Sequel: Extraodinary Girl

Church On Sunday

Told in parts by Billie, Tre, Mike , Adrienne and even Joey; this story focuses on the thoughts and feelings involved during the break up of Billie and Adrienne.
The dynamics of the group change as Billie and Adie's relationship deteriorates and a slighty unexpected one, rises in it's place... Can Green Day work this one out?

Please note: Slighty slashy in places.

Disclaimer: I'm an advocate for Billie and Adrienne myself, but as I put my fingers to the keyboard, this is what came out. I do not wish for this to happen and I also know it wont, regardless of our delusions.
Thank you. xx
  1. Starry Nights, City Lights
    Billie has some quiet time with someone special
  2. Homecoming
    They say 'When your drunk, you speak the truth.'
  3. Redundant
    About last night...
  4. Bab's Uvula Who?
    Mike makes some phonecalls...
  5. Leavin' Home
    Mike picks Billie Joe up...
  6. You say goodbye, I say hello
    While everything is kicking off, Tre has a 'chat' with someone important
  7. ...She...
    Joey writes in his journal
  8. Walking Contradiction
    Five months on and things are still difficult.