What Could and Never Will Be

the unknown.

The war has begun. The attack on the school was just the first step. My mother was terrified when she found out I became a death eater but my dad was unsurprisingly proud. I don’t think ‘fathers’ understand the risk. Not just mine but all of them. There head strong and proud. But that changes when something bad happens. Like Draco’s father. Since Lucius has been back from Azkaban he’s been different. He’s been scared. All the Malfoy’s are a bit of a wreck. It’s why I’ve been staying there most of the time. Draco’s mood has been a bit lighter since we left school, with the stress of his mission now off his shoulders.

When school ended Celine and Levi came around. Celine gave me the, I told you so speech. But I could really care less. I never denied what I knew I was going to become. The question is does she? She’s in the same boat as any of us. She might not stick out like I had but Voldemort likes his entourage.

They told us everything that happened when we left. The attack on the school left everyone I shock. “People didn’t know what happened to you. I took them a while to piece things together” Celine told me as we all sat together in my bedroom. “Do you think you’ll go back?” she added “To school?” “Well yeah” “I haven’t really thought about it. It depends really on what happens in the summer”

I’ve gotten used to bad things happening. Every time something bad happens it just brings Draco and I even closer. None of our bonding moments have been under the best of circumstances.

It was late. Both Draco and I were just lying in bed. Earlier in the evening we had a meeting. Draco’s always a bit on edge after meetings or just any time the dark lord enters his house. He sat up in bed with his back agents the head board. “What are you think about?” I asked as I to sat up. I rested my head on his shoulder. “Just how calm you always are” I looked up at him “During the meeting or just anytime when there’s interaction with the dark lord you’re always so calm and collective. The only people I see like that are Bellatrix and some of the older followers. But you, your nether deranged or psychotic” “In all honesty I am afraid. I’m just not paralyzed with fear. I’m afraid of what the future is going to be like if he wins, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen to us if he losses, but most of all I’m terrified of what could happen to you. Do I wish things were different, yes, but they aren’t.” I paused “I know I’m not that great of a person-” “Nor-” Draco cut me off but I cut him off before he could finish. “Draco, I’m not afraid to kill someone. I just don’t want to have to” I watched him as he took of his family crest ring off. He then took my left hand and placed it on my ring finger. “I want you to have it. I want to grow old with you; I don’t even care if our children come out with flaming red hair. I love you and I know you hate the ‘what ifs’ in life but I want you to know that I will always be thinking of you no matter what happens” “Is this- are you…asking me to marry you?” my voice quivered. “Would that be a bad thing?” I couldn’t speak I just shook my head no I was on the brink of tears. “Then yeah. Nora Marie Lour will you marry me?” as if a dame broke tears started to stream down my face. It didn’t matter that the ring was already on my finger or the fact that this wasn’t planed on his behalf. It was spontaneous and romantic. “Y-y-yes. I-I-will”

He had a big grin on his face as I stuttered out those three words. He wiped the tears from my cheeks. It didn’t help much since there were still flowing. We both had a laugh and he leaned in and kissed me. We laid together just enjoying each other’s happiness.

If someone would have told me that Draco was this romantic years ago I would have thought they spent too much time in Azkaban. Draco has become a great friend over the last few years but I never thought that I would be lying in bed with him, none the less telling him I would marry him. I never thought that Draco would become the man I know him as today.

“I kind of feel bad” “Why on earth would you be feeling that at a moment like this” “Because I didn’t give you a real ring. You deserve a diamond ring” “You’re ruining the moment, again” “I guess some things just never change” I gave him a kiss. “You have all the time in the world to get me that big cliché diamond engagement ring. But I don’t care about the size or how much it costs all I care about is the boy that gave it to me you could have tied a piece of string to my finger and I would have still said yes”

Many things about our future are unknown. But I have to look on the bright side. It’s not going to be easy but I never thought it would. Things are going to get worse but in the end I know it will get better. Our lives where never meant to be easy. These are obstacles that where put in our way the day we were born and there is no way around them. We have to charge right though.

What I do know about my future is that I’ll be standing besides Draco. In the middle of the good and the bad I know that I will always have him. The man I fell madly in love with.
♠ ♠ ♠

We that’s the end…for now (squeal? maybe). I feel really accomplished. I don’t think I have ever finishes a story this fast in my life. I know it’s short but it’s what I was going for. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you all enjoyed reading it.