What Could and Never Will Be

a way with words.

POP I dropped the stack of jeans that I was holding “Stop doing that!” I turned around to see Celine sitting on my bed. “Having fun” “You know I like packing” “You have sick obsessions but hey when you’re done with yours want to do mine?” I thought for a little bit. “Yeah why not” “Good because my rooms a mess” “HEY! I said I would pack for you not clean. Get a house elf to do that” “Why get an elf to do it when I know you enjoy it so much” “I have never said I enjoy it but I do enjoy the end product…and maybe some possesses to achieve that said end product” “Girl you crazy” I tossed the a few more thing in to my trunk and “Voilà” I was done. I closed and latched my trunk and feel upon the bed next to Celine.

Celine and I have known each other since practically forever. We are both high society pureblood witches. Let’s start with our parents. Both of our fathers are now known death eaters and they both attended Hogwarts. Our mothers, on the other hand, were sent to Beauxbatons. My parents met at a triwizerd tournament where my mother kicked my father’s ass. Celine’s parents met at their fourth year quidditch world cup, ever since they wrote letters to each other. After countless letters and every holiday break spent together since they were fifteen, they were inseparable. Celine’s parents got married a year after they left school. That same year our parents had us and a year later my parents got married. That’s when our mothers bonded. Since then our mothers have been best friends and with a family like ours you need that support system.

Celine and I are practically sisters. I like to say we have been best friend since the womb. When we started going to school we where both put into Slytherin, it’s in our blood. I also like to think a contributing factor has to be when we would go ‘play’ in the sandbox we would actually decapitate the lizards that hid in there. We were always hoping two heads would grow back.

“You excited to go back to school?” I rolled over to look at her “No not really” “Well I can’t wait. This summer has been crazy I’m ready for some normalcy.”

The rest of the night was spent at Celine’s house trying to get her packed and ready for school. For the recorded I didn’t clean her room. The next morning my father took Celine and I to the train station. There we met up with Levi and Draco.

“LEVI!” Celine ran into Levi’s arms. “Oh for god’s sake you saw him forty-eight hours ago” “Forty-eight hours is to long” I looked over at Draco and we gave each other both a look of ‘they are pathetic’.

Being a high society pureblood with known death eaters for parents, you tend to know the other high society pureblooded children. I have known Draco since first year and with Draco being Draco both Celine and I kept our distance.

Everything happened in our fourth year. That was the start of Levi and Celine’s relationship. Celine has always been a hopeless romantic, it adds to their perfect couple status. They really are a cookie cutter couple. It also took until then to realize that death eater kids have to stick together. That was the year I met Draco for the boy he truly is and not just the boy he is at school.

When we got on the train it was practically leaving which lead to no open compartments. I slide open a door to a compartment full of obvious first years. They all looked up at me with smiling faces. I gave them a big sarcastic smile back. “It’s time to leave” I moved out of the doorway a bit for them but they looked at me all confused. “I said get out” that’s when they all got scared and ran away. “You defiantly have a way with words” Celine said sitting down next to Levi. “I try.”

“So Draco why are not with your goons?” “I didn’t want to look for them” “That’s reasonable” both Celine and I took out our books and the boys chatted.

The train stopped and both Celine and Levi left. I looked over to see Draco was out clod. “Draco…Draco” I shook his shoulder. He jolted awake looking frightened. Comforting his I rubbed his shoulder. “We’re here” “Thanks Nor” I held open the door. “You coming?” “I’ll see you at dinner” I nodded my head and left the train.

As dinner was being served I saw both Draco and Snape walking into the great hall. He can and sat down next to me. “What took so long?” “Oh nothing just had to talk to Snape.”
That night I couldn’t sleep. “Celine…psss Celine” I whispered as I sat on her bed it was around one in the morning. “hugggh…what?” “I can’t sleep” “What do you want me to do about it” she said into her pillow “Entertain me” “I’m trying to sleep. Go for a walk or something” I huffed and slipped on my slippers. “Don’t get caught”

It’s strange to wonder the dungeons when there completely empty. I taped my wand to illuminate the corridor. I walked around aimlessly. This was a good idea it’s a good way to collect my thoughts. I walked around the corner and ran into another person with an illuminated wand. I about had a heart attack as I feel on the floor. I looked up to see a mess of blond hair.

“Nora?” “Oh my god Draco” “Sorry-” he extended his hand to help me up. “But what are you doing out so late?” “I could be asking you the same thing” “Nice slippers” he cracked a smile at my hello kitty slippers. “You’re avoiding the question” “That answer will have to be for another time” “Understandable, I’ll take that” “and you?” “I simply couldn’t sleep” “Celine kick you out” “Yeah kind of”
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So I've been working on this forever now. It's the reason I don't get anything else done. It's a finished story so it should all be up this week. I'm planing on posting a chapter a day. But that's all up to you.