‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


As the weeks went by I went to Kristine’s appointments and Ella’s chemo and work. Kelsey worked Wednesdays more often because I was up at the hospital longer now. Ella was continuing to improve and we went in every three weeks for blood tests and Dr. Chase had put up an estimate of how much longer she felt Ella would need Chemo.
Kristine had decided that she was never going to come back to being a mother and had filed for a divorce. My aunt had been talking to her and they had decided over the phone with me that if Kristine ever decided to become a part of the girls’ lives again then we would set up a schedule without going to court.
Kristine’s doctor told us that we were having a little boy so on a Wednesday that I was able to leave the hospital with Ella early I asked Kelsey if she could still come over and help. I asked her if she would mind going shopping with the girls and me to get some things for the nursery. She agreed so when she got to the house I had the girls ready to go. She carried Amara out to my car and I carried Ella since she was really tired. We buckled them in and she got in the passenger seat. I looked over at her, “Thank you for coming. This means a lot to me. I’m not very good at decorating. Kristine decorated the girls’ rooms.”
“It’s no problem. I love those girls and I’m really going to love working with that baby boy.” We were silent for a few minutes before she spoke up. “I can’t work next Wednesday and maybe Thursday. I have to have a spinal tap done to check for my cancer.”
“That’s fine. Thanks for letting me know.” I answered as we pulled into Meijer.
“Not a problem.” She pulled the stroller out of the back and then went around to Ella’s side. I carefully lifted Ella from the car and put her in the back of the stroller. Kelsey carefully laid the seat back and then went around getting Amara. She walked into the store pushing the girls and I grabbed a cart. We walked back to the paint section and picked out blue paint. Kelsey led me around the store picking up things that went with the paint we got.
By the time we checked out we had gotten a lamp, crib liners, a couple outfits and a rug. Everything came to about $75. Ella slept the whole time we were in the store but Amara walked some of the way. She was so happy to have her cast off that she would try to walk everywhere and drive Kelsey crazy.
“That wasn’t too bad. It didn’t cost nearly as much as I thought it was going to.”
“I thought you said you needed a lot more than just that.” Kelsey said.
“I do, I need a crib and diapers. The cribs we had for these two burned when our condo went down. I know that my aunt is going to throw us a baby shower. We’ll get diapers for sure and Kristine’s eldest siblings might give us a gift card for Babies ‘R Us. Hopefully that will get us most of the way there and I can pay for the rest.”
“When do the girls turn one?”
“May 26. I was planning on throwing them a little party the Saturday before. You are of course invited.”
“Thank you. I can’t wait for this summer when I can watch the girls all day. And just three more months until I get to watch that baby boy; have you thought of any names yet?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it down to Tyler, Jordan, and Christopher. Kristine told me she wants nothing to do with him. She’ll breast feed in the hospital and then pump enough for a month and then he’ll go on formula.”
“I like Jordan and Christopher if that helps you narrow it down.”
“Thanks.” I pulled into the driveway.
“I’ll help you lay the girls down and then I’ll go home.”
“Thank you and I hope I didn’t keep you from your homework.”
“No, you didn’t. I didn’t have much, schools almost out and so we’re just studying and doing reviews.” She explained carrying Amara in. I followed with Ella. We changed them into their pajamas and laid them down. I walked her to the front door and thanked her once again before watching her drive to her place.
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Hey everyone, to tell you the truth I almost forgot to update today. I've spent all day or at least most of today writing the next story. I've got to tell you it's getting interesting. Something I've never told anyone is I kind of make it up as I go along. I write loads of different ways the story could go and then choose my favorite. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope you all enjoy your week.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
