Status: I'm gonna keep updating regardlss if you read it or not.


I'll Never Let Them Hurt You, I Promise.

I ran after Gerard. His moods had been changing so abruptly these past few months. We all had to be careful around so we didn't piss him off or send him into a crying fit. Mikey had once shoved Gerard because he had drank all the coffee and Gerard spent the rest of the day sobbing on the bathroom floor.
"Gee! Come one, hold up," I reached him and tried to wrap my hands around his waist but he pushed me away.
"Go away," He grumbled.
I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. His eyes were red and bloodshot. His face was so pale and his eyes sunk into the back of his face. "Gee, what's wrong?"
"I...nothing. Leave me alone,"
"No, I'm not going until you tell me what the fuck is wrong!" I shot back angrily.
"It's...Frankie, it's..." And he collapsed into hysterics. Dumbfounded, I wrapped my arms around him and rocked him carefully. My fingers curled into his hair. He was shivering violently and his grip was lethal. I could feel his heart pounding a mile a minute against mine.
"Shh, Gee. I'm here, whatever it is, I'll make it go away, I promise. I wont let anything hurt you," I whispered frantically at a lame attempt to get him to calm down.
He stopped sobbing at the moment, but tears still streak his unnaturally pale face. "Please, you can't tell anyone. Not even Mikey," I was taken aback. Him and Mikey told each other everything. They never kept secrets.
"I-I promise," I told him.
"It's my anti-depressants. I've been using them to get high every night, and I keep 2 bottles of vodka under my bunk. I'm drunk before it's 10 in the morning, usually. Frankie, it's the depression. It just keeps getting worse and worse and I feel like I'm falling into a black hole and I can't get out. I...Frank, I'm so scared," And he collapsed once again into sobs.
Time stopped. Everything came to a stand still and the only real thing was the depressed, probably stoned, boy cradled in my arms. My brain forgot how to get my lungs to breathe. It was as if the world had stopped in one moment.
He was an addict. Gerard Way, my boyfriend and my best friend, was addicted to drugs and alcohol. What was I supposed to do? Let him keep doing it? Not tell anybody? I couldn't do that. I promised him I would, but that was before I realized the situation was the serious. I had to tell somebody. Anybody. He needed help.
"Gerard Aurthur Way, look at me," He did. "I'm not mad. I'm not even disappointed. I am, however, upset that you didn't tell me sooner. I could've helped. I could've gotten you help and we wouldn't even be here right now. Gerard, I know I promised, but I have to tell someone. You need help. And I'm gonna help you through this, I swear on my life, I'm gonna help you get better," He flinched for a moment, obviously not wanting help, but then he nodded.
"I love you," Was his only reply.
I looked at him and smiled. "I love you, too," And I kissed his cheek.
"C'mon, let's go talk to Mikey. He has a right to know," I stood and pulled him with me and we walked out of the bus and ran straight into Mikey.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOAH, look an update! Haha, I bet you guys were all waiting to read this. Hahaha, jk, nobody reads this xD well, here it is if you do plan on reading it. By the way, I do NOT own the title, I DO NOT OWN THE TITLE. it's a line from Vampires Will Never Hurt You by My Chemical Romance, so I DO NOT OWN THE TITLE.