‹ Prequel: Falling Over Me
Sequel: All Grown Up

Hot and Bothered


“Come on Riley!” Mike yelled.

Rooting for his love, came as naturally as breathing to him now. He didn't even have to work a thought up of what to say. Whether Alex was winning or losing, all Mike had to do was open his mouth and a root of encouragement was pouring past his lips.

It wasn't very often that Alex wrestled as he was mostly their to keep Mike safe or lend a “helping” hand when necessary. So when Alex did wrestle, Mike was just as enthusiastic about it as he was for his own matches.

Not to mention that seeing Alex in those all white trunks was worth being ringside. He knew Alex wasn't going to win this one, but it didn't stop him from hoping. It was that feeling where even though you know that what you want to happen won't, you still have hope.

He could feel that feeling in his lower stomach as if his insides were trying to tie themselves together. The same thing happened everytime he was ringside for Alex. He'd always had a thing for violence, some people thought it was weird. He didn't of course, so watching as Alex's muscles stretched from the force of working so hard in the ring, was making him hot. The title started feeling a little heavier against his shoulder and he thanked the gods that he'd decided to come out here in his trunks instead of his suit. The trunks gave him a natural bulge so he didn't have to worry about the crowd noticing.

His fetish for violence didn't go far. He wasn't a blood junkie and death didn't turn him on or anything weird like that. He just got hot watching fights, or being in fights, or just fighting in general. He liked being roughed up, and roughing up others. So a lot of the private moments spent between him and Alex while loving, where also full of shoving and pushing, a couple slaps here and there. Now don't get him wrong, he loved to cuddle his Ri-Ri and wouldn't give up those moments for the world. There were just those times, mostly during sex or the likes, where he knew that either he or Alex was going to be waking up with a bruise the next morning, and waking up to that was a turn on in itself.

The ringing of the bell brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see a dazed Riley lying on his back in the ring. Reaching past the bottom rope he wrapped his hand around Riley's ankle, pulling him out of the ring. Setting him on his feet he checked him over, making sure there was no blood or anything.

“Come on babe, let's let Mama Shelb give you a once over before we go okay?”

Alex nodded his head and slung his arm around Mike's shoulders, letting him help him up the ramp.


“You bring him to me after every match he's in Mike, and it's always the same thing. There's nothing wrong with him. He'll probably be a little sore from the beating and whatever else you two plan on doing, but other than that he'll be fine. Just make sure that at some point, be it tonight or in the morning before you leave, that he gets a hot bath to loosen up his muscles,” Shelby said, taking off her latex gloves and tossing them in the trash can.

“I know I bring him in everytime. I just want to make sure he's okay, it's hard enough letting him wrestle without my help, let alone seeing him get hurt or something like that. I need him in perfect condition or at least close to it at all times. His family would have my head if something happened to him, when I promised them I would keep him safe. Not to mention it would kill my insides to see my Ri-Ri hurt.” Mike explained.

“Well he's as close to perfect as you can be after a night of wrestling. Now take Alex to get dressed and then back to your room. Be as gentle as “The Miz” can be okay? I know you like things rough but if you don't want him whining about his body feeling like it's on fire, try being rough without hurting him,” Shelby said, moving out of the doorway so Alex could come stand next to his boyfriend.

“See you tomorrow Momma Shelb,” Mike said, casually throwing a wave over his shoulder to the Wwe's female head trainer.

“Thanks for looking after me Mikey, but you know you don't have to take me to see Shelby after every one of my matches. She probably thinks you're a hypochondriac or something,” Riley said as we began walking back towards my personal locker room.

“I know, but it sucks that whenever you have a match Vince makes it so I can never help you. So I have to at least check to make sure whoever wrestled you doesn't leave any marks. No one is allowed to mark up or bruise my Ri-Ri except for me,” Mike explained, twining his hand with his lover's. They'd made it back to Mike's locker room, Miz letting Riley go in first, letting the bigger man pull him in after him.

He sat the title down on his duffel before turning on Riley, his bottom lip tucked underneath his top row of perfect white teeth. A whimper sounded from the back of his throat as he watched Riley bend over to pick up his pair of jeans out of his bag.

“Hey Ri-Ri, turn around for me?” Mike asked, his eyes watching Riley's every move.

Riley turned slowly so his broad chest was now facing Mike instead of his backside. Either was a treat for Miz, because the man standing in front of him was just as wonderful as if Zeus had blessed him personally.

Walking over and standing in front of his boyfriend, Mike looked him up and down before shoving him forcefully into the lockers behind him. He growled low in his throat as he advanced upon Riley, pressing him harder against the blue steel that was cold against his back.

“Fuck,” Riley hissed.

“Oh great then we're on the same page,” Mike replied, a chuckle in his voice. He leaned up placing a rough kiss against the bigger man's lips, chewing on Riley's bottom lip as he whimpered in pain, the sound only egging Mike on.

He pulled away, marveling at the bruising flesh as his hands wrapped around Riley's shoulders.

“Starting early tonight?” Riley commented, panting against the pain in his back.

Mike pulled him forward and slammed him back once again, groaning at the way Riley's skin sounded hitting the lockers behind him.

“Sweet baby jesus what am I going to do with you? You just, everytime I see you in that ring it gets me all bundled up and I don't know what to do with myself. You get something goin' in me Lexie and, God, it's like this monster comes out of me and it's so wonderful and sinful at the same time because... I love you and I hate to see you hurt but seeing you get in that ring, in these all white trunks,” He punctuated the action by slipping his hand into Riley's trunks, forcefully grabbing the flesh of his backside and squeezing, causing a groan to fall between Riley's bruised lips, “You just, you just do things to me Ri-Ri. No one else could ever get me this hot, ever.”

