‹ Prequel: Infinite Love

Undying Love

Boring Day

I woke up to the sound of laughing and giggling. I opened my eyes and smiled. “What are you doing, little girl?” Amara lay on my chest and giggled. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. I looked over at Kristine, “Good morning, hon.”
“Morning, we should get the girls ready for the day and some breakfast.”
“Babe, we don’t have any clothes for the girls to wear. All the clothes were in the condo.” Tears filled her eyes and I placed Amara on the floor and grabbed Ella and put her down too. I stood up and shut the door before going back to the bed and taking Kristine into my arms. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll go out today and get the girls some clothes.” She nodded and buried her face in my chest. “Guess what else happened? The realtor called, and we got the house. We get to move into a house, our own house.”
“Really.” I nodded and pecked her lips.
I stood up and picked up the girls. I carried them downstairs where I set them in two of the high chairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cheerios. I gave them a few before making a bowl of cereal for Kristine. I took it upstairs. On my way downstairs I met Ryan who was carrying Kylie.
“Hey, I have to take Kylie back to Amber’s early. One of her friends from daycare is having a birthday party. Mom and Dad took everyone to school this morning while Sam drove Rose, and Tyler. They said they’ll be gone all day but they have Tony so you won’t have to deal with anyone. You have the entire place to yourself. They also told me to tell you that they don’t want Kristine left here alone.” I nodded and he continued. “I still have some of Kylie’s old clothes you can see if any of them fit the twins. You can take the girls shopping tomorrow. I don’t have any classes tomorrow so I can stay here with Kris.”
“Thank you, Ryan.” I kissed Kylie’s forehead before quickly going to the dining room to make sure the girls were still okay. “Hi, baby girls, are you guys ready for breakfast?” I walked into the kitchen and made them cereal. They ate quickly and I put them in the play pen Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell had up for Tony. I went upstairs and checked on Kristine. I took her bowl downstairs and did the dishes.
All day I went back and forth between the girls and Kristine. Kristine was constantly apologizing for making go up and down the stairs all day. I always assured her that I needed the exercise. I constantly worked out and I didn’t plan on going until Kristine was feeling better and could get up and around. After the girls had lunch I took them upstairs and handed them to Kristine. I lay down beside them.
“Where did you get these clothes?” She asked fingering them.
“They were Kylie’s. Ryan said we could use them until I take the girls shopping.” She nodded and laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes. They all slept for about three and a half hours. I took the girls and gave them a snack and took one up to Kristine. I carried her downstairs around 4 so she could watch T.V. with the girls and I. Sam called and told us that the younger kids were coming home on the bus and that she, Rose, and Tyler were staying after. I held Kristine in my arms and I looked down at her when she poked me.
“What?” I smiled.
“Today was boring. Can I please go shopping with you tomorrow?”
I shook my head and she pouted. “It’s your doctor’s orders, not mine.” I pecked her lips. “You are right about one thing though, today was pretty boring.” We started laughing as the door opened and the younger kids walked in.
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This chapter alone is over 600 words:) I guess I'm on a role, but I'm done writing for today. There may be more updates tomorrow but I have to clean my room so we'll see. Again if you would like to make me a banner it would be greatly appreciated just let me know who to give the credit to.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
