It Gives the Weak Flight, It Gives the Blind Sight

"What do you want?"

Gerard drove into the school parking lot and parked the car in an empty space, making sure it was well away from the 'popular people'. I opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind me. Gerard did the same.

I walked over to him and we both started into school, getting ready for another boring day. We passed Amy Lanair's car as we were walking. She was one of the most popular girls in school. Amy and her group of friends were all sat on the roof of her car talking about who the fuck knows what, probably hair products. I'm sure I heard a few of them whisper, 'geek' and 'emo trash' as we walked by so I looked up at them. It didn't phase me to be honest, I was used to it by now.

But that wasn't what I was thinking about as I looked at them. I was thinking about the person who was looking directly back at me. He had beautiful hazel eyes and his hair was brown and long at the front but short and spiked up at the back. Frank Iero. He smiled at me and I smiled back for what seemed like forever until his friend poked him and gave him a weird look, making him turn away.

"Mikey, hurry the fuck up!" I heard Gerard's voice shout at me as I came back to reality.

I realised I must've slowed my pace down because Gerard was ahead of me.

"Sorry I was just- " I started as I ran over to him.

" -daydreaming!?" he finished.

I rolled my eyes at him and we walked over to our friend Ray who was waiting for us at the other end of the parking lot. We started chatting but after a while I zoned out. I couldn't stop thinking about Frank.

Frank's POV.

Joe poked me.

"Huh, what?" I muttered as he gave me a weird look.

"Why were you smiling at the geeky guy?" he asked me.

"I wasn't," I replied.

"Yes you were. Remember, we don't associate with those people!" he reminded me as everyone else turned to look at us as they overheard and nodded.

"Y'know. they are normal people like us. I'm sure they're not so bad once you get to know them," I told them all and they all gawped at me as if I'd just commited murder or something.

Amy tapped Joe on the shoulder and started whispering something to him.

Sometimes I wonder how I ever got in with the popular people, we're nothing alike at all.

"Haha, great idea Amy!" Joe exclaimed as he turned back to face me.

"Me and Amy think you should go over and talk to them. Think of it as a dare..." Joe said to me, his arms folded across his chest with a smug look on his face.

I didn't want to. I mean obviously talking to them was fine, and I had kind of been wanting to get to know that Mikey for a while now but never had a chance to approach him. But they didn't mean just simply 'talk to them', right now they were all probably formulating some crazy practical joke scheme in their heads for us to play on them. I hated playing practical jokes on people but the rest of my friends seemed to get such a kick out of it. I was about to say no, and even though I don't really care about what people thought of me, at the back of my mind I had this horrible worry about what would happen if I didn't say yes. I didn't want to be ditched and have no friends. I was so pathetic.

"Fine, I will!" I replied, accepting the challenge.

I jumped down from the car and they all watched me as I walked over to them.

Mikey's POV.

"Hey Gee, is he coming over to us?" Ray asked me as I turned around to where he was pointing.

Frank was heading straight for us. My heart started to pound.

"Hey.." he said as he reached us.

I felt myself go warm and I could tell my face had probably gone bright red.

I was about to speak when Gerard interuppted.

"What do you want?"

"What do you mean?" Frank replied innocently.

"The only reason you'd come and talk to us would be if you wanted something," Gerard said bitterly.

"No, actually...I just wanted to come and chat!"

"Yeah sure, and that explains why all your friends are staring at us. Come on tell me what they've challenged you to do. Go talk to the nerds or something!?" he exlclaimed angrily

"Gerard! Stop it, okay!" I butted in.

"Whatever," Gerard sighed, turning away to talk to Ray.

"I'm Mikey," I told Frank, sticking out my hand.

"I know. Frank," he replied, shaking my hand.

"You know my name?"

What a stupid thing to say. I mentally slapped myself.

"You make it sound as if we're both from totally different planets or something. Of course I know your name!" Frank laughed.

"Sorry. I just- it doesn't matter. How're you anyway?" I asked him, not really sure what I should say.

"I'm good thanks. How're you?" he smiled.

He was so beautiful, his smile was perfect. I could have stared at him all day.

"I'm okay,"

"Good," he beamed.

He looked back at his friends and they gestured for him to go back over to them.

"I'll be right back," he said to me as walked back over to them.

Gerard turned back round to me, grabbing me by the shoulders.

"Mikey, listen to me. I don't know what he wants but he wouldn't just come over and talk to us for nothing. They've put him up to something and whatever it is it'll not be good," Gerard warned me.

"Maybe he just wants to be friends- " I started.

"Believe what you want Mikey, I just don't want to see you get hurt. They know you're gay, so why send a good looking boy over to be your friend if they're not gonna play some nasty trick on you." Gerard interrupted.

Yeah, I was gay. It only made them think I was even more of a weirdo, but I didn't care. I know that Frank once admitted to them that he was too, but because they respected him, they didn't really care. I really don't understand what goes on in their heads sometimes.

"Okay, okay. I'll watch out. But, please, just give him a chance. You know I like him, and he doesn't seem horrible like them. Something could actually work out for me for once!" I pleaded.

Gerard reluctantly nodded, then turned round and carried on talking to Ray.

I didn't want to believe what Gerard was saying. I wanted to believe that Frank was actually interested in me. But deep down I couldn't help thinking that Gerard was probably right.
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Just so no one's confused, atm Mikey's still laid in bed thinking about when he first talked to Frank and he will continue to be in the next chapter for a little bit. That's why it's in italics lol, you guys probably understood that but I just wanted to explain just in case haha!

I noticed I have 3 subscribers for this story, but no comments :( But I figured I should update for them anyways haha. So pleeeeaasee comment if you like it :) More soooooon!