

Ever since I was a little boy I hated mornings. They crept up on you like an unwanted friend and chased away your dreams. Sleeping there on the floor, I had the most horrid dream that I was a girl. Today was the one day I was thankful for morning light.
I grabbed the bed spread and hoisted myself off the floor. For some reason it seemed as if my clothes had shrunk and my hair felt heavier than it did yesterday. I left my room and hobbled over to the upstairs bathroom, which was at the end of the hall.
I was in desperate need of a shower. I stepped into the claw foot bath, turned the water on to ice cold and hopped out again. I looked into the mirror and…
A loud shriek erupted from my mouth. I glanced down at my chest and, sure enough, there were…breasts! I grabbed a fistful of my hair, which had grown over night and tugged at it. Nope, not a wig. I stopped breathing for a few minutes before I realized that I needed to do so to live.
This was so unbelievable! I was a girl! I real live girl! I had the…parts and my hair had grown. My nails were much longer than they had been. My feet were smaller and my legs were curvier. If this was some sick joke to get me to believe in God, it’s not funny! Turn me back! I want to be a real boy!
My hands shook violently as I twisted the shower nozzles to stop the spray of water. My mind was blank like paper. This sort of thing just didn’t happen in real life. It had to be a dream. I stood in front of the mirror and slapped myself mildly hard.
“Ouch,” I yelped and rubbed my sore cheek, that now had a natural blush. “Okay, so it’s not a dream.”
“What are you doing in there, Harley,” Dad demanded as he pounded heavily on the door. “I heard yelling. You better not be doing something you aren’t supposed to.”
Oh great, I woke Dad up. Now he is going to be even more furious when I tell him…what do I tell him? That his son is now a daughter? That I changed sexes over night? What if he told me this was all normal? How can this be normal?! I am a girl!
“Um…Dad, I think you need to see something,” I whispered, my voice cracking as I spoke. I unlocked the door and waited until he came in. “I don’t know how it happened…honestly…”
“What are you-?”
Dad stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the, um, changes. His mouth hit the floor and he couldn’t help but stare. If I was him, I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes off my curvy SON. Boy, this must be a bigger shock to him than it was to me.
“Harley…would you care to explain why you are like this,” Dad asked, finally regaining control of his mouth.
“I don’t know,” I exclaimed. “It…just happened!”
I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. There was nothing else I could do. I wanted to tear these new parts off and scrub myself with sanitizer. I felt to…gross in this new body. I looked different. Even my eyes were hazel instead of brilliant green and my hair curled instead of staying straight. I turned from a handsome boy to a fruit smelling girl.
“What’s going on in here?”
Mr. Mill, Dad’s friend and a scientist, walked into the bathroom to inspect the damage that he suspected was done. When he saw me, his eyes widened and he leaned against the wall and rubbed his white beard. He let out a whistle and burst into a fit of laughter.
Dad and I gave him our best ‘are you high’ looks without even trying. Here I was transformed into a girl and all he could do was laugh! The nerve of him. Two can play at this game. I am not longer going to make him a Fag Bag for Christmas!
“Eugene, what is so funny,” Dad asked, not in the least bit pleased.
Mr. Mill wiped tears from his eyes and sobered up. “Michael, you didn’t happen to give Harley any white pills, have you?”
“Yes, I did,” Dad answered.” What does that have to do with anything?”
“Those weren’t pain meds, Michael,” Mr. Mill said, trying to hold back laughter. “Those were the pills we came up in the lab. It turns males into females for the perfect disguise.”
My hands balled into fists. I turned to Dad and glared at him. “You…You did this to me!”
Without warning, the feral gorilla attacked.