need you to relax.” I took several deep breaths and nodded toward her with my eyes closed. She tied the tourniquet around my arm and stuck the needle into my vein drawing out blood. She took the tourniquet off and pulled the needle out of my arm. She handed me a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.
I ate them quickly. I looked up at her and watched her finish writing down everything she needed to for the lab to run the test.
“Can I go back to Ella now?” I asked her.
“Yes, and I’ll be in to check on her in just a few minutes.”
“Thank you.” I walked out of the room and quickly back to where Kristine and Ella were. Kristine was laying on the bed with Ella much like I was earlier. They were both asleep. I sat down in one of the chairs and pulled out my computer. I checked the website that Kristine and I use for our schooling and got started on one of the assignments.
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Hey, I'm posting a little early because I have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow and don't know if I'll have time to post. I will most likely be able to update on Friday. Sorry it's so short but it's a filler. I hope everyone has an amazing week.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
