What Could and Never Will Be

all for you.

After that night things kind of went back to normal. We still haven’t seen much of Draco but he stopped giving me bullshit answers for why he couldn’t be with us. Celine and Levi still don’t know that he’s a death eater. Even know, because of the families we have all came from; it’s not hard for any of us to guess that might be the reason for the way he has been acting. We don’t talk about it much because of that.

In the middle of the night, most nights, I meet up with Draco in an empty unoccupied classroom. Normally we would sit and talk. Sometimes we would joke around and other nights I would help him with his potions.

“So can I ask what you’ve been doing in the middle of the night?” “Hanging out with you of course” he gave me a cheeky grin “Ha. Ha. I mean when you’re not here” “You can ask but I don’t think I can really tell you” “I understand. Just promise me that if it gets too hard to keep to yourself you can tell me” I suddenly stood up. He gave me a questioning look “Throw a spell at me” “What? Why? Your unarmed” “I think it’s time I tell you a secret. You showed me your I’ll show you mine” he was obviously hesitant. “Just try to jinx me” “Okay just don’t kill me if whatever the hell your doing backfires” within a blink of an eye Draco flicked his wand and I swatted my hand. The spell hit the wall. Draco’s face was filled with confusion and he through another spell. Once again with a swat of my hand the spell hit the floor. Then another spell and another. It went like this for a while till we both got to into it and I through his spell back at him. He flow against the back wall.

“Oh my god!” I gasped as I ran to his limp body that was laying on the floor. I put his head in my lap. His hand went to his head and he blinked a few times. “You okay?” I asked running my hands thought his hair. He looked up at me with a dumbfounded look. “Yeah…I think” I gave him a smile. He was obviously still a bit out of it with the blank look that was still on his face.

“How long have you known you could do wandless magic?” “About a year. You’re the first one to know” “Why?” “Why because, I can trust you” “I mean why haven’t you told anyone else…like Celine?” “I don’t want to be a freak and I just don’t know how she’ll take it. She thinks that no matter what I do, no matter what twist or turn I take, I’ll always end up becoming a death eater” I looked down at the floor and in a softer more quieter voice I added “I don’t want people to be afraid…it just adds to what I’m meant to become” he took my hand “No one could ever be afraid of you” “We all know that’s bullshit everyone’s already afraid of me. People are afraid of anyone that’s in or has been in Slytherin. And don’t even get me started our families. They all have reputations” “Oaky so school kids might be afraid and outsiders might be intimidated but the people that truly know you could never be afraid of you” I let out a slight laugh. I smiled at him with a light laugh “Well you’ve never seen me truly angry”

We sat around for a bit too long and completely lost track of time. “Shit” I jolted up. “What?” Draco was looking around as if someone was in the room with us “look at the time” I saw his gaze go up to the clock “Oh” it was really late and I still need to get some sleep or Celine would be asking questions. When we got to the conmen room Draco took my hand. It took me by surprise. “Tomorrow at dinner would you meet me up in the room of requirements?” “I’ll be there” I gave him a kiss on the cheek “Good night Draco” “Night Nor” and we went our separate ways.

I was sitting by the fire in the common room doing a transfiguration essay when Celine and Levi came up behind me. “Good god girl every time I see you, you have a quill in your hand” “I have a lot of crap to do. What you to up to” I sat my quill down and looked up at them. ”We’re off to dinner. You coming?” “No I’ll see you latter” “Okay but don’t over work yourself” I gave them a smile and watched them walk out. I put all my stuff in my bag and tossed it on my bed. I left the dungeons to see everyone slowly making their way to the great hall for dinner. I on the other hand was going the opposite way making my way to the seventh floor.

When I go to the wall that I know could become an entrance to the room of requirements. I stopped and looked around. No one was around. But what do I think about Draco never told me what I should do when I got there. That’s when it hit me. ‘Just think of Draco’ and as soon as his name came to mind the door appeared.

I walked in seeing the room was lit in only candle light. It was simply breathtaking. The room was surrounded by hundreds of candles, there was a large fireplace on one said and in the center there was a table for two, with a single red rose lying in the center of the table. “You like it” I didn’t even notice Draco standing next to me. “It’s beautiful but what is all this for?” “For you” to put it simply I was taken aback by all this “No one’s ever done anything remotely this romantic for me” he took my hand and lead me to the table. “Well it’s about time someone has”
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Thank you, thank you, thank you for the comments. I love to hear what you have to say! I know that the chapters aren't long so thanks for reading.