‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love

Sleepy Afternoon

“It’s not so bad for now. You just have to keep your blood sugar in a certain range and it shouldn’t cause you much trouble.” I nodded as she continued. “You should go see this doctor; you could actually go right now. She is going to show you how to watch your blood sugar and test it. She’s up one level and all the way to the right.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” I said quietly. I started to pack up Amara’s toys.
“Why don’t you just leave the girls here, so you don’t have to pack up the girl’s things?”
“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” I said standing.
“It’s not a problem.” I kissed Amara’s head and then Ella’s temple before walking out of the room. As I shut the door I heard Amara start screaming and I flinched. I stood there a minute before walking back in. “I’m sorry. I’m just going to take her with me.” She nodded and I picked Amara up. She hid her face in my neck and I walked out again. I quickly went upstairs. In the elevator I pulled Amara away slightly to check on her and found that she was asleep. I sighed and we walked into the office. “Hi, I was sent here by Dr. Chase.”
“Yes, Dr. Peterson is expecting you. Please go right on in.” The receptionist told me. I knocked before walking in.
“Hello,” the doctor stood. “I’m Dr. Peterson.”
“Hi, I’m Mikal Evans and this is my sleeping daughter Amara.” I shook his hand with my free one.
“Well Mikal, I’m just going to help you keep a healthy diet and keep your blood sugar in check.” For next twenty minutes he went over everything that I needed to do. He gave me all the supplies I would need and a recipe book that will help keep my blood sugar in check. We shook hands and I carried Amara back down to Dr. Chase’s office. I walked in and Ella was still sleeping in the stroller while Dr. Chase looked over a file. She looked up and smiled.
“This is Ella’s blood test results. Her white blood cell count is up which is a good thing. She seems fine for chemo and radiation. You guys can go home now. Make sure that Ella eats a good meal the night before her chemo and make sure she gets lots of sleep.”
“Thank you, for everything.” I put Amara in the front of the stroller and gently laid her seat down. I cleaned up the toys. I made sure that Ella had her stuffed animal. I grabbed the diaper bags and shook the doctor’s hand before walking out.
I put the sun visor over the girls and put hats on their heads before we walked outside. I kept checking on the girls as we walked. I carefully put the girls in their car seats and the diaper bags in the passenger seat. I called Kristine and told her that Ella was fine and actually improving. I put the stroller in the back of the car and went home. I carried the girls in one at a time and laid them down in their beds. I called Ms. Grant and asked if she knew any responsible teenagers in the neighborhoods who were looking for jobs after school. She gave me a couple suggestions and their phone numbers. I called them and talked to the teenagers and their parents and told them when and how much they would make for a week. They agreed and I told them they could start on Monday; I also told them that they could come over tomorrow and meet the girls.
I brought the stroller inside and got it all set up to go for a walk this afternoon when the girls woke up. I quickly made their lunch and then put it in the fridge so it wouldn’t go bad.
I sat down and finished the research paper I had started at Ella’s chemo last Wednesday. I was writing the last paragraph when I heard banging upstairs. I quickly went to stop whichever girl it was before they woke up their sister. I went into Amara’s room first and found her playing on the floor. She looked up when I walked in. She smiled at me and crawled to me. I picked her up and carried her to Ella’s room. Ella was lying in her bed and playing with her stuffed animal. She smiled at me and reached for me. I picked her up and carried the girls downstairs and put them in their high chairs. I pulled their food out of the fridge and mixed it up a little bit.
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Hey, I almost wasn't able to post this. My power went out because of thunderstorms and by some miracle we still have internet. I'll be posting one more chapter because I received another comment:)
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