‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love


It didn’t take me long to get to the hospital. I ran up to the receptionist and she told me where Kristine was. I waited impatiently as the elevator went up to the fourth floor. I walked into the waiting room and waved to Kristine’s family and my aunt, before going down the hall and into Kristine’s room. I walked over to her and took her hand. She looked at me and I smiled. The doctor walked in and checked how dilated she was before calling for a nurse.
Twenty-five minutes later I was holding my 8 pound 9 ounces son, Jordan. I smiled down at him as I bounced him gently in my arms. “Hi there, Jordan I’m daddy. I love you so much little boy.” He started fussing so I gave him to Kristine who started to feed him. “I’m going to call Kelsey and have her bring the girls up for a family photo.” She nodded and closed her eyes. I left the room and made the call. Ryan had apparently called Kelsey has soon as he was told that Kristine was literally having Jordan, so Kelsey was only minutes from the hospital. I walked back into the room and sat down next to Kristine. “K, you can still be in the picture if you want to. You are their mother after all.”
“No, Mikal, I don’t want to be a mother. It should be just you and the kids. You’re their parent.”
“If you change your mind you can still get into the picture.” I whispered to her and she nodded. There was a knock on the door and we both turned.
“Mikal, Kelsey is here with the girls.” Ryan told us.
“Thanks. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I told Kristine. I walked out and the girls ran up to me. I picked them up and hugged them to me. I walked over to Kelsey and kissed her cheek. “He’s 8 pounds 9 ounces.”
“Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to meet him.” She gushed.
“Kristine’s just finishing up feeding him so we’ll be able to take the picture in a few minutes.” She nodded and smiled at me.
“You look older.” She said quietly.
“Thanks Kelse.” I answered sarcastically. “That’s just what everyone needs to hear.” She looked down and blushed. “Hey, I was just joking. I feel older too. I guess it just comes with having three kids in just over a year.” My aunt walked over to us and kissed the girls.
“Happy Birthday Mikal.” She said hugging me.
“Oh yeah, thanks.” She looked at me.
“You forgot your birthday didn’t you?” I nodded and she punched my arm being careful so she didn’t hit the girls.
“I’m sorry, it isn’t exactly a priority. My kids are my only priority.”Kelsey laughed at me and I looked at her. “Oh yeah, Kelsey is a priority too.”
“You can’t forget your birthday anymore,” she laughed, “You’ll upset Jordan because you’ll be forgetting his birthday now too.”
“That is very true. In fact Kristine should be done by now.” I walked down the hall and Kelsey took Ella from me as we approached the room. I opened the door and peered in, before walking in all the way.
“Mama” Amara said reaching for Kristine.
“Thanks Mikal. I didn’t want this.”
“Sorry, I wanted a family picture. Where is Jordan?” I asked Amara down. Kelsey put Ella down.
“In his bassinet.” I walked over and picked him up and cradled him. I walked over to the chair and the girls were reaching for Kristine. “Girls go see Daddy.” She told them and they turned to me.
“Come meet your brother.” I told them and they came over to me. I shifted Jordan in my arms so he was facing the girls. “This is your little brother Jordan. Jordan these are your big sisters, Ella and Amara.” They just stared at each other before Ella smiled at Jordan and went back over to Kristine. She reached up for her and Kristine looked away. Ella whimpered not used to Kristine ignoring her. “Come here honey. Mommy’s tired.” I handed Jordan to Kelsey and picked Amara up before picking Ella up and putting her on my lap. Kelsey handed Jordan to me again and tried to get the girls to smile before snapping the picture two or three times right in a row. I carefully set the girls down and sat back still holding Jordan.
“Mikal,” I looked at Kelsey. “I’m going to take the girls home and put them to bed. I’ll stay with them all night but I have to go to school tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’ll be home in a couple hours. I’m getting work off tomorrow so that I can bring Jordan home and then I have the next couple weeks off to take care of him. You are welcome to stop by anytime and we’ll come see you after your spinal tap. Would you prefer us to come on Thursday?”
“Yeah, although are you even supposed to take Jordan to a public place so early?”
“He’ll be fine for a few minutes.” I turned to the girls who were crowding around Kelsey as they gave up on their mother. “Come here girls.” They ran over and smiled at me. “Give me kisses and you be good for Kelsey.” Ella kissed Jordan’s head before leaving, Amara stayed as far from Jordan as possible.
After an hour of me just sitting there holding Jordan a nurse came to take him to the nursery and for his shots and a few more tests that they had to run. Before I left I told Kristine that if she ever ignored our girls then she would need to go to court to get some time with them. I also told her that she could come see Jordan anytime.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed your week. I've been up two nights in a row with thunderstorms:( Anyway I have two important things or semi-important and one is kind of cool. First of all, as a last reminder I will NOT be updating next week due to my family vacation to Florida. Now the cool thing is: there are only two chapters left in this story.

I have also decided that I will be taking a week off before starting to update on my fourth story so I can get some more of the story written. If I remember correctly I am currently writing chapter 21.

Also welcome to my new subscriber! I hope you all have enjoy next week:)

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