Riley hissed as Mike pressed his fingers into his chest, and then groaned as he felt Mike against him, their arousals moving together.

“I love you Mikey. God I love it when you bruise me. Seeing those purple marks just reminds me of how many ways I belong to you,” Riley responded, his hips moving in a slow rolling motion against Mike's.

He cried out as Mike leant forward, biting into the flesh of his neck, not drawing blood. He continued to nibble that spot making sure it would leave a bruise on the beautiful skin of his lover. He loved seeing the marks on Riley. He really did. It turned him on to extents he had never known existed.

He let his fingers dig into the flesh of Riley's hips, thumbs pressing into the ink only he knew was there. The ink that Riley had gotten that reminded Mike of just how much he loved the man everytime he laid his fingers on the words permanently written across the gorgeous “V” that adorned the muscled body of Riley.

It simply stated Michael Mizanin. It wasn't just one of those girly, oh let me get my boyfriend's name tattooed on me, kinda scenarios. It meant a lot more, to Alex and to Mike. It meant to Alex that he'd finally found something real, after all the bullshit relationships, one night stands, and random guys, he'd finally found someone who actually cared about him and not the next person he could shove his dick into. To Mike it meant that someone actually loved him, for exactly who he was, and not just because he was on the Real World, or because he was a Wwe Superstar, but because he was Michael Mizanin. He loved being loved for who he was outside of the ring.

Mike didn't have a tattoo like Alex's, nor did he desire to get one. Alex didn't complain either, in fact it was him who suggested that Mike not get one, saying that it would be cheesy if they both got each other's names tattooed on their bodies. But what Alex didn't know was that on Mike's left hand, between his first and second fingers was a little tattoo that said Ri-Ri. He knew his lover's name wasn't really Alex Riley but when Mike started calling him Ri-Ri the name stuck, even though his name was Kevin Kiley.

“I don't think I'll make—” Alex's unfinished sentence broke Mike from his thoughts. Riley's head was thrown back in ecstasy as his hips continued to move in the same pattern as Mike's. His back was screaming in protest from being rubbed against the lockers repeatedly. He didn't care though, he knew Mike loved seeing the bruises on his skin, loved watching them go from red to blue then to purple and the likes.

“That's fine baby, just give it to me now, we've got plenty of time for you to catch your second wind before we get back to the hotel. Gives time for the bruises on your back to gain a little color, and that will be a whole other scenario in itself,” Mike managed.

With his hands still on Riley's hips, he leaned forward, catching Alex's lips in a kiss. Their trunks would be ruined, but he didn't care. Ever since he'd started fooling around with Alex he'd spent more money on spandex then should be allowed.

Riley leant his head forward resting it against Mike's shoulder. He wanted so bad to sink his teeth into his lover's skin and taste him, but he didn't. Leaving love marks was Mike's job.

“Do it babe. Let everyone here know that I belong to you,” Mike whispered in his ear.

“Are you serious? I just always assumed you didn't want me to. I thought you just wanted everyone to know that I belonged to you--”

Riley's voice was cut off when his peak hit him hard. Not wanting to scream out loud he did sink his teeth into Mike's shoulder. His hips moving forward in short quick motions.

The minute Riley's teeth sunk into his shoulder his release hit him, like a bag of bricks to the face. He groaned out loud fingers squeezing even harder against Riley's hips. He left soft kisses along Alex's jaw as their hips began slowing at the same time.

Mike let go of Riley's hips allowing him to slide down the locker's and to the floor in front of them. Mike sank to the floor as well. Straddling Riley's lap, his forehead resting against his cheek.

“I love you baby, I love you so fucking much Ri-Ri,” Mike whispered, nuzzling his face against Alex's cheek.

Riley looks up to see the mark he created on Mike's shoulder, “I bit you. I'm sorry, it's already leaving a mark and everything, I shouldn't have--”

His ramblings were cut off when Mike kissed him.

“Why would I care if you bit me?” Mike asked pulling away.

“Because, you're the only one who leaves marks. I assumed that I belonged to you and when you marked me that was so everyone knew. You're “The Miz” you don't belong to me.”

“Baby all the bruises and marks I've left on your beautiful skin and you thought you couldn't do the same to me? This isn't a one way relationship, it's a give and take fifty fifty. I belong to you just like you belong to me. That's how much I love my Ri-Ri. I want everyone to know that I'm yours and they can go shove it somewhere else because I'm not ever gonna leave you. I belong to you, you belong to me, and we belong to each other. That's how this works. I love you Ri-Ri and I want you to mark me as often as you like. I mean if you think that seeing bruises on you makes me hot, have you ever even thought that if I were to look down and see a bruise on myself, that you'd made, how just insanely crazy that would make me?” Mike explained.

“I never would've even imagined, that you'd ever want something like that--”

“I only want that, and would get turned on by that, if when I see those marks I say to myself 'I have these because my Ri-Ri loves me'. I wouldn't just let anyone in the world bruise my skin, I only want it to be from the man I'm going to love for the rest of my life,” mike explained.

He pulled away and looked into Riley's eyes, that, devious and trademarked Miz smirk forming on his face. He leaned forward pressing his lips against the bigger man's, subconsciously smiling as their tongues danced together.

He pulled away running his hands through the short hair on top of Riley's head. Mike gasped as he felt Riley's hands squeeze against his thighs, his teeth biting into his bottom lip as Riley picked him up.

“Come on baby, you know I love it when you take control like that... What do you say we get some clothes on and blow this popsicle stand?” Mike asked, his legs tightening around Riley's waist.

“I'd say that, that idea is just as awesome as you are.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I'm starting to loves me the Alex Riley... JUST SAYING!!!