‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


The next two months were the same routine. Autumn came over around 9:30 in the morning and I left at 10. I worked all day and finished a few assignments during lunch. When I got home Kelsey was there taking care of the girls. I went to Kristine’s weekly appointments and Ella’s chemo. Dr. Chase ran a blood test one week and told us that Ella’s leukemia was gone and that she just wanted Ella to come in once a month for about a year for a test. After that year she only has to go in once a year.
The girls’ birthday party was a lot of fun. Kristine didn’t come but everyone else did. The girls got lots of toys and they both stuck their face in their piece of cake. Kelsey hung around and everyone got to know her. The way she kept looking over at me, had me thinking that she liked me as more than a friend. I honestly liked her as more than a friend. I just wasn’t ready to move on from Kristine. I wanted to give her time.
My aunt threw the baby shower a week after the girls’ party. Just like I had thought I got diapers and more decorations for the baby room as well as almost enough for a crib. I also got a ton of outfits but not one said anything about being Mommy’s boy. Kristine was there but only because her parents made her. She told me to keep the girls away from her. I think she was a little hurt because the girls hardly noticed her when Kelsey showed up. She just kept to herself. Kelsey took the girls outside for awhile and played with them. It wore the girls out and she carried them inside, one in each arm. I rushed over and took Amara from her and we carried them up to my old room and laid them down. Kristine just stared at us the entire time.
“You did that on purpose.” I told Kelsey when we were back downstairs.
“Well, the twins don’t go to sleep easily when there are people around who will give them undivided attention.”
“What did you do with them?”
“I had them chase me. I took it easy with Ella but it took forever for Amara to get tired enough to fall asleep. I am exhausted.”
“Well, go get some cake before you fall asleep.” I laughed at her. She walked away and Kristine came over to me. I put my hand on her stomach. “Hey there Jordan one more month little boy.”
“That’s what you decided to name him, Jordan?”
“You said you didn’t want any part of him, so yeah I named him Jordan. What’s your problem with it?”
“It’s a girl name, Mikal.”
“My dad’s name was Jordan. If you don’t like it then tuff luck but his name is Jordan.”
“What about Kelsey? Did you get her to replace me?”
“No, she’s the girl’s sitter while I’m at work. The girls love her and she loves them but she has not replaced you. I’m not over you yet. It was your choice to lead your life away from me and our kids; you have no right to be jealous.”
“You don’t know anything.” She stood up. “I’ll see you at my next appointment.” She walked over to her parents. “I want to go home now.”
“Fine, here are the keys.” Her dad said handing them to her. They had told me they were not happy with the choices she was making but they weren’t going to throw her out on the streets. She left quickly but not before glaring at me and then at Kelsey when she walked out with a piece of cake. Kelsey looked over at me confusion written on her face. I shook my head at her and she walked away. I sighed staring after Kristine.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got it to work!

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