It Gives the Weak Flight, It Gives the Blind Sight


I tossed and turned in my bed.

I couldn't get comfortable and I just couldn't seem to get to sleep. I laid on my back with my eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. I turned to my clock.


I had to get up in a couple of hours anyway to be ready for school so I might as well get up now. I lifted myself up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I could go on the computer, on MSN or something. I'm sure somebody is on, even if it is early in the morning.

I sighed and sneaked over to my computer, sat down on the chair and switched it on. It took about ten minutes to completely start up, in which time I'd become annoyed and started to click the programs I needed, knowing that if the computer wasn't fully loaded it would make it even slower. Which it did. Eventually everything started to pop-up and the computer slowly connected itself to the internet. Now I even have to wait for the slowness of dial-up internet.

As soon as the internet was connected, I checked my email. Nothing important, just stuff from music sites or youtube. MSN automatically signed me in. I was busy surfing random websites to find something to do and I didn't even bother checking to see who was online. Infact, I completely forgot about MSN until suddenly I heard the 'new message' noise bleep at me.

I looked to the bottom of my screen and noticed a conversation box had popped up. I maximised it and looked at the username and the message.

*SkittleEater* says:

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:

*SkittleEater* says:
How're you?

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:
I'm good...kinda

*SkittleEater* says:
Same...can't sleep again?

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:
Yeah lol...I'm guessin' you can't either!?

*SkittleEater* says:
You guessed right!

*SkittleEater*, AKA Frank Iero, was a very popular person in our school. I, on the other hand, was not. And niether was my brother, Gerard. The 'popular' people stuck in their groups and us, the 'weird and geeky' people, stuck to our groups. Well, until the other day that is. That's how Frank Iero got my msn address.

*SkittleEater* says:
You still there? Or did you fall asleep...hahaha...

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:
No, I'm still here. Sorry.

*SkittleEater* says:
It's okay..

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:
Frank, I'm off now. I'm pretty tired and I wanna see if I can get some sleep.

*SkittleEater* says:
Okies. I'll see you at school!?

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:
Yup, you will.

*SkittleEater* says:
Meet at the car park?

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:
Sure, see you there...

*SkittleEater* says:
Good, good! *hug*

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:

*SkittleEater* says:

XoX UnicornsKickAss XoX says:

I signed off and turned off the computer. I went over and sat back down in my bed, pulling the cover back over me. I can't believe this was the result of the first time Frank Iero ever spoke to me. I'd always had a crush on him and luckily for me he was gay but because he was popular it was 'cool'. Because I wasn't popular it was 'sick'. I shook away the negative thoughts and closed my eyes, thinking about the other day when I'd first started talking to Frank Iero.
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