‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


“Hey, Mr. Mitchell.” I said answering the door. “She’ll be down in a minute; she’s just packing a few more things.
“What happened, Mikal? I don’t understand how it came to this.”
“Neither do I. I think she is just stressed out because of Ella’s diagnosis and just being pregnant and hormonal. I’m not mad at her no matter what she says. I did move out of the bedroom because it seemed like she wanted her space. I was going to take care of the girls and everything until she is ready to come back.”
“If she decides not to, then promise me we’ll still get to see our grandkids, all three of them.”
“Absolutely, I still want them to know that Kristine is their mother unless she tells me not to.”
“You’re a brave young man, Mikal. Please don’t be afraid to come to us for anything. If you need money we will contribute for Kristine and I promise she will be working and she’ll send as much as she can to you.”
“Thank you. I’m sure we’ll be okay, just as long as we have insurance.”
“Dad, I’m ready to go.” Kristine said walking down the stairs.
“Okay, do you want to say good- bye to the girls before you leave?”
“No I’m sure Mikal wouldn’t approve.”
“I have no objections to you seeing the girls.” I said.
“I’m still not going to.”
“Well, I am. Those are my grandbabies. How many boxes do you have?”
“Just three,” She turned to me, “I’ll probably come back on Wednesday when you’re at Ella’s chemo and get the rest.”
“That’s fine with me.”
“Mikal will you give me a hand with the boxes?”
“Yeah, no problem.” We went upstairs and grabbed the boxes. I silently carried them out to the car. Kristine walked out and got in the car. “You can always call me if you need to talk or you need anything.” I told her before closing the door. I watched as her dad drove off. I sighed and a few tears dropped from my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, everyone, I lost a subscriber. I had seven people read the last chapter! I don't want to sound needy or rude or anything like that but I want to know what you guys think. One of my friends is reading through the series and is really enjoying it as well as revising it for me. I just want to know if you guys are enjoying it as much as her. I hope you all enjoy your weekend, my brother is moving back into my mom's place and I'm missing it:(

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
